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MY_Controller vs. Foo_Controller - Printable Version

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MY_Controller vs. Foo_Controller - El Forum - 08-21-2010

What is the functional difference between:

class MY_Controller extends Controller
class Admin_Controller extends MY_Controller


class LoginRequired_Controller extends Controller
class Admin_Controller extends LoginRequired_Controller

They're both extending "Controller", so what's the point of using MY_?

Thanks for any insight!


MY_Controller vs. Foo_Controller - El Forum - 08-21-2010

[eluser]J Maxwell[/eluser]
CodeIgniter will automatically look for and load "MY_", although if you change the setting in the config file then you can get it to load "LoginRequired_" automatically instead? Although then all of your custom overrides to core libraries would have to be "LoginRequired".

If MY_ is bothering you, why not change it to "Site_" or "Wizard_" or something equally cool? Ahem.

MY_Controller vs. Foo_Controller - El Forum - 08-21-2010

Ah, you've cleared it up. It's that "MY_" is autoloaded whereas the other is not. I don't have a problem with the prefix; I just didn't understand it's purpose.


MY_Controller vs. Foo_Controller - El Forum - 08-21-2010

[eluser]J Maxwell[/eluser]
Hehe I did have a problem with the prefix, just sounded a little unprofessional in code that sometimes the client would see, so changed it to my company initials.

Glad to help,


MY_Controller vs. Foo_Controller - El Forum - 08-21-2010

So a way around all this (if you don't mind PHP 5 compatibility) is to add an auto-load function to config.php:

| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Native Auto-load
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Nothing to do with cnfig/autoload.php, this allows PHP autoload to work
| for base controllers and some third-party libraries.
function __autoload($class)
if(strpos($class, 'CI_') !== 0)
  @include_once( APPPATH . 'libraries/'. $class . EXT );

Thanks to Phil Sturgeon, for this bit of usefulness.