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codigniter check username and email availability problem - Printable Version

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codigniter check username and email availability problem - El Forum - 08-15-2012

hello all . my problem is when i check if username or email already exits . but when i try to register with same username and email it always show me the message . The Username field must contain a unique value. The Email field must contain a unique value. why do not show me the message that i want to show in callback function . where is my mistake thanks very much

here is form set_rules
public function registration_validation(){

here is my model code where is check if username and email exits or not
public function checkUsernameAvailability(){
        $query_username = $this->db->get('register');
        if($query_username->num_rows() == 1){
            return false;
            return true;
    public function checkEmailAvailability(){
        $query_email = $this->db->get('register');
        if($query_email->num_rows() == 1){
            return false;
            return true;

and in my main controller i do all this

public function check_Username(){
            $this->form_validation->set_message('check_Username','Username already exist please choose onther one');
            return false;
            return true;
    public function check_Email(){
            $this->form_validation->set_message('check_Email','Email already in use please choose onther one');
            return false;
            return true;

codigniter check username and email availability problem - El Forum - 08-15-2012

Because you are using the is_unique rule before your callback, and that error message is from that rule.

codigniter check username and email availability problem - El Forum - 08-15-2012


you probably didnt get it right. Just study the manuels again and try some stuff. You have done some nerd coding i dont understand. Big Grin All you need is:

$this->form_validation->set_message('is_unique','The %s got to be unique');

  // do something when not valide
  // do when valide

codigniter check username and email availability problem - El Forum - 08-15-2012

noooo i found my mistake i delete is_unique and i also resolved with my callback function thanks very much

codigniter check username and email availability problem - El Forum - 08-15-2012

Your own callback functions do the same as is_unique. No need for redundancy

codigniter check username and email availability problem - El Forum - 08-16-2012

yess i know very well my callback function do the same as is_unique . but i prefer use my callback function.
there is no question for redundancy okkk thanks

codigniter check username and email availability problem - El Forum - 08-16-2012

[eluser]M Arfan[/eluser]
$this->form_validation->set_message('check_Username','Username already exist please choose onther one');
return true;
            return false;

try this