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[SOLVED]Model problem - Printable Version

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[SOLVED]Model problem - El Forum - 09-01-2010


I am starting with CI, and I already have a problem

Here is my site controller code

class Home extends Controller{

function index()



My Data_Model code is

<? php
class Data_model extends Model {

function Data_model()

function index()
// Accessing database

when I run the code, here is what I get

db->get('raflist'); if ($q_all->num_rows > 0) { foreach ($q_all->result() as $row) { $data[] = $row->prod_name; $data[] = $row->nb_tickets_sold; $data[] = $row->bin_price.$row->end_date; } $q_all->free_result(); return $data; } } } } ?>
Fatal error: Class 'Data_model' not found in C:\WampServer\www\Rafflz\system\libraries\Loader.php on line 184

The model Data_model is in the models folder and seems to be declared properly, but I can't seem to find what the error is

Help please


[SOLVED]Model problem - El Forum - 09-01-2010

[eluser]Geo Paul[/eluser]
Try changing all the 'D' of you Data_model to 'd' .. so it will be data_model.php
class data_model{}

I once had such a problem which was solved like this!

[SOLVED]Model problem - El Forum - 09-01-2010

[eluser]Geo Paul[/eluser]
And Please make sure to add


to the controller Constructor!!..

//php 5 constructor
function __construct() {

//php 4 constructor
function user_controller() {

[SOLVED]Model problem - El Forum - 09-01-2010


Thanks for the answers.

I did what you suggested but nothing changed, I still have the error.


[SOLVED]Model problem - El Forum - 09-01-2010

You're getting PHP code as part of your error message?

[SOLVED]Model problem - El Forum - 09-01-2010


I only get this error message

db->get(‘raflist’); if ($q_all->num_rows > 0) { foreach ($q_all->result() as $row) { $data[] = $row->prod_name; $data[] = $row->nb_tickets_sold; $data[] = $row->bin_price.$row->end_date; } $q_all->free_result(); return $data; } } } } ?>

Fatal error: Class ‘Data_model’ not found in C:\WampServer\www\Rafflz\system\libraries\Loader.php on line 184


[SOLVED]Model problem - El Forum - 09-01-2010

Hi the php code that appears in the message is part of the Data_model model
Here is the code

<? php
class Data_model extends Model {

// function data_model()
function __construct()

//php 4 constructor
function user_controller()

// {
// parent::Model();
// }

function index()
function getall(){
$q_all = $this->db->get('raflist');

if ($q_all->num_rows > 0)
foreach ($q_all->result() as $row)
$data[] = $row->prod_name;
$data[] = $row->nb_tickets_sold;
$data[] = $row->bin_price.$row->end_date;
return $data;

[SOLVED]Model problem - El Forum - 09-01-2010

your model code is a complete mess.
try this cleaned up code:
class Data_model extends Model {

  // only one constructor
  function data_model()
  // then come the functions
  function getall(){
      $q_all = $this->db->get('raflist');
      if (!$q_all->num_rows)
          return FALSE;

      return result_array();

the file must be in the models directory, named as data_model.php

your Controller:
class Home extends Controller{

  function index()

When you changed this, y

[SOLVED]Model problem - El Forum - 09-01-2010

Thanks for your help,

I have made the changes you gave me, it's going better, but I still have this

db->get('raflist'); if (!$q_all->num_rows) { return FALSE; } return result_array(); } // End of function getall } // End of class
Fatal error: Class 'Data_model' not found in C:\WampServer\www\Rafflz\system\libraries\Loader.php on line 184

Data_model.php is in the models directory

Probably something stupid hanging

[SOLVED]Model problem - El Forum - 09-01-2010

data_model.php must be written in lower case as filename
and please correct the constructor
function data_model() to function Data_model()