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redirect after login - El Forum - 01-06-2012

can someone give me code how can i redirect after login on refferer page ?
I had php code, but it doesn't work always, so if anyone have good example ?

redirect after login - El Forum - 03-07-2012

[quote author="Ayeyermaw" date="1325927347"]I use tend to use
in MY_Controller to determine what controller the user is trying to get to. I then set that in a session variable, which the login controller can use to redirect the user back to the correct page after login.
I just woke up so wouldn't dare write example code for you incase it was wrong but hope that helps[/quote]

Are you meaning that with this you, after login the user will be redirected to their current page? I am having problems using $link = current_url(); because it is redirecting the user back to a function in the login class.

redirect after login - El Forum - 03-08-2012

[quote author="Kraig" date="1331182666"]
Are you meaning that with this you, after login the user will be redirected to their current page? I am having problems using $link = current_url(); because it is redirecting the user back to a function in the login class.[/quote]

Without knowing how you are using current_url() it's difficult to help you here so i'll give you and example using it.

In MY_Controller:
public function __construct()

    $logged_in = /* Code to check if user is logged in here */ ;
    if (!logged_in)
        $this->session->set_userdata('return_url', current_url());

and in your login controller (Note: MyLoginController should not extend MY_Controller) you'd have something like this:

// On successful login
$redirect_url = base_url().$this->session->userdata('return_url');
redirect (redirect_url);

The above code is untested but it should give you an idea of what to do.
Hope that helps

redirect after login - El Forum - 03-08-2012

I have a home controller that has a validate_credentials() function. So when the user attempts to login this is the function that gets called no matter what page they are on. The problem I am having is that when I am on a different page and attempt to login, it redirects me back to the validate_credentials page when using current_url(). It still logs me in, but I want it to redirect back to the previous page.

By the way I am using a jQuery I'm on the current page until it redirects me.

redirect after login - El Forum - 03-08-2012

You need to go through it step by step and figure out where current_url is being set to the validate_credentials link. I can't help you here as I can't see your code.

My guess is that your jquery login might be using ajax to check login credentials. If that's the case then current_url will be whatever url your ajax call is using. Not where your browser is pointing

redirect after login - El Forum - 03-08-2012

Ok, my login form is this: I am using an Ajax login
<?php echo form_open('home/validate_credentials'); ?>
     <h1>Member Login</h1>
      if($this->session->userdata('msg', 'reg-msg'))
       echo '<div class="err">'.$this->session->userdata('msg').'</div>';
     <label class="grey" for="username">Username:</label>
     &lt;input class="field" type="text" name="username" id="username"
      value="" size="23" /&gt;
     <label class="grey" for="password">Password:</label>
     &lt;input class="field" type="password" name="password" id="password"
      size="23" /&gt;
              <label>&lt;input name="rememberMe" id="rememberMe" type="checkbox" checked="checked" /&gt; &nbsp;Remember me</label>
           <div class="clear"></div>
     &lt;input type="submit" name="submit" value="Login" class="bt_login" /&gt;
Notice that the forms action is to validate_credentials()

My Home Controller function is this:
public function validate_credentials()
  // Checking whether the Login form has been submitted
   // Will hold errors
   $err = array();
   // field name, error message, validation rules
   $this->form_validation->set_rules('password', 'Password', 'trim|required');
   $this->form_validation->set_rules('username', 'Username', 'trim|required');
   if($this->form_validation->run() == FALSE)
    $err[] = 'All the fields must be filled in!';
   $q = $this->membership_model->validate();
   if($q) // if the user's credentials validated...
    //if(isset($this->input->post('rememberMe'))) // Is rememberMe checked?
    $data = array(
     'username' => $this->input->post('username'),
     'password' => $this->input->post('password'),
     'is_logged_in' => true
    $err[] = 'Username and or password are incorrect.';
    $data = array(
     'msg' => implode('<br />',$err),
     'reg-msg' => ' '
    // Save the error messages in the session
You can see that I have redirects to home/home, but that's all I can do. If I put current_url() that will return http://localhost:8888/ci/home/validate_credentials as the url no matter where I login from. For instance, I can be at http://localhost:8888/ci/acp/home and as soon as I click login the current_url() will still return http://localhost:8888/ci/home/validate_credentials, because I am calling the function validate_credentials() that is in the Home Controller. Is there anything I can do to redirect back to the page where I logged in at?

redirect after login - El Forum - 03-08-2012

current_url() will always be the value of the url you have requested so that's why after you post you are getting that value.
You have to save the value of current_url() to a session variable at the page where you want to return to. You can do that using my example above or you can set it in the construct of every individual controller just before you redirect to the login page.
From that point on you'll have the redirect page in session memory and you can call on it in your validate_credentials function.

instead of
you'd have something like


redirect after login - El Forum - 03-08-2012

So in order for this to work I would need to add
if (!logged_in)
        $this->session->set_userdata('return_url', current_url());

to every Controller construct?? Doesn't that seem a little redundant, especially if you are going to use it for every page?

redirect after login - El Forum - 03-08-2012

Nope... scroll up and read the part about MY_Controller

redirect after login - El Forum - 03-08-2012

Isn't MY_Controller just the name of the controller that you are in? So if I have 3 controllers leading to 3 different pages I would have to include

public function __construct()

     $is_logged_in = $this->session->userdata('is_logged_in');
     if (!$is_logged_in)
         $this->session->set_userdata('return_url', current_url());

into every controller file. I notice that you said you use
but then you would have to add that to every MY_Controller file. Maybe I am thinking about this all wrong...