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Reactor vs Core - El Forum - 01-03-2011

Quick question which may or may not have been answered and which may or may not be premature.

Reactor will be presided over by 6 non-Ellis people. Core will be maintained by EllisLabs. Is this right so far?

I was just wondering how this will work when it comes to actual work. Currently if someone wants a website built with CodeIgniter then its pretty simple. Will people soon have to specify a version.

'This should be built with Core / Reactor'?

Isn't there a risk you just creating competition for yourself and splitting the developer base? Or have I got this all wrong?

Reactor vs Core - El Forum - 01-03-2011

[eluser]Eric Barnes[/eluser]
I think it may be a little premature and if I say anything out of line I am sure one of the other 5 will correct it Wink

Reactor will be presided over by both the gang of 6 as well as EllisLab employees. The core will continue and it will basically have parts of the reactor merged into it. (mainly bug fixes). I believe this is done so EllisLab can ensure they have full control over the code in their products and to make sure there is no compatibility issues.

The reactor is what you should be using when it is released and is what Ellislab will be pushing. But they feel if they are not using it totally in their products then some people will want to use exactly what they are. So this gives those users that ability if they desire. The reactor will also progress at a much faster pace and be a lot more community involved.

Hope this helps and doesn't add any more confusion. Smile

Reactor vs Core - El Forum - 01-04-2011

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Eric is right.

The important thing to remember is this is not two completely different frameworks. Reactor will be merged with all Core changes and Core will cherry pick out certain commits and merge them back in.

You can already see there that a few of the Engineer commits are in the Core version.

We won't be doing anything to break compatibility so you won't have to worry about which version to use. Just use Reactor unless you are doing something extremely high level and you need to be 100% certain that it is stable.

Core = Stable and boring
Reactor = Slightly less stable at times with awesome features

Reactor vs Core - El Forum - 01-04-2011

Ellislab only implemented the Reactor branch to make people like Sturgeon STFU. I will be staying with the core releases and advise everyone to do the same.

Reactor vs Core - El Forum - 01-04-2011

[eluser]luke holder[/eluser]
Wired. I agree 100%. Reactor suckorz.

Although I'm looking forward to fuelphp more.

Reactor vs Core - El Forum - 01-04-2011

[quote author="wiredesignz" date="1294164326"]Ellislab only implemented the Reactor branch to make people like Sturgeon STFU. I will be staying with the core releases and advise everyone to do the same.[/quote]

Seriously? Where's the sin bin feature?

Reactor vs Core - El Forum - 01-04-2011

[quote author="stinhambo" date="1294164910"]Seriously? Where's the sin bin feature?[/quote]

You're kidding right? Just watch how sturgeon screams injustice when his work is excluded from the core development.

Reactor vs Core - El Forum - 01-04-2011

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
[quote author="wiredesignz" date="1294164326"]Ellislab only implemented the Reactor branch to make people like Sturgeon think that they are important and STFU. I will be staying with the core releases and advise everyone to do the same.[/quote]

If that is the way you want to look at a company responding to the wishes of the community then you go ahead, but do not suggest against people using Reactor.

We have already implemented many features and are talking to the community about what they want added. We can add features quicker the EllisLab and while we don't want to break compatibility with anything it does mean we don't have to worry about wether or not it will break compatibility with ExpressionEngine. That takes the muzzle off the framework.

[quote author="luke holder" date="1294164806"]Reactor suckorz.

Although I'm looking forward to fuelphp more.[/quote]

How can you say it sucks? You haven't seen it. FuelPHP is a different framework for totally different people. CodeIgniter has a low footprint and a low barrier to entry. It will stay as the easiest framework with the least conventions and for that it is amazing.

FuelPHP is a totally different beast. PHP 5.3 only and requires a lot of extra knowledge that the vast majority of PHP beginners will not have.

Reactor vs Core - El Forum - 01-04-2011

[quote author="wiredesignz" date="1294164326"]Ellislab only implemented the Reactor branch to make people like Sturgeon think that they are important and STFU. I will be staying with the core releases and advise everyone to do the same.[/quote]

Whats with the personal attack?

Anyways I am actually looking forward to Reactor... Bring some new features to an already amazing framework. As long as it doesn't destroy the original framework I'm all for it... But I guess thats why they have a separate Core as well.

Reactor vs Core - El Forum - 01-04-2011

[eluser]Yorick Peterse[/eluser]
I think we all need to calm down, not just wired. Codeigniter's stable branch can be seen as a corporate product, Ellislab uses it and thus won't include every possible feature submitted by a bunch of "I can haz youtube" folks. Simply because they either don't like it or don't need it. Reactor seems very promising as it will be run by some of the more "famous" Codeigniter peeps, while I only know Phil and what he does I'm pretty confident the rest will perform well. If they don't they'll be kicked out pretty soon like happened in the past (not going to cal any names here). This however doesn't mean I'm not sceptic about the whole idea and I do see upcoming problems regarding new features in either one of the branches.

So, what the hell is my reason for posting? I'm getting sick of people always complaining about about Codeigniter, it's lack of features compared to other frameworks or people such as Wired who keep mocking others (for whatever the reason). As skilled as these coders may be (Wired being one of those skilled ones) it doesn't give you a free ticket to being a big asshole. There's simply no point in always throwing dirt at others especially if those actually try to improve the very same product you work with.

I'm not going to defend anybody here, everybody has his problems and skills (including me) but for the love of motherf*cking jezus christ, stop being a dick until there's actually something to be a dick about: a physical and publicly accessible repository on Bitbucket. Once that's there you can decide how to think about the product, until then go back to your cave and fix your bugs and shut up.