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Selecting category details and products linked with the same category. - Printable Version

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Selecting category details and products linked with the same category. - El Forum - 02-04-2011

[eluser]Bigil Michael[/eluser]
i want to list car category name and car details in a single page

but the result is car details are same for every category....
can anyone help me .....

thanks in advance

function index()
    $fleets = $this->Fleets_model->select_fleets();
    $this->data['fleets'] = $fleets;
        foreach($fleets as $row)
         $cid = $row->category_id;
         $this->data['listefleets'] = $this->Fleets_model->list_fleets($cid);

function select_fleets()
    $this->db->select('car_category.category_name, car_category.category_id, car_category.details');
    $this->db->join('cars', 'cars.category_id = car_category.category_id');
    $result_product = $this->db->get();
    return $result_product->result();
function list_fleets($cid)
   $result_product = $this->db->get('cars');
   return $result_product->result();
<?php foreach($fleets as $row)
   <?php echo $row->category_name;?>
     <?php foreach($listefleets as $row)
         <?php echo $row->car_name;?>

Selecting category details and products linked with the same category. - El Forum - 02-04-2011

First thing. Please use code blocks for your code. Makes it much easier to read. like this

code here...
code here...
code here...

Now on to your question. From the looks of you code am I correct in saying that for each category displayed the result is all the car names from the last category.

Category 1

Category 2

Category 3

If I am correct, it is because of this

foreach($fleets as $row)
$cid = $row->category_id;
$this->data['listefleets'] = $this->Fleets_model->list_fleets($cid);

from this code it looks like every time you loop you are overwriting $this->data['listefleets'] so by the time you call the view your $this->data['listefleets'] only has the info from the last loop

Selecting category details and products linked with the same category. - El Forum - 02-04-2011

[eluser]Bigil Michael[/eluser]
how do i solve this problem???

Selecting category details and products linked with the same category. - El Forum - 02-04-2011

[eluser]Isern Palaus[/eluser]

foreach($fleets as $row)
     $cid = $row->category_id;
     $listefleets[] = $this->Fleets_model->list_fleets($cid);

$this->data["listefleets"] = $listefleets;

Selecting category details and products linked with the same category. - El Forum - 02-04-2011

[eluser]Bigil Michael[/eluser]
but it shows error in the view page

Message: Trying to get property of non-object

is there any change in the view page????

Selecting category details and products linked with the same category. - El Forum - 02-04-2011

[eluser]Isern Palaus[/eluser]
Use <pre>&lt;?php print_r($variable);?&gt;</pre> to see what you've to render (an array).

Selecting category details and products linked with the same category. - El Forum - 02-04-2011

[eluser]Bigil Michael[/eluser]
it shows the same car details in every categories

Selecting category details and products linked with the same category. - El Forum - 02-04-2011

Show your databse table structure, that could be the problem!

When dealing with categories any sub-categories need to have
a parent_id pointing to the main category.


Selecting category details and products linked with the same category. - El Forum - 02-04-2011

[eluser]Bigil Michael[/eluser]
can u help me?? i didn't used parent id till this time

table car_category
category_id, category_name, details, photo

table cars
id, car_name, category_id, description
i dont know for why we use parent id...
if i use parentid how i write query???

thanks in advance....

Selecting category details and products linked with the same category. - El Forum - 02-04-2011

[eluser]Bigil Michael[/eluser]
Group D

Daily Rate (AED) Weekly Rate (AED) Monthly Rate (AED) View Details
YARIS - 2011 100 630 2100 Click here
Lancer - 2010 100 600 1850 Click here

Group C

Daily Rate (AED) Weekly Rate (AED) Monthly Rate (AED) View Details
YARIS - 2011 100 630 2100 Click here
Lancer - 2010 100 600 1850 Click here

Group A

Daily Rate (AED) Weekly Rate (AED) Monthly Rate (AED) View Details
YARIS - 2011 100 630 2100 Click here
Lancer - 2010 100 600 1850 Click here

this is the result iam getting.

car group(category) name is different but car details are repeating
can any one help me???