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matrix type of checkbox insert - Printable Version

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matrix type of checkbox insert - kvanaraj - 07-05-2018

I am having multiple checkboxes like matrix formatted frames with checkboxex. each checkboxes have one value. 
when i submit the button i want to insert that checkbox values and that corresponding regno in DB.

Regno            checkbox values 

1001010        5001,5002,5003,5004,5005

I want to insert the tables in the format of
insert into stud values( 1001010,5001);
insert into stud values( 1001010,5002);
insert into stud values( 1001010,5003);
insert into stud values( 1001010,5004);
insert into stud values( 1001010,5005);

here checkbox is the post item
how do i get that corresponding regno as Post item?
Need help?

RE: matrix type of checkbox insert - php_rocs - 07-05-2018


There are many ways you can approach this:

One way would be to have a hidden value (in each row) that is updated whenever a checkbox is checked in a specific row. You will have to use javascript to accomplish this.

Another way is to generate a unique name for each checkbox that corresponds to the Regno. Then when the form is submitted all you have to do is verify if the checkbox is checked.

and there are more but this should help to get you started.

RE: matrix type of checkbox insert - jreklund - 07-05-2018

You already got a thread regarding this. And you need to read up on SQL Injection, you are an easy target.

But here it goes. As this is just one question and easier yo understand. :-)
PHP Code:
echo form_checkbox('matrix[]','1001010_5001',TRUE// TRUE = Checked
echo form_checkbox('matrix[]','1001010_5002',TRUE// TRUE = Checked

PHP Code:
$matrix $this->input->post('matrix[]');
$insert = array();
$matrix as m) {
   list($regno,$id) = explode('_',$m);
   $insert[] = array(
       'regno' => intval($regno);
       'id' => intval($id);

Now $insert looks like this.

PHP Code:
       'regno' => 1001010 
'id' => 5001
        'regno' => 1001010 
'id' => 5002

Use insert_batch to insert it into the database.
PHP Code:
// Produces: INSERT INTO stud (regno, id) VALUES ('1001010', '5001'),  ('1001010', '5002') 

RE: matrix type of checkbox insert - kvanaraj - 07-05-2018

my view to getting checkbox value

<td align="center"> <input type="checkbox" name="friend_id[]" value="<?php echo $row1['markid'];?>_<?php echo $row['regno'];?>" >
My controller
function add_attend_studreg()
$matrix = $this->input->post('friend_id');


$insert = array();
foreach($matrix as $m)
list($regno,$id) = explode ('_',$m);

$insert[] = array(
'item_id' =>intval($regno),
'user_id' =>intval($id)



My model
public function studreginsert($insert)
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
// echo "hai";
//$this->db->insert_batch('stud', $insert);

I got output as

[0] => Array
[item_id] => 50009
[user_id] => 2147483647

[0] => Array
[item_id] => 50009
[user_id] => 2147483647

[1] => Array
[item_id] => 50011
[user_id] => 2147483647


2147483647 this type of value is not in my table. whats the problem in my query.kindly check it

RE: matrix type of checkbox insert - jreklund - 07-05-2018

Do you get correct values here?
PHP Code:
$matrix $this->input->post('friend_id');

If so you need to check each line.
PHP Code:
foreach($matrix as $m)
$regno,$id) = explode ('_',$m);
$insert[] = array(
'item_id' =>intval($regno),
'user_id' =>intval($id)

If you still got a problem, it's in the view.

RE: matrix type of checkbox insert - kvanaraj - 07-05-2018

thank u very much . i changed my query now its working.

one more clarification

my original table like
main_tab (regno,id, ass1,att1,ass2,att2,ass3,att3)
I want to insert only regno,id these values only
In model how should i written

RE: matrix type of checkbox insert - jreklund - 07-06-2018

I would just declare them (ass1,att1,ass2,att2,ass3,att3) as NULL or set a default value in my table definition. (In MySQL)

So that you don't need to insert a default value from Codeigniter.

RE: matrix type of checkbox insert - kvanaraj - 07-06-2018

once again i thank you. i just change my column values in the controller . it's perfectly working