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alternative name for controller using routes - Printable Version

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alternative name for controller using routes - El Forum - 02-15-2008

Hi all,

I've nearly finished a web site i've been working on for 3 months now (THANK GOD) and the client has requested that I rename two controllers.

$route['default_controller'] = "home";
$route['scaffolding_trigger'] = "";

$route['signin'] = '/user/login';
$route['signout'] = '/user/logout';
$route['signup'] = '/user/signup';
$route['contact'] = '/home/contact';
$route['about'] = '/home/about';
$route['faq'] = '/home/faq';
$route['terms'] = '/home/terms';
$route['privacy'] = '/home/privacy';
$route['invite'] = '/my/friends/invite';
$route['sitemap'] = '/home/sitemap';

$route['(blog|categories|collectors|csv|ebay|external|home|items|my|tags|tools|user|groups)(.+)?'] = '$1$2';

$route[':any'] = "user/view/$1";

Here are the routes I currently have setup. This works great.

Now i'd like to add an route which will forward all requests from one controller to another. This way, things dont get messy.

I have tried adding

$route['blogs/:any'] = '/blog/$1';
$route['collectibles/:any'] = '/items/$1';

But that gives me an 404 when I try using the new name.

I then tried

$route['blogs(.+)?'] = '/blog$1';
$route['collectibles(.+)?'] = '/items$1';

Which worked but didn't pass any of my parameters to my functions.

Does anyone have any idea why?

Thank you all in advance!

alternative name for controller using routes - El Forum - 02-15-2008

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
The first example is wrong as you are mixing the CI style identifiers with reqular expression identifiers. The second is bust as you are not actually sending it to a controller, you need to have the value (the string on the right) as the ACTUAL controllers its going to.

$route['collectibles(.+)?'] = 'items/thing/$1';

alternative name for controller using routes - El Forum - 02-15-2008

I'm not sure i understand what you mean.

Basically i need to forward any requests to collectibles to items ie

but without having to manually handle each and every function within the controller.

alternative name for controller using routes - El Forum - 02-15-2008

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
I used the method name "thing" as I had no way of knowing what it was, figured you would swap it out with your actual method.

$route['collectibles(.+)?'] = 'items/view/$1';

This route uses an actual CI path on the right, controller, method, param. The CI paths you were using were invalid as they had none of the right segments.

alternative name for controller using routes - El Forum - 02-15-2008

I understand that, but I need to do it for all methods, not just one.

Surely I should be able to call the items controller with any thing that is sent to the collectibles?


I should be able to now use /view/1 and pass it to items which would produce the same result as if I had gone to

alternative name for controller using routes - El Forum - 02-15-2008

[eluser]Elliot Haughin[/eluser]
$route['blogs'] = 'blog';
$route['blogs/(.*)'] = 'blog/$1';
$route['collectibles'] = 'items';
$route['collectibles/(.*)'] = 'items/$1'

Give this a go... let me know if it works.

alternative name for controller using routes - El Forum - 02-15-2008


Smooooooth. Thanks thats exactly what i need, or at least I think it is, I've just noticed a slight issue with some code which could be due to the routing or it could be just me.

Thank you !

Pyro - Thank you for your effect, I appreciate it.

alternative name for controller using routes - El Forum - 02-15-2008

[eluser]Elliot Haughin[/eluser]
Well, there's no semi-colon on the end of the last route that I posted....
If you've just copied and pasted them routes, change:

$route['collectibles/(.*)'] = 'items/$1'


$route['collectibles/(.*)'] = 'items/$1';

alternative name for controller using routes - El Forum - 02-15-2008

[eluser]Phil Sturgeon[/eluser]
Glad you have this solved, although I am wondering if it would be eaiser for you to simply physically rename the controllers with a bit of Find & Replace spam.

alternative name for controller using routes - El Forum - 02-15-2008

The site is mahoosive (big) and i have a mixture of CS urls (site_url) and static urls. Renaming them would be tedious one by one, and if I do a find/replace globally, I could end up renaming php content I shouldn't which is why I went down this route first.