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jquery is not redirecting to controller? - Printable Version

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jquery is not redirecting to controller? - El Forum - 04-27-2012

Hi guys

I have these jQuery codes below,
        var swapid=$("#swapid").val();
        var name=$("#name").val();
        var email=$("#email").val();
        var comment=$("#comment").val();

        type: "POST",
        url: "",
        dataType: "json",
        data: "swapid="+swapid+"&name;="+name+"&email;="+email+"&comment;="+comment,
            $("#form_message").html(data.message).css({'background-color' : data.bg_color}).fadeIn('slow');
      return false;

and in my <b>controller</b>, I have this method
function submit()
  $this->data['header_message'] = 'SMILE :)';

Just wondering why is it every time I press the submit button
in the view the page don't redirect to <b>main</b> controller.

What might be the reason for this?

jquery is not redirecting to controller? - El Forum - 04-27-2012

Is your "#submit" element an actual submit input type form element? If so, you need to prevent the default behavior of the submit button.
    function(e){ //pass the event
      e.preventDefault();  //prevent the submit buttons default behavior of sending the form

jquery is not redirecting to controller? - El Forum - 04-27-2012


I already modified the codes, see below,
function(e){ //pass the event
        var swapid=$("#swapid").val();
        var name=$("#name").val();
        var email=$("#email").val();
        var comment=$("#comment").val();
        type: "POST",
        url: "",
        dataType: "json",
        data: "swapid="+swapid+"&name;="+name+"&email;="+email+"&comment;="+comment,
            $("#form_message").html(data.message).css({'background-color' : data.bg_color}).fadeIn('slow');
      return false;

Is my changes correct CroNix?

By the way thanks for your reply.

jquery is not redirecting to controller? - El Forum - 04-27-2012

Try this:
url: &lt;?php echo base_url();?&gt;+"main/submit",

Also in your submit method you should check for an ajax call:
if ($this->input->is_ajax_request())
    // do ajax stuff
    // else do normal stuff

jquery is not redirecting to controller? - El Forum - 04-27-2012


I already did your suggestion.

But the page keep refreshing every time I press the submit button.
and nothing happened, below is the view

<div id="addCommentContainer">
&lt;form name="addCommentForm" id ="addCommentForm" method="post"&gt;
&lt;input type="hidden" name="swapid" value="&lt;?php echo $swapid ?&gt;"&gt;

<label for="name">Name &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</label>
&lt;input type="text" name="name" id="name" /&gt;&lt;br>

<label for="email">Email &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</label>
&lt;input type="text" name="email" id="email" /&gt;&lt;br>

<label for="body">Comment </label>
&lt;textarea name="comment" id="comment" cols="20" rows="5"&gt;&lt;/textarea><br>

&lt;input type="submit" name="offer_submit" id="offer_submit" value="Submit" /&gt;

By the way I change the name and id of the button.
I also change the jQuery codes to match the name/id of the button.

jquery is not redirecting to controller? - El Forum - 04-27-2012

I may be wrong here, but I think you need the action statement in your form.
Also you have a space between the id and =
&lt;form name="addCommentForm" id="addCommentForm" action="where you want it to go!" method="post"&gt;

Here is an article on it but it's for ExpressionEngine.
jQuery and ExpressionEngine Form Processing

jquery is not redirecting to controller? - El Forum - 04-27-2012

Probably because your submit button has an id of "offer_submit". Check your jquery, you are targeting #submit, which doesn't exist.

jquery is not redirecting to controller? - El Forum - 04-27-2012

Some things to test with:

- Check the JQuery library inclusion
is working as ot should.
- Make sure the selector is which it should be
- Use
instead of
- Why are you adding ";" to
, I think you dont need it.
- Change the url: to the way @InsiteFX said.

If not, post the actual code, controller and view, both.

jquery is not redirecting to controller? - El Forum - 04-27-2012

Here is another way to get the base_url into jQuery:
// Replace the $ in script tags with s
<$cript type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
        var base_url = "&lt;?php echo base_url(); ?&gt;";
        var site_url = "&lt;?php echo site_url(); ?&gt;";
    // ]]>

Now you can use either base_url+"" or site_url+""