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Call to undefined method Site_model::userd() I do not get it - Printable Version

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Call to undefined method Site_model::userd() I do not get it - El Forum - 07-30-2011

Hey guys,

I have a problem with function in site controller. I am inserting a data into database and I have an easy function in my controller

function create_user()
                    $users = array(

Then I have model: site_model and inside

function userd($users)

Then when I enter data into inputs and click on submit in my view I get this:

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Site_model::userd() in........

Why? Everything seems fine to me in the code.

Thank you

Call to undefined method Site_model::userd() I do not get it - El Forum - 07-30-2011

[eluser]Bart v B[/eluser]
Did you also load the model in the controller?
some thing like $this->load->model('site_model');

function userd($users)

Call to undefined method Site_model::userd() I do not get it - El Forum - 07-30-2011

I load all models automatically in autoload.php

Call to undefined method Site_model::userd() I do not get it - El Forum - 07-30-2011

I don't really see a problem neither, did you check uppercase and lowercase for nameing files and calling them?