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maximum field lengths - Printable Version

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maximum field lengths - El Forum - 02-03-2008

I wish to grab the maximum _allowable_ field length for a mysql field.
NOT the value returned by field meta data which only returns the length of the values in the field.
The value would normally be returned by msyql_field_len that provides the maximum allowable length as described by the database schema.
the value returned by field meta data with CI is just a string length of the longest value in that column.

Is this possible with CI?

Kind regards

maximum field lengths - El Forum - 02-03-2008

[eluser]Michael Wales[/eluser]
Hmm, I've never used it, but even the docs say it returns the length of the specified field.

$query = $this->db->get('users');
echo mysql_field_len($query);