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Where to store a common variable - Printable Version

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Where to store a common variable - El Forum - 02-11-2011


I'm working on a simple navigation helper to place a navigation menu anywhere i need it and having the current section selected, and i need a way to define the array with the menu structure to pass it to the helper.

Where should i save that array to be available for the helper?

It will look something like this:
$items = array(
            'home' => array(
                'id'      => 'home',
                'title'     => 'Home',
                'link'   => ''
            'about' => array(
                'id'      => 'about',
                'title'     => 'About Us',
                'link'   => 'aboutus'
            'services' => array(
                'id'      => 'service',
                'title'     => 'Services',
                'link'   => 'services'
            'contact' => array(
                'id'      => 'contact',
                'title'     => 'Contact Us',
                'link'   => 'contact'

Then i can call the menu:
<?php echo menu('about'); ?>

Or in the controller

$data['menu'] = menu('about');

And it will show the complete menu with the 'about' li set with the 'current' class.

Any ideas?

Where to store a common variable - El Forum - 02-12-2011

I'm working on the same... I have sub menus and therefore my arrays wouldn't contain as much information as yours.
$nav = array(
  'home' => array(//sub-menu
      'about', 'contact'
  'stuff' => array(//submenu
      'more', 'pages'
And then the value would also serve as the id and link... i created a nav cfg file and autoload it.

Where to store a common variable - El Forum - 02-12-2011


I did what you said and it worked fine.

This is my config file: (The ids are optional)
$config['navigation'] = array(
            'home' => array(
                'id'     => 'home',
                'title'  => 'Home',
                'link'   => ''
            'about' => array(
                'id'     => 'about',
                'title'  => 'About Us',
                'link'   => 'about'
            'contact' => array(
                'title'  => 'Contact Us',
                'link'   => 'contact'

And here is the helper code
<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

* menu_ul
* Returns a unordered list with the selected item as current
if ( ! function_exists('menu_ul'))
    function menu_ul($sel = 'home')
        $CI =& get_instance();
        $items = $CI->config->item('navigation');
        $menu = '<ul class="main_nav">'."\n";
        foreach($items as $item)
            $current = (in_array($sel, $item)) ? ' class="current"' : '';
            $id = (!empty($item['id'])) ? ' id="'.$item['id'].'"' : '';
            $menu .= '<li'.$current.'><a href="'.$item['link'].'">'.$item['title'].'</a></li>'."\n";
        $menu .= '</ul>';
        return $menu;

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

* menu_p
* Returns a paragraph with the selected item as current
if ( ! function_exists('menu_p'))
    function menu_p($sel = 'home', $separator = '')
        $CI =& get_instance();
        $items = $CI->config->item('navigation');

        $count = count($items);
        $i = 0;
        $menu = "\n".'<p class="bottom_nav">';
        foreach($items as $item)
            $current = (in_array($sel, $item)) ? ' class="current"' : '';
            $id = (!empty($item['id'])) ? ' id="'.$item['id'].'"' : '';
            $menu .= '<a'.$current.' href="'.$item['link'].'"'.$id.'>'.$item['title'].'</a>';
            if($count != $i)
                $menu .= ' '.$separator.' ';
        $menu .= '</p>'."\n";
        return $menu;

/* End of file navigation_helper.php */
/* Location: ./system/helpers/navigation_helper.php */

&lt;?php echo menu_ul('about'); ?&gt;
//Outputs an unordered list with the <li class="current"> for the about link

&lt;?php echo menu_p('about', '|'); ?&gt;
//Second parameter is separator, optional

Still not sure if i'm loading the config file correctly, but it works fine.

Thank you.