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Understanding print_r() - Printable Version

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Understanding print_r() - El Forum - 11-11-2010

I've written a little debug stub in vim for PHP variables.
From the variable name, it expands to the following:
echo "<pre>foo: " . print_r($foo) . "</pre>"; ## DEBUG GLOBAL
Real world example where I am inspecting index.php
$controller = BASEPATH.'codeigniter/CodeIgniter'.EXT;
echo "<pre>controller: " . print_r($controller) . "</pre>"; ## DEBUG GLOBAL
And the output is
controller: 1
Note that controller: 1 is on a second line and tends to be a little
confusing. The output that I am really looking for would be
controller: /home/http/php/ci/system/codeigniter/CodeIgniter.php
OR considering that I will be dealing with complex data structures:
Quote:controller: 1

How can I make that happen?

Understanding print_r() - El Forum - 11-11-2010

Check the PHP manual for print_r(). You'll notice that it prints (echo's) the parameter, and returns true.

Understanding print_r() - El Forum - 11-11-2010

[quote author="WanWizard" date="1289530227"]Check the PHP manual for print_r(). You'll notice that it prints (echo's) the parameter, and returns true.[/quote]
Are you referring to - link contained in the PHP man page?
If so, I have yet to have found documentation for print_r() at that site.
(but have found all kinds of other interesting and useful functions)

If not, could you point me directly to the documentation?
That would give me some more clues as to how find my way around.

Understanding print_r() - El Forum - 11-11-2010

Google "print_r". The first link returned is Doesn't look to difficult.

Understanding print_r() - El Forum - 11-11-2010

Never mind. I found the documentation under Function Index.
As =>

BTW: The expansion that works a little better for readability is
echo "<hr>foo: " ; print_r($foo); ## DEBUG GLOBAL
The vim code :coolsmile: for you vim users is
function! PHPGlobalDebug()
    let wrd=expand("<cWORD>")
    let cmd = "norm! ^dwaecho \"<hr>" . wrd . ": \" ; " . "print_r($" . wrd ."); ## DEBUG GLOBAL"
     exe cmd
and the keymapping I use is
inoremap <C-d><C-g>  <Esc>:call PHPGlobalDebug()<CR>A
(Obfuscated is a calling function with a filetype switch)
BTW: How did I get to be Grad Student? Heck, I'm still in first grade.