my own user registeration and login library! - El Forum - 12-09-2007
hi people,
i finished to work on my members application, and i want u to see it and see if i can improve it some how, and offcourse u can use it if u need to.
this is how i built it:
i have a Forms.php controller, that containes the login() and the register() pages, as well as a securityimg() function (to validate the forms) and emailcheck() and usercheck() functions to see that the user name and email are not allready in the DB.
Code: class Forms extends Controller
function Forms()
function index()
function securityimg()
// get parameters
isset($_GET['width']) ? $iWidth = (int)$_GET['width'] : $iWidth = 150;
isset($_GET['height']) ? $iHeight = (int)$_GET['height'] : $iHeight = 30;
// create new image
$this->securityimg_lib->SecurityImage($iWidth, $iHeight);
//Handling with the Login
function login()
$rules['username'] = "trim|required|alpha_dash|min_length[2]|max_length[32]|prep_for_form|htmlspecialchars|xss_clean";
$rules['password'] = "trim|required|min_length[4]|max_length[32]|prep_for_form|htmlspecialchars|xss_clean";
$rules['remember'] = "prep_for_form|htmlspecialchars|xss_clean";
$this->validation->set_error_delimiters('<b>שגיאה: </b>', '<br />');
$fields['username'] = 'השם משתמש';
$fields['password'] = 'הסיסמא';
$fields['remember'] = 'זכור אותי';
if ($this->validation->run() == FALSE)
$data['message'] = $this->validation->error_string;
//security code is wrong?
if ((isset($_POST['send'])) && ($this->session->userdata('code') != strtoupper($_POST['securityimg'])))
$data['message'] .= "<b>שגיאה: </b>הקוד אבטחה שגוי.";
$this->layout->buildPage('login', $data);
else //all the form fields are fine
//security code is wrong?
if ($this->session->userdata('code') != strtoupper($_POST['securityimg']))
$data['message'] = "<b>שגיאה: </b>הקוד אבטחה שגוי.";
$this->layout->buildPage('login', $data);
$pass = md5(sha1($_POST['password'])); //encrypting the password
if ($this->user_lib->login($_POST['username'], $pass)) //checking the user data
if ((isset($_POST['remember'])) && ($_POST['remember'] == "1")) //creating coockies
set_cookie('user', $pass, 3600*24*365);
set_cookie('name', $_POST['username'], 3600*24*365);
else //creating short time coockies
$this->session->set_userdata('user', $pass);
$this->session->set_userdata('name', $_POST['username']);
else //username or password incorrect
$data['message'] = "<b>שגיאה: </b>שם המשתמש או הסיסמא שהכנסת אינם נכונים.";
$this->layout->buildPage('login', $data);
//show_error('An unexpected error occurred, please try again.');
(ran out of characters)
my own user registeration and login library! - El Forum - 12-09-2007
here is the rest of Forms.php
Code: //
//Handling with the registration
function register()
$rules['username'] = "trim|required|alpha_dash|min_length[2]|max_length[32]|prep_for_form|htmlspecialchars|xss_clean|callback_username_check";
$rules['password'] = "trim|required|min_length[4]|max_length[32]|matches[passconf]|prep_for_form|htmlspecialchars|xss_clean";
$rules['passconf'] = "required|prep_for_form";
$rules['email'] = "trim|required|valid_email|matches[emailconf]|prep_for_form|htmlspecialchars|xss_clean|callback_email_check";
$rules['emailconf'] = "required|prep_for_form";
$this->validation->set_error_delimiters('<b>שגיאה: </b>', '<br />');
$fields['username'] = 'השם משתמש';
$fields['password'] = 'הסיסמא';
$fields['passconf'] = 'האישור סיסמא';
$fields['email'] = 'הדואר אלקטרוני';
$fields['emailconf'] = 'אימות הדוא"ל';
if ($this->validation->run() == FALSE)
$data['message'] = $this->validation->error_string;
if ((isset($_POST['send'])) && ($this->session->userdata('code') != strtoupper($_POST['securityimg']))) //security code is wrong?
$data['message'] .= "<b>שגיאה: </b>הקוד אבטחה שגוי.";
$this->layout->buildPage('register', $data);
else //all the form fields are fine
if ($this->session->userdata('code') != strtoupper($_POST['securityimg'])) //security code is wrong?
$data['message'] = "<b>שגיאה: </b>הקוד אבטחה שגוי.";
$this->layout->buildPage('register', $data);
if ($this->user_m->register($_POST)) //adding the user
redirect('/show/login'); //going to the login page
show_error('An unexpected error occurred, please try again.');
function username_check($str) //username allready exists in the DB?
if ($this->user_m->check_match($str, 'username') == TRUE)
$this->validation->set_message('username_check', '%s שבחרת כבר נמצא בשימוש.');
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
function email_check($str) //email allready exists in the DB?
if ($this->user_m->check_match($str, 'email') == TRUE)
$this->validation->set_message('email_check', '%s שבחרת כבר נמצא בשימוש.');
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
now, i have a model called user_m.php that for now containes two functions: register() - putting the user data inside the DB, and check_match() - used in the emailcheck() and usercheck() functions that in my Forms.php controller.
Code: class User_m extends Model
var $object;
function User_m()
// Call the Model constructor
$this->object =& get_instance();
//Adding the user to the database
function register($info)
$info['password'] = md5(sha1($info['password']));
$data = array( 'username' => $info['username'],
'password' => $info['password'],
'email' => $info['email']
if($this->object->db->insert('users', $data))
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Check Match
* @access public
* @param string value
* @param string field name
* @return boolean true or false if there's a match
function check_match($var, $field)
$query = $this->object->db->getwhere('users', array($field => $var));
if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
my own user registeration and login library! - El Forum - 12-09-2007
the third part of my application is the user_lib.php library. in there i have the login checking and the auth() function that checks if the user has authoration and to see if he is looged with cookies or sessions.
Code: class User_lib
var $object;
function User_lib()
$this->object =& get_instance();
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Checks if the login information is true
* @access public
* @param string name
* @param string password
* @return boolean true or false if login correct
function login($user, $pass)
/*see if the username and the password matches, if so return true*/
//$info['password'] = md5(sha1($info['password'])); //encrypting the password
$this->object->db->where('username', $user);
$this->object->db->where('password', $pass);
$query = $this->object->db->get();
if ($query->num_rows() == 0) //שם המשתמש או הסיסמא אינם נכונים
return FALSE;
$x = $query->row();
if ($pass != $x->password) //checks if the pass entered matches the password
return FALSE;
return TRUE;
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
* Checks if the login information is true
* @access public
* @param string cookie name
* @param string cookie password
* @return boolean true or false has authoratoin
function auth()
$cook_name = get_cookie('name');
$cook_pass = get_cookie('user');
if ((($cook_name == '')) || (($cook_pass == ''))) //don't have cookies? maybe have sessions
if ($this->sess_auth()) //cuz user don't want the browser to remember him
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
if (($cook_name != '') && ($cook_pass != '')) //coockie way
if ($this->login($cook_name, $cook_pass) == TRUE)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
else //not loged
return FALSE;
//Session authoration
function sess_auth()
$sess_name = $this->object->session->userdata('name');
$sess_pass = $this->object->session->userdata('user');
if (isset($sess_name) && isset($sess_pass)) //session way
if ($this->login($sess_name, $sess_pass) == TRUE)
return TRUE;
return FALSE;
else //not loged
return FALSE;
and that is it. what do u think?
thank u for ur time!
my own user registeration and login library! - El Forum - 01-11-2008
hi I'm new in CI...
i have copy and tried your code... can ask for the securityimg_lib file. thanks by the way.. when i load the page it doesn't redirect... the page will display the page isn't redirecting properly..Firefox has detected that the server is redirecting the request for this address in a way that will never complete....
please post it as soon as possible thanks
if you could include the databse please include it.. the dump .sql file or so whatever..
if u can zip ur file you can send it to
please, i will use your code for study purposes. thanks
my own user registeration and login library! - El Forum - 01-11-2008
Seriously, Neo. Stop begging. Dogs beg. People don't. (Or..shouldn't)