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Form Validation Callback Executing First - Printable Version

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Form Validation Callback Executing First - Mr Lister - 02-04-2017

I have been using both CI v2.x.x and v3.x.x with wiredesignz HMVC plug-in with very few issues that could not have its own work around.

There is one strange one, which I have yet to figure out, but work around it, is with the Form Validation and callbacks.

On a localhost development set up, using XAMPP, I have a sign up page which validates: first name; last name; email address; confirm email address; password; confirm password; a 'human interaction'; terms and conditions checkbox.

The form validation is set up to use HMVC and works as expected when validating the sign up form.  The rules for the validation - in a model though, not a controller.

PHP Code:
$this->form_validation->set_rules'first_name''First name''trim|required|min_length[2]|max_length[50]' );
$this->form_validation->set_rules'last_name''Last name''trim|required|min_length[2]|max_length[50]' );
$this->form_validation->set_rules'email_address''Email address''trim|required|valid_email|callback__unique_email_address_check' );
$this->form_validation->set_rules'confirm_email''Confirm email''trim|required|valid_email|matches[email_address]' );
$this->form_validation->set_rules'password''Password''trim|required|min_length[10]|matches[confirm_password]' );
$this->form_validation->set_rules'confirm_password''Confirm password''trim|required|min_length[10]' );
$this->form_validation->set_rules'human_interaction_status''Human Sign Up Check''callback__check_human_interaction_status' );
$this->form_validation->set_rules'terms_and_conditions''Terms and Conditions''callback__check_terms_and_conditions_checkbox' ); 

I also have a page for people to resend an account verification email.  This page has only one form field to validate, that is the email address field.

The rule for the validation is:
PHP Code:
$this->form_validation->set_rules'email_address''Email address''trim|required|valid_email|callback__email_address_check' ); 

The validation for this page runs only the callback function, none of the other validation rules are checked.  If I remove the callback and submit empty field, 'required' rule is returned as expected, as is 'valid_email' if email address not valid.

Both the sign up page and verification email page have the forms posted the same way via Ajax.

I have a work around in the meantime which works, that is, validate twice.  Not ideal but works.  First validation set of rules omit the callback.  Once that has passed, the callback only is checked, if that passes validation, script continues.

Any thoughts anyone?  This has been the case for both CI v2.x.x and v3.x.x and the HMVC plug-in.

RE: Form Validation Callback Executing First - InsiteFX - 02-04-2017

Did you create the below?

PHP Code:
('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Editor   : PhpStorm 2016.3
 * Date     : 01/5/2017
 * Time     : 6:29 AM
 * Authors  : Raymond L King Sr.
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Class        MY_Form_validation
 * @project     csdmodule
 * @author      Raymond L King Sr.
 * @link
 * @copyright   Copyright (c) 2009 - 2017 Pro Covers FX, LLC.
 * @license
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * Class MY_Form_validation
 * SAVE TO: ./application/libraries/MY_Form_validation.php
 * use like this
 * if ($this->form_validation->run($this) == FALSE)
 * {
 * }
 * else
 * {
 * }
class MY_Form_validation extends CI_Form_validation

     * Class properties - public, private, protected and static.
     * ------------------------------------------------------------------------

    // ------------------------------------------------------------------------

     * run ()
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @param   string $module
     * @param   string $group
     * @return  bool
public function run($module ''$group '')
is_object($module)) AND $this->CI = &$module;


// ------------------------------------------------------------------------

  // End of MY_Form_validation Class.

 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Filename: MY_Form_validation.php
 * Location: ./application/libraries/MY_Form_validation.php
 * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

RE: Form Validation Callback Executing First - Mr Lister - 02-04-2017

Yes, I have the 'MY_Form_validation' file created in the application's library folder.

PHP Code:
function run$module ''$group '' )
   is_object$module ) ) AND $this->CI = &$module;
   return parent::run $group );

I also just noticed your function was explicitly declared 'public'.  I just tried that also, and same outcome.
I do call the form validation the same way:
PHP Code:
if ( $this->form_validation->run$this ) == FALSE 

I doubt it wold be an issue, but I do set the CI 'system' folder outside the web server's htdocs folder.  This would not explain one form validation working correctly with multiple input validations and another with just one form input validation.

RE: Form Validation Callback Executing First - Davcon - 06-13-2020

I'm very late to the party with this but just for future reference:

It's happening because at least one of your callbacks is loading another module. This is basically causing the validation callback to get mixed up because it's checking the 'called' module for the method and it cannot find it.

The solution is to have your validation callbacks contained with the module from which they are called. This is less than perfect but at least it'll get you on the road again.