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Facebook login - Printable Version

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Facebook login - Marcolino92 - 01-16-2018

Hello guys, sorry for the question, which I have already tried immensely on google but I could not make it with any tutorial present. I would like to create a facebook login, but it seems that every tutorial is not fully functional.

Can you give me a guide or a small example of this? I would simply like a login with an obvious system of permissions (if logged in or not). I've tried a lot of guides, but it seems to always miss something or always make a mistake.

RE: Facebook login - neuron - 01-16-2018

I used this library:

and put it to application/third_party folder

1. I created Facebook.php library in appication/library:
PHP Code:
class Facebook {

    public function 
__construct($config  array()) {

$this->fb = new Facebook\Facebook($config);
$this->permissions = ['public_profile','email'];
$this->fb_helper $this->fb->getRedirectLoginHelper();

    public function 
loginURL($url) {
    public function 
authenticate($code null) {
    public function 
getAccessToken() {
$token $this->fb_helper->getAccessToken();
            return array(
'token' => $token'message' => '');

Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e)
// When Graph returns an error
return array('token' => false,
'message' => 'There was an error while trying to login using Facebook: ' $e->getMessage()
Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e)
           // When validation fails or other local issues
return array('token' => false,
'message' => 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' $e->getMessage()
    public function 
setAccessToken($token) {
        if (!empty(
$token)) {
    public function 
revokeToken() {
    public function 
getUserInfo() {
$response $this->fb->get('/me?fields=id,first_name,last_name,name,email,verified');
            return array(
'user_info' => $response->getGraphUser(), 'message' => '');

Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookResponseException $e)
         // When Graph returns an error
return array('user_info' => false,
'message' => 'Could not retrieve user data: ' $e->getMessage()
Facebook\Exceptions\FacebookSDKException $e)
         // When validation fails or other local issues
return array('user_info' => false,
'message' => 'Facebook SDK returned an error: ' $e->getMessage()

2. In login controller:

PHP Code:
   public function index(){
$callbackurltoyourwebsite base_url() . 'login/facebookLogin';
       $data['facebook_login_link'] = $this->facebook->loginURL($callbackurltoyourwebsite);
       //facebook_login_link will be used in view as a facebook login button 
3. in login controller:
PHP Code:
   public function facebookLogin() 
       $response $this->facebook->getAccessToken();
           $token $response['token'];
           $response $this->facebook->getUserInfo();
               $fbuser $response['user_info'];
               $member_data = array();
               if ($fbuser['id'] && $fbuser['verified']) 
                   $login_data['email'] = $fbuser['email'];
                   $member_data $this->member_model->getmember($login_data);
                   if (empty($member_data)) //if there is no member with the same email address
                       //insert new member 


your facebook configs in applicaton/config/config.php:

PHP Code:
$config['fb_config'] = array(
'app_id'  => '',
'app_secret' => '',
'default_graph_version' => 'v2.5'); 

RE: Facebook login - Marcolino92 - 01-16-2018

Thanks for your help, can you tell me where to upload the facebook sdk? And how to call the folder?

RE: Facebook login - neuron - 01-16-2018

(01-16-2018, 12:16 PM)Marcolino92 Wrote: Thanks for your help, can you tell me where to upload the facebook sdk? And how to call the folder?

Everything is in my answer read carefully

RE: Facebook login - bvrignaud - 01-17-2018


You can use my library :

RE: Facebook login - Marcolino92 - 01-19-2018

Hi guys, I tried with a library but this error appears. It does not find the class. I inserted the Facebook "Facebook" SDK folder inside the Library. Where am I wrong?

An uncaught Exception was encountered

Type: Error

Message: Class 'Facebook\Facebook' not found

Filename: /home/mhd-01/
Line Number: 65