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Problem with some POST data - Printable Version

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Problem with some POST data - El Forum - 07-11-2012

In my application all the forms use the method POST, all of them works fine but one.

I have a link on a page, this link calls a controller's function, this function only loads a page.
Inside this page there is a form
<form id='moduserdata' name='moduserdata' method='post' action='<?php echo base_url().'users/mod_pers_data_act' ?>'>
I fill the form fields, press the submit button and it calls another method of the same controller above.
The problem is that if I try to print
echo $this->input->post('nome');
or any other field, nothing appears.

The form's action is correct because if I replace the echo above with
echo "blabla";
that appears.

The POST data look to don't arrive to the method, which could be the reason?

Problem with some POST data - El Forum - 07-11-2012

Can you try to print with
instead of

you'll see if the post contains data or not.

Replace the full html tag with the form_helper method
echo form_open('email/send', array('class' => 'email', 'id' => 'myform'));
more at : form_helper guide

A quick way to debug posts is to enable debugger :

Problem with some POST data - El Forum - 07-11-2012

I don't think your form action is correct as you say it is. Have you looked at the raw html it produces? Too many single quotes...
action="<?php echo base_url('users/mod_pers_data_act'); ?>"

Problem with some POST data - El Forum - 07-11-2012

Maybe if you show your whole form we might be able to help.

This is why I love FireFox and FireBug lol.

Problem with some POST data - El Forum - 07-11-2012

Here is the form code, I've left only one field, it doesn't work anyway
$attributes = array('id' => 'moduserdata');
echo form_open(base_url('users/mod_pers_data_act'), $attributes);
<input type='text' id='nome' name='nome' value="<?php echo $this->session->userdata('nome') ?>" />
<input type='submit' name='submit' value='<?php echo lang('crd_form_confirm_btn') ?>'/>
The controller's function is
public function mod_pers_data_act()
echo $_POST['nome']; //prints an error for missing index
echo $this->input->post('nome'); //prints nothing
echo "blabla"; //this is printed

Problem with some POST data - El Forum - 07-11-2012

It doesn't work because of all of your single quotes within single quotes, like I pointed out earlier.
You are also using form_open() improperly. It automatically inserts the base url, so you probably have that showing up twice. You just tell it the segments.

Although, that won't help where you are (again) improperly using single quotes, such as your submit input.

Problem with some POST data - El Forum - 07-11-2012

Thanks it works now.