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Pagination Based on multiple loops in one controller function - Printable Version

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Pagination Based on multiple loops in one controller function - El Forum - 11-12-2012

Hi to all,

here i am facing a problem regarding paginatioan search with multiple functions
i attach controller buy.php

and here i written some if else conditions,
in that based on condition i am getting the results
with out paginations its working fine,but if i am included pagination functions its going validation false

help is appreciated,thank you

Pagination Based on multiple loops in one controller function - El Forum - 11-12-2012

It would be better if you paste the code inside your post and not as an attachement. Easy to look at and answer your question.


Pagination Based on multiple loops in one controller function - El Forum - 11-12-2012

if($make != null && $model == null && $FromnewPrice == null && $TonewPrice == null && $states == null && $cities == null && $year == null)
      if($make == 786)
   //$data['newcar'] = $this->Buy_Model->search_newcarALL();
   $config['base_url'] = base_url().'index.php?buy/newcar/maketype=';
   $config['total_rows'] = count($this->Home_Model->getnewall());//get the number of records
   $config['per_page'] = 5 ;
   $config['full_tag_open'] = '<p>';
   $config['full_tag_close'] = '</p>';
   $config['uri_segment']= 3;
   $config['num_links'] = 20;
      $data['newcar'] = $this->Home_Model->getnewall_det($config['per_page'],$this->uri->segment($config['uri_segment']));
   $data['pagination'] = $this->pagination->create_links();
   else if($make != 786)
   $data['newcar'] = $this->Buy_Model->search_newcarbymake($make);
  }//only year selection
  elseif($make == null && $model == null && $FromnewPrice == null && $TonewPrice == null && $states == null && $cities == null && $year != null)
       if($year == 200014)
    $data['newcar'] = $this->Buy_Model->search_newcarALL();
    $data['newcar'] = $this->Buy_Model->search_newcarbyyear($year);
  }//only price selection