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Dvide article for part. - Printable Version

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Dvide article for part. - El Forum - 10-25-2007


I have a question, how can I divide long article for smaller part (pages).
Is it easy way to resolve this problem by use CI?

Sorry for ma English Smile

Dvide article for part. - El Forum - 10-25-2007

You could always jsut truncate the text to a certain amount of chars.

Have a look in the Text Helper for some nifty functions.

You might also want to look into pagination to create several pages with navigation.

Dvide article for part. - El Forum - 10-26-2007

[quote author="schnoodles" date="1193372192"]You might also want to look into pagination to create several pages with navigation.[/quote]

..but how?

In article I have: title, author, write_date, content.
Content is a lot of words. How divide it for few pages using pagination. I don't have idea.

Dvide article for part. - El Forum - 10-26-2007

function wordcount($str) {
return count(array_filter(explode(' ', $str)));
function wordlimiter($str,$start,$end){
$temp = array_filter(explode(' ', $str));
return array_slice($temp,$start,$end);
you could split up the article for instance in three parts
$words = wordcount($row->content);
$partwordsnr = floor($words/3);
$parts = array();
$start = 0;
$end = $partwordsnr;
   $parts[] = wordlimiter($row->content,$start,$end);
   $start = $partwordsnr;
   $end = $count+$partwordsnr;
Then in the view you could do something like
<div class="articlecontent">
&lt;?php foreach($parts as $part){ ?&gt;
<div class="articlepart">&lt;?php echo $part; ?&gt;</div>
&lt;?php } ?&gt;
It's ruff code but it might give you some idea on how you can accomplish what you want.

update : code mistake

Dvide article for part. - El Forum - 10-26-2007

The code i displayed is if the pageparts are shown and hidden using javascript that way you can easily switch between showing the whole article and the cut up version.