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mod_rewrite : Getting rid of index.php in the URI - Printable Version

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mod_rewrite : Getting rid of index.php in the URI - El Forum - 02-18-2008

Not a question, but an answer.

I've been trying to get rid of the index.php part in the URI.
I've tried all kinds of different mod_rewrite rules, but nothing seemed to work.
Lots of threads on this board talk about this issue, so lots of people struggle with it.

After reading tons of posts, I came upon THE post.

So here's the solution. You need to set $config['index_page'] in the conifg.php
Default setting is:

$config['index_page'] = "index.php";

change it to

$config['index_page'] = "";

mod_rewrite : Getting rid of index.php in the URI - El Forum - 02-18-2008

[eluser]Benjamin David[/eluser]
You can also find theses kind of informations in the user guide you know :

The config file is also clearly documented, check out above the $config['index_page'] option, you'll find this :
| Index File
| Typically this will be your index.php file, unless you've renamed it to
| something else. If you are using mod_rewrite to remove the page set this
| variable so that it is blank.
$config['index_page'] = "";

mod_rewrite : Getting rid of index.php in the URI - El Forum - 03-08-2008

hi, i read ur solutions and set blank for it but it still wont work for me. is there any other configuration to be done? tks

mod_rewrite : Getting rid of index.php in the URI - El Forum - 03-09-2008

nuttynibbles: are you trying to use mod_rewrite?
in that case try this in your .htaccess file:
RewriteCond $1 !^(index\.php|images|js|css|files|robots\.txt)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L]

Remember to save it as ".htaccess" in your web root directory. (Same dir as "index.php").

mod_rewrite : Getting rid of index.php in the URI - El Forum - 03-11-2008

hi, here is my directory structure:

-i manage to remove index.php from the uri.
-after relocating my folders, it stop working
- this is my directory settings for index.php in /home/example/public_html/web/index.php,
$system_folder = "/home/example/public_html/CodeIgniter_1.6.1/system"; $application_folder = "application";

my .htaccess setting is:
Options -indexes
DirectoryIndex index.php
RewriteEngine On
RewriteBase /demo/
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-d
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1/ [L]

i'm puzzled of why it stop working. all i did was change the directory of the system folders.

mod_rewrite : Getting rid of index.php in the URI - El Forum - 03-11-2008

omg it works already. removed RewriteBase /demo/ and it works. so sorry for the trouble