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controlling and specification of loop items - Printable Version

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controlling and specification of loop items - maxee94 - 11-07-2017

i am using codeigniter to replace files in directory and update location in database, i have multiple files so when i update them all it works good updates and replaces all of them, but when i update one, or more specific files it updates and replaces all those retrieved from the database. it operates on all of them.
the controller:

PHP Code:
public function upload()
       $config ['upload_path'] = 'uploads';
       $config ['allowed_types'] = 'gif|jpg|png';
       $config ['encrypt_name'] = TRUE;
       $config['overwrite'] = TRUE;


       $files $_FILES;
       $cpt count($_FILES ['images'] ['name']);

       for ($i 0$i $cpt$i++) {
           echo $i '<br>';
           $image Image::find($_POST['images']['id'][$i]);
           //$query = Image::find('id');
           if(file_exists("./uploads/$image->image_location")) {
           $_FILES ['images'] ['name'] = $files ['images'] ['name'] [$i];
           $_FILES ['images'] ['type'] = $files ['images'] ['type'] [$i];
           $_FILES ['images'] ['tmp_name'] = $files ['images'] ['tmp_name'] [$i];
           $_FILES ['images'] ['error'] = $files ['images'] ['error'] [$i];
           $_FILES ['images'] ['size'] = $files ['images'] ['size'] [$i];

           if ($this->upload->do_upload('images')) {
               $upload_data $this->upload->data();
               $file_name $upload_data['file_name'];
               $image->update_attributes(array('image_location' => $file_name));
           } else {
               //echo "$error";



the view:

($image as $row)
            <?= form_hidden('images[id][]'set_value('id', isset($row->id)?$row->id:''))?>

        <label><input type="file" name="images[]" ><?php echo $row->image_location?></label>
        <?php }?>

RE: controlling and specification of loop items - Kaosweaver - 11-07-2017

What is being posted to the server?