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Problem with creating sets of rules - Printable Version

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Problem with creating sets of rules - El Forum - 11-26-2010

Hi everyone!

I've been working with CodeIgniter for a while and it is amazing. I have a little problem here. I'm trying to validate a form with the sets of rules and I can't seem to be able to make it work. I did some test and the file_validation.php file is loaded. I have no idea what is the problem. Does someone have an idea ? Thank You.

Here is my code :

My controller file :


class Quoi_de_neuf extends Controller
function Quoi_de_neuf()

function index()


function abonnez_vous_a_notre_infocite()
$this->load->model("quoi_de_neuf_model", "quoi_de_neuf");

$data["array_of_background"] = array("media/images/bgd/home.jpg");
$data["css_files"] = array(minify(array_merge($this->config->item("default_css"), array("quoi-de-neuf.css")), "css"));
$data["js_files"] = array(minify(array_merge($this->config->item("default_js"), array("sub-menu.js")), "js"));
$data["content_view"] = "quoi_de_neuf/abonnez_vous_a_notre_infocite_view";
$data["title"] = "Abonnez-vous à notre infocité";
$data["start_year_for_birth"] = 1900;
$data["end_year_for_birth"] = 2010;
$data["saved_result"] = $this->session->flashdata("saved_result");

$data["default_email"] = $this->input->post("txt_email_infocite");

if (isset($_POST["btn_envoyer"]) == true)

if ($this->form_validation->run("infocite_required") == true)
// Some stuff
// Some stuff


$this->load->view("templates/main_view", $data);

My form validation file :

<?php if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

$config = array
"infocite_required" => array
"field" => "txt_nom",
"label" => "Nom",
"rules" => "required"