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Extending CI_Controller is not working - Printable Version

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Extending CI_Controller is not working - El Forum - 02-27-2011


i am using CodeIgniter 2.0.

I have a base controller class ControllerBase (ControllerBase.php) that extends the CI_Controller.
I have put this in the application/libraries folder.

class ControllerBase extends CI_Controller
    var $_layout;

    function __construct($layout = 'shared/_layout')
        $this->_layout = $layout;

    function setLayout($layout)
        $this->_layout = $layout;

    function loadLayoutView($view, $title = "", $data = null, $return = false)
        $data['title'] = $title;
        $data['view'] = $this->load->view($view, $data, true);

        return $this->load->view($this->_layout, $data, $return);

The idea is that i usually want this to be the class that all my Controllers extends, and I can put all shared functions in only one place.

But whenever i try to extend this class (ControllerBase) from one of my Controllers (in application/controllers) i get an error saying "Fatal error: Class 'ControllerBase' not found in......"

class Home extends ControllerBase
    function __construct()

    function index()
        $this->loadLayoutView('home/index', 'Home');

I have registered ControllerBase in the autoload.php
$autoload['libraries'] = array('ControllerBase');

The file is being loaded - if i try to echo out something at the top of the file and i dont try to extend it.

I have also tried naming the file with the MY_ prefix but it doesnt make a difference, I still get the error message when i try to extend the class.

It works fine if I put the ControllerBase class in the same file as the Home class

So i suspect it has something to do with the autoloading happening to late in the proccess (after the Home class tries to extend the ControllerBase), or maybe the naming of the file?

I assume application/libraries is the correct place to put the file?

Anyone who can figure out what i am doing wrong ?

Extending CI_Controller is not working - El Forum - 02-27-2011

MY_Controller extends CI_Controller - place MY_Controller in application/core

Extended Controllers go in application/controllers

Home extends MY_Controller

Read - Phil Sturgeon's CodeIgniter Base Classes: Keeping it DRY


Extending CI_Controller is not working - El Forum - 02-27-2011

Thanks for the reply.

Works perfectly.
But not quite happy with the file name (MY_Controller) ... but i will live with it. Smile

Thanks again.

Extending CI_Controller is not working - El Forum - 02-27-2011

You can change the default 'MY_' prefix to anything you want in the config.

Extending CI_Controller is not working - El Forum - 04-19-2011

[quote author="InsiteFX" date="1298853162"]MY_Controller extends CI_Controller - place MY_Controller in application/core

Extended Controllers go in application/controllers


Should this be a listed step in the upgrading documentation?

In 2.01 to 2.02, step 3 mentions that security should be moved...but I don't see any other steps instructiong about what to do with extended controllers.

Extending CI_Controller is not working - El Forum - 04-19-2011

You need to add this!
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
|  Native Autoload - by Phil Sturgeon.
| -------------------------------------------------------------------
| Nothing to do with config/autoload.php, this allows PHP autoload to work
| for base controllers and some third-party libraries.
| If using HMVC you do not need this! HMVC will autoload.
| Place this code at the bottom of your application/config/config.php file.
function __autoload($class)
    if (strpos($class, 'CI_') !== 0)
        @include_once(APPPATH . 'core/' . $class . EXT);
