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How to include token in API rest - Printable Version

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How to include token in API rest - avasquez - 07-04-2017

Hello!!  I am trying to create an API rest, I am simply fetching data from a Database via GET.

It works perfectly but, I want to generate tokens so that it has security.

I have searched but still can not find something that can serve me. I was recommended to use but I really do not understand it, if someone has a document or guide that can send me, I will appreciate it.

RE: How to include token in API rest - rtenny - 07-05-2017

How complex/complicated do you want/need to be? Your question is rather generic to be answered easily.

Here is what i do. I only need simple security as in my case its public data that is returned. But I want to stop just anybody using this API.

I create a client_secret that I send to everybody that will be using the API. They need to send this client_secret with each request.

The API checks if that client_secret exist in my user table before returning any data. This way I can add or remove clients_secrets easily and make sure only people that I want to can access the data.

If you tell us a bit more about your setup and what you try to archive and avoid we might be able to help you a little better.

RE: How to include token in API rest - InsiteFX - 07-05-2017

Method to create UUID's

PHP Code:
 * guidV4 ()
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * A universally unique identifier (UUID) it is a 128-bit number
 * used to identify information in computer systems.
 * xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx
if ( ! function_exists('guidV4'))
     * guidV4 ()
     * ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * @return string
function guidV4()
// Microsoft guid {xxxxxxxx-xxxx-Mxxx-Nxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx}
if (function_exists('com_create_guid') === true)
trim(com_create_guid(), '{}');

$data openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(16);

// set version to 0100
$data[6] = chr(ord($data[6]) & 0x0f 0x40);

// set bits 6-7 to 10
$data[8] = chr(ord($data[8]) & 0x3f 0x80);

vsprintf('%s%s-%s-%s-%s-%s%s%s'str_split(bin2hex($data), 4));

Create a helper and add the code above.

RE: How to include token in API rest - arisroyo - 07-07-2017

Here my example Angel

1. I create Libraries Jsonwebtokens.php and put it on /application/libraries
2. Download and put on /application/third_party/firebase-jwt
3. Here how I used it


PHP Code:
$data = array('email' => $email);
$token $this->jsonwebtokens->generate_jswt($data,'P30D'); 

PHP Code:
('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

use \

Jsonwebtokens {

public function 
init() {
APPPATH 'third_party/firebase-jwt/JWT.php';

public function 
 generate_jswt($data = array(), $validity 'P30D') {

$CI =& get_instance();

$jwt '';

$date = new DateTime();
$timeStart $date->getTimestamp();
$date->add(new DateInterval($validity));
$timeEnd $date->getTimestamp();

* iss – Issuer application.
* iat – timestamp of token issuing.
* nbf – Timestamp of when the token should start being considered valid.
* exp – Timestamp of when the token should cease to be valid.
* data – Array of data

try {

$token = array(
"iss" => "",
"aud" => "MyApplication Name",
"iat" => $timeStart,
"nbf" => $timeStart,
"exp" => $timeEnd,
"data" => $data);

$jwt JWT::encode($token"MyGeneratedKey","HS256");

} catch (
Exception $ex) {
} finally {


public function 
 validate_jswt($token) {


$jwt null;

try {
$jwt JWT::decode($token"MyGeneratedKey",array("HS256"));
} catch (
Exception $ex) {
} finally {
