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What is this helper do? - Printable Version

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What is this helper do? - El Forum - 03-25-2012

Hi guys

I just got the codes from this link below,

The helper codes,
function field($validation, $database = NULL, $last = ''){
$value = (isset($validation)) ? $validation : ( (isset($database)) ? $database : $last);
return $value;

Let me try to guess.
If $validation is set then do nothing
else if $database is not set do $last.

What is the use of $database if it is already auto-loaded?
And what the hell is $last do?

So in you opinion what does the codes do?

Thanks in advanced.

What is this helper do? - El Forum - 03-25-2012

this is a check if post is working

What is this helper do? - El Forum - 03-25-2012

Every thing works fine. However if I change now() (function of date helper) in the last line to :

anchor(some address,some string);

which is a function of html helper, I get error Call to undefined function anchor()
$this->CI->html->anchor(some address,some string)
, I get error Call to a member function anchor() on a non-object
, I get error Call to a member function now() on a non-object

I have been trying to solve this for hours now. First, I dont understand why should now() function work without the following prefix

to use any library function, I always use the following and this always works

Qs1. Why does helper function such as now() (from date helper) does not require a prefix
Qs2. Assuming that helper functions do not require a prefix, why does this fails in the case of html...

Please guide me so I can move on Smile

What is this helper do? - El Forum - 03-25-2012

These codes are like black hole.
If some one will try to play with it, they will be trap LOL ha ha ha

I don't understand why they put codes like this in the WIKI if it don't work at all.

I guess the codes are very old, it doesn't work any more in the latest version of CI.

What is this helper do? - El Forum - 03-25-2012

NOTE: This is using the old CI Validation Library and all $validation will need to be changed to $form_validation etc!

anchor is not an html helper it is in the url helper!

Helpers are global to CI

What is this helper do? - El Forum - 03-25-2012

Okay I updated everything to match the latest version of CI.

But when I try to run the script it echo the field helper
why it echo the field helper?
function field($form_validation, $database = NULL, $last = ''){ $value = (isset($form_validation)) ? $form_validation : ((isset($database)) ? $database : $last); return $value; }

Thanks in advanced.

What is this helper do? - El Forum - 03-25-2012

Okay it's running now.

Just fixed the helper
<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
function field($form_validation, $database = NULL, $last = ''){
$value = (isset($form_validation) ? $form_validation : ((isset($database)) ? $database : $last);
return $value;

/* End of file field_helper.php */
/* Location: ./system/helpers/field_helper.php */

What is this helper do? - El Forum - 03-25-2012

It's basically do the same as this in the Form_validation library.
<?php echo validation_errors(); ?>