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Stopping workflow - Printable Version

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Stopping workflow - El Forum - 07-01-2010

Hi all,

First of all, sorry for my english, I'm french...

I use hooks at 'post_controller_constructor' level to control user is logged in before do any action and I would like to be able to stop the workflow immediately if user isn't logged.
I know it's possible to do a redirection but it's not what I want (because of ajax requests).

Here is my code (last instruction doesn't work):
if ($this->CI->input->post('method') == 'ajax') {
                $this->CI->output->set_header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden");
                $this->CI->output->_display(); <--- STOP THERE AND RENDER

I simply search a way to say "stop there and render immediately without passing in the called controller".

Many thanks by advice for your answers.


Stopping workflow - El Forum - 07-01-2010

from the userguide:

Called immediately after your controller is fully executed.

I don't think that will give you any security (if that is what you are after).

You should think about using a pre_controller hook, or check for permissions inside the controller constructor.

I use this function to stop worflow + display output, but I execute it inside a controller:

public function _end() {
        log_message('debug', get_class($this) . '->' . __FUNCTION__ . '()');
        $BM  =& load_class('Benchmark');
        $EXT =& load_class('Hooks');
        $OUT =& load_class('Output');
        $RTR =& load_class('Router');
        $class  = $RTR->fetch_class();
        $method = $RTR->fetch_method();
        // Mark a benchmark end point
        $BM->mark('controller_execution_time_( '.$class.' / '.$method.' )_end');
         * ------------------------------------------------------
         *  Is there a "post_controller" hook?
         * ------------------------------------------------------
         * ------------------------------------------------------
         *  Send the final rendered output to the browser
         * ------------------------------------------------------
        if ($EXT->_call_hook('display_override') === FALSE)
         * ------------------------------------------------------
         *  Is there a "post_system" hook?
         * ------------------------------------------------------
         * ------------------------------------------------------
         *  Close the DB connection if one exists
         * ------------------------------------------------------
        if (class_exists('CI_DB') AND isset($this->CI->db))


Stopping workflow - El Forum - 07-01-2010

He's using post_controller_constructor, not post_controller.

There's no reason you can't do what you're already doing, just add an exit() after _display(). You'll lost the post_system hook this way, and CI calls db->close() after _display, so if you're using persistent connections you would want to manually close those.

Stopping workflow - El Forum - 07-01-2010

My mistake Smile

Stopping workflow - El Forum - 07-01-2010

Wonderful noctrum solutions seems to work like a charm Smile

Here is the final code:
if ($this->CI->input->post('method') == 'ajax') {
                $this->CI->output->set_header("HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden");