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Import CSV/Excel data into MYSQL database using codeigniter - Printable Version

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Import CSV/Excel data into MYSQL database using codeigniter - Var91 - 10-16-2017

Hello Friends,
Today i came across a functionality where i need to import the CSV/Excel file in to MYSQL database via codeigniter. There is a special requirement from client where he can upload the CSV/Excel file in file upload field in HTML form and all data from CSV/Excel must import into MYSQL database table through PHP and remove the duplicates rows of data.But I faced some problems here.

My problems is:
       1.when the user upload the csv file,its enter into the MYSQL database,but it have duplicates data of about 3-4 row.
       2. the data in csv file is about 8000 rows but the data insert in MYSQL db is only about 5000(included the duplicates             data)
       3.this error occur when the file stop import the data
[Image: view?usp=sharing]
this is my view:
<div style="display: none;" id="modal3" class="modal hide in" tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-hidden="true">
    <div class="modal-header">
        <button type="button" class="close" data-dismiss="modal" aria-hidden="true">×</button>
        <h3 id="myModalLabel">Update Process's Output</h3>
<form action="{$path}pro/processupload" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" name="form1" id="form1">
<td> Choose your file: </td>
<td><input type="file" class="form-control" name="userfile" id="userfile"  align="center"/>
<div class="modal-footer">
<td colspan="2" ><input type="submit" id="submit" name="submit" value="Import"></td>
</div><!-- end add product code-->
 this is my controller
PHP Code:
function processupload()
$data['query']=$this-> upload_services->get_car_features_info();
$this->load->view(' Upload_csv ',$data);

and this is my model
PHP Code:
class Upload_services extends CI_Model
$fp fopen($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'],'r') or die("can't open file");

$line fgetcsv($fp)) !== FALSE)
//check whether there are duplicate rows of data in database
               $prevQuery = array(
'articleno'=> $line[0] ,
'product_description' => $line[1] ,
'cust_name' => $line[2] ,
'size' => $line[3] ,
'colour' => $line[4],
'process_description' => $line[5],
'output' => $line[6],
'material_part' => $line[7],
'printingOutput' => $line[8]
'product_description'$line[1] ,
'cust_name' $line[2] ,
'size'$line[3] ,
'colour' $line[4],
'process_description' $line[5],
               $prevResult $this -> db->query($q);
               if($prevResult->num_rows 0){
                   //update process data
$data = array(
'articleno' => $line[0] ,
'product_description' => $line[1] ,
'cust_name' => $line[2] ,
'size' => $line[3] ,
'colour' => $line[4],
'process_description' => $line[5],
'output' => $line[6],
'material_part' => $line[7],
'printingOutput' => $line[8]
'product_description'$line[1] ,
'cust_name' $line[2] ,
'size'$line[3] ,
'colour' $line[4],
'process_description' $line[5],
'product_description'$line[1] ,
'cust_name' $line[2] ,
'size'$line[3] ,
'colour' $line[4],
'process_description' $line[5],
$i 0$j count($line); $i $j$i++)
                    $data = array(
'articleno' => $line[0] ,
'product_description' => $line[1] ,
'cust_name' => $line[2] ,
'size' => $line[3] ,
'colour' => $line[4],
'process_description' => $line[5],
'output' => $line[6],
'material_part' => $line[7],
'printingOutput' => $line[8]
fclose($fp) or die("can't close file");

$get_cardetails=$this->db->query("select * from sindi_productprocess_temp");

Can anybody  pls assists me on this?I really need urgent help Sad Sad

RE: Import CSV/Excel data into MYSQL database using codeigniter - Raymien - 10-17-2017

Hey there,

Have you tried using phpExcel? I've been using it on a small site (single upload at a time) and it seems to work just fine for xls files. I don't have a need for csv, so it may not be exactly what you need.

RE: Import CSV/Excel data into MYSQL database using codeigniter - dave friend - 10-17-2017

Is the value of  the "articleno" column unique for each record? What I am trying to understand is what makes a row a "duplicate"?

RE: Import CSV/Excel data into MYSQL database using codeigniter - Var91 - 10-18-2017

Hi Raymien and dave friend ,

Thanks for taking time to reply,I have figure out how to solved this.

RE: Import CSV/Excel data into MYSQL database using codeigniter - nerdkeilan - 07-04-2018

(10-18-2017, 06:19 PM)Var91 Wrote: Hi  Raymien and  dave friend ,

Thanks for taking time to reply,I have figure out how to solved this.

Hello Var91, 

How did you solve this problem ? I am having the same issue also. Kindly help out