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$data in Views not inhereted - Printable Version

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$data in Views not inhereted - El Forum - 02-02-2008


I used this pattern in CI 1.54:

- Controller "X" has loaded "View 1" with some $data.
- "View 1" has loaded another view "View 2" with $data from "View 1".
- I accessed $data in View 2 and they were same as in "View 1".

In CI 1.6 it gives me notice, that $data variable is undefined in "View 2".

$data in Views not inhereted - El Forum - 02-02-2008

[eluser]Pascal Kriete[/eluser]
When loading "View 2" within "View 1" you don't have to pass $data again, it will have access to the data array you passed to your top view.