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The Partial Library - Printable Version

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The Partial Library - El Forum - 03-08-2012

Partial Library will help you develop your application faster, no need for template engines here!

Step one, copy and paste the library to application/libraries/Partial

Step two, create a layout file.
<!DOCTYPE html>
&lt;title&gt;Three Columns&lt;/title&gt;

<! -- position left --&gt;
&lt;?php $partial = $this->partial->load('left'); ?&gt;
&lt;?php foreach($partial as $key => $value); ?&gt;
&lt;?php echo $value; ?&gt;
&lt;?php endfor; ?&gt;

&lt;!-- position right --&gt;
&lt;?php $partial = $this->partial->load('right'); ?&gt;
&lt;?php foreach($partial as $key => $value); ?&gt;
&lt;?php echo $value; ?&gt;
&lt;?php endfor; ?&gt;


Step three, add some partial views.
&lt;?php if(isset($featured_articles)): ?&gt;
<h2>Featured Articles</h2>
&lt;?php echo $featured_articles; ?&gt;
&lt;?php endif; ?&gt;

&lt;?php if(isset($popular_articles)): ?&gt;
<h2>Popular Articles</h2>
&lt;?php echo $popular_articles; ?&gt;
&lt;?php endif; ?&gt;

Step four, modify the library $uri property to match your default controller!
$this->uri = ($uri)? $uri : 'home';

Step five, add your partial view paths to $this->views
$this->views = array('featured', 'popular');

Step six (optional), create config.php - views will be loaded from config file
&lt;?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

$config = array(
'articles' => array(
    'left' => array(
     'right' => array(
'articles/latest' => array(
    'left' => array(
     'right' => array(
/* End of file partial.php */

Step seven, create a controller
&lt;?php if( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed!');

class Articles extends CI_Controller
    public function __construct()

    public function index()

        // $articles = $this->articles_model->latest_articles();
        $featured_articles = '<p>Suas simul oblique ne eum, cum atqui paulo accumsan te.</p>'
        $popular_articles = '<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, partem explicari eum isit.</p>'

            'left' => array(
                'featured_articles' => $featured_articles,
            'right' => array(
                'popular_articles' => $popular_articles,


    public function latest()

Want a shorthand method?
$this->partial->replace(array('left' => 'featured_articles'));

How about loading partials into multiple positions?
    'left' => 'featured_articles',
    'right' => 'popular_articles',

Don't want your article to show when you're paginating comments? No problem!
if($pagination_offset > 0)

What's that you say? User is not logged so you want to remove a partial?
if( ! $this->session->userdata('logged_in')) // or something to that extent
        'left' => array(

I'm actively developing this class, I'll update regularly, I've got it working in production. I remove the "die()" statement as these are for development. When I get the time I'll intergrate it with CI's ENVIRONMENT constant.

I'm thinking about implementing a role based access system for the $views property too. Suggestions welcome!

The Partial Library - El Forum - 03-09-2012

You're joking, right?

The Partial Library - El Forum - 03-09-2012

Here's how to avoid name collisions by naming your directories in application/views like a king!!


The Partial Library - El Forum - 03-09-2012

He's gota being joking!

The Partial Library - El Forum - 03-09-2012

I understand that you guys think, "why not just load views in views?" and "why not just load multiple views from the controller?" This class won't benefit from simple layouts, but for generating complex layouts like below, combined with a CSS framework such as Blueprint or the 960 Grid System, then you'll see the benefits fast.

BluePrint CSS Framework

* Header                                                              *  
*                                                                     *  
*                                                                     *  
********************* ***************** *******************************  
*                   * * Centre        * * Right                       *  
* Left              * *               * *                             *  
*                   * *               * *                             *  
*                   * *               * *                             *  
*                   * *               * *                             *  
*                   * *               * *                             *  
********************* *               * *******************************  
                      *               *                                  
********************* *               * *************** ***************  
*                   * *               * * Right 1     * * Right 2     *  
* Left 1            * *               * *             * *             *  
*                   * *               * *             * *             *  
*                   * *               * *             * *             *  
*                   * *               * *             * *             *  
*                   * *               * *             * *             *  
********************* ***************** *************** ***************  

* Footer                                                              *
*                                                                     *  
*                                                                     *  
*                                                                     *  

The Partial Library - El Forum - 03-09-2012

[quote author="micha8l" date="1331321692"]I understand that you guys think, "why not just load views in views?" and "why not just load multiple views from the controller?" This class won't benefit from simple layouts, but for generating complex layouts like below, combined with a CSS framework such as Blueprint or the 960 Grid System, then you'll see the benefits fast.[/quote]

I guess I just think that what you have done adds such a big layer of complexity to such a simple task. I use nested views all the time, and have never came across a situation where I thought I needed anything that CI didn't provide. Everyone has their own programming style, and I think your library reflects yours. There's nothing wrong with that, if that's the way you like to work, but I think it would make things more difficult for me, and that's not something that I can afford to deal with, and I really wouldn't want to deal with it, so it's just not for me. My first impression when looking at your code was, "Damn, I could have done what I need to do, to do what he is doing, in like 10 seconds". I'm being a little sarcastic of course.

The Partial Library - El Forum - 08-09-2012

Added the ability to remove views and re-factored the code.

If anyone feels like, putting this on Git for me, I'd greatly appreciate it!

Feel free to email for latest file michael [dot] t [dot] rich [at] gmail [dot] com

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