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Proposed solution for OCI8 insert_id() - Printable Version

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Proposed solution for OCI8 insert_id() - El Forum - 03-07-2011


I am a codeigniter beginner, working my way from creating my own collection of scripts to a framework for RAD, and I chose CI, for usability and speed.

Because of my infrastructure, I am required to use oracle for my web db development, which has been pretty good while developing with CI, except for one area, insert_id(), because oracle does not have an auto-increment column type

I had a few hackish ways of getting around this , like calling select statements of sequences prior to insert that had no triggers, but today really refined a perfect way to return the id on an oracle insert(after creating a sequence and trigger).
$link = oci_connect($db_schema, $db_psw, $conn);

      ." VALUES ('one', 'two', 'three', SYSDATE )"
      ." return ID into :id";
    $squery = oci_parse($link, $code);
    oci_bind_by_name($squery,":id", $id, 10, SQLT_INT);
    return $id;
This is based on the example provided by the Underground PHP and Oracle manual.

My concern is this...The current oci_driver.php has the insert_id() function listed as "unsupported" , and I would love to roll the above solution into the oci_driver, but understand I should not make changes to the database libraries because they will get overwritten during CI upgrades.

Is it possible if I or anyone else tuned the above syntax to fit the oci and db drivers, that the CI library would incorporate that change? I know that there arent many of us oracle devs out there, but this would be a massive win for the few and proud

Thanks for any thoughts

Proposed solution for OCI8 insert_id() - El Forum - 03-07-2011

Fork the reactor code, make your modifications to the OCI driver, and push your changes back. If it's good, I'm sure they would accept it.