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Best way to extend the cart - Printable Version

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Best way to extend the cart - El Forum - 05-15-2011

Hey everyone,
I'm trying to figure out a good way to extend the cart so that I can use different session names, but everything in the core library has "cart_contents" hard coded into it.

I have a website with 2 different sections. Customers can have access to one, the other, or both. I need 2 different carts (ie: different session names), so that one cart doesn't bleed into the other (if the customer has access to both sections). The 2 different sections have 2 totally different products, database tables, and checkout process.

So my question is: what is the best way of changing/extending the cart library so that I can dynamically change the session names?

Thanks in advance.

Best way to extend the cart - El Forum - 05-16-2011


Best way to extend the cart - El Forum - 05-16-2011

How about creating another class like called Customer_cart, and do a search and replace for "cart_contents". Then you could load cart and customer_cart.

Best way to extend the cart - El Forum - 05-16-2011

It's only in five spots. You could also extend the cart class with MY_Cart.php instead of 'cart_contents' being hard coded as the session variable, you could add a new property to the class called cart_key. Then you could make the get/set routines of the class require the session variable.

Something like:
class MY_Cart extends CI_Cart{

  public $cart_key;

  public function __construct(){
    $this->cart_key = 'cart_contents';

  public function insert($items = array(), $cart_key = 'cart_contents')
    $this->cart_key = $cart_key;
   //insert() method

  private function _save_cart()
    //More stuff here

    // If we made it this far it means that our cart has data.
    // Let's pass it to the Session class so it can be stored
    $this->CI->session->set_userdata(array($this->cart_key => $this->_cart_contents));