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Organizing Views (with Matchbox lib) - Printable Version

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Organizing Views (with Matchbox lib) - El Forum - 02-22-2008

I'm building my CMS with CI and I'm trying to figure the best way to organize my views so that i dont repeat load->view every time i want to load the backend header for example. This is how I'm doing it:

For example, under the module "users" in the "application/modules/users/controllers/admin" directory, i have a controller named "admin" that has the following code:

class Admin extends Controller {

    function Admin ()
    function index()
        $user_check = $this->db->query('SELECT * FROM login_users');
                $teste = array(
        "teste1" => "value1",
        "teste2" => "value2",
        "db" => $user_check
        $data['view_name'] = 'admin/teste';
        $data['view_module'] = 'users';
        $data['view_data'] = $teste;

And under the folder "application/modules/users/views/admin" i have a view named teste.php with the following code:


echo $teste1."<br/>";
echo $teste2."<br/>";

foreach ($db->result() as $row)
   echo $row->username."<br/>";
   echo $row->password."<br/>";
   echo $row->active."<br/>";

Now, under "application/views" i have a folder named "backend", which contains:

header.php - The header html code of the backend
menu.php - The menu of the backend
footer.php - The footer html code of the backend
login.php - The view that contains the login form

Then i have "cointainer.php", the view that loads the "header", "menu" and "footer" view along with the "content" view. The code:

&lt;?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
// If user isn't logued, include login view, else include backend layout views
if ($this->evdcms_login->is_logued)
    //Load Header
    //Load Menu
    //Load Content based on $view_name,$view_module variable
    //Load Content div end & Footer
//Load login form    

Am i doing this right? Suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

Organizing Views (with Matchbox lib) - El Forum - 02-24-2008

Any one? Sad
If i didn't explain myself well, please tell me.


Organizing Views (with Matchbox lib) - El Forum - 02-24-2008

You have done it exactly like me, but I don't like having to pass the module name over to it for when I want to load a module view.

Iv been racking my brains to try and find a cleaner simpler way but so far can't think of one.

Organizing Views (with Matchbox lib) - El Forum - 02-25-2008

Good point, i think one way of doing that is to get the URI segment correspondent to the module. Going to try that, at least its one less thing I have to specify in the controller.

Organizing Views (with Matchbox lib) - El Forum - 02-25-2008

Problem is what if you have a controller with the same name as the module. You then don't pass the module name so that information won't be there?

Organizing Views (with Matchbox lib) - El Forum - 02-25-2008

I get your point, but i don't intend to use the "container.php" view for controllers that aren't inside modules, at least for the backend.