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CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - Printable Version

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CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 03-31-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
This thread is old. Please go to this thread

Release Candidate 11 has been released. The preview CodeExtinguisher post got too big, So i've started a new one.

Download: RC 11.2 - 203 KB of Gloriousness

To Install:
1- Drag the contents of the codex2_rc11 directory into your CI root (alongside index.php)
2- Access backend.php in your browser
3- Follow instructions

New Features:
- Simplified YAML file requirements
- New layout
- Updated ManyToMany and OneToMany interfaces
- Fixed known bugs
- Added search capability
- Simplified Installation and setup process.

Introductory tutorial: .mov Screencast

The public preview (login with preview:preview) has been updated.

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 03-31-2008

[eluser]Référencement Google[/eluser]
Wouch!!! :-)

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 03-31-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
Heh, please, if you try this and find any bugs/annoyances, let me know Smile

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 03-31-2008

This is great! You are god-like! I love the new design.

I haven't tried this on my ex install yet but does pagination work with the search feature? I had made a quick hack in the last version to get search working but couldn't get pagination and search working at the same time.

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 03-31-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
Hmm, I haven't actually tested that..i'll get back to you.

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 03-31-2008

[eluser]Andi Eko[/eluser]
Cool man Smile
Directly to Download th RC11 and tested Smile

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 03-31-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
BeingDefined, I was thinking about it, It kinda doesn't make sense to have pagination for search results, especially in the context of CodeExtinguisher.

When you search, you are making a conscious decision to narrow down your list to specific conditions. Splitting those results into pages adds a layer of invisibility to your results, which doesn't make sense since you are looking for them.

What do you think?

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-01-2008

[eluser]Référencement Google[/eluser]
jTaby, what kind of functionality are you planning in next releases, what do you think it's again missing to your system, what's on your Todo list?

For my 2 cents, I would say it's missing more image functionality, some options for cropping and watermarking would be nice.

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-01-2008

[eluser]Majd Taby[/eluser]
Off the top of my head:

- Refactored code (lots of code in codex has been around for months and needs to be updated)
- Interface Builder (A GUI which allows you to drag/drop to create and manage your pages
- A Settings page (To manage the config.php file
- Reworked permissions system (Allowing user groups, more fine-grained access control)
- Ability to setup CRUDS based on models (which allows you to setup callbacks)
- Rewored Docs
- ReBuilt Site
- Add RSS, and Public API support (So that if you make your codex setup public, you can let your users easily plug into it.

CodeExtinguisher Release Candidate 11 - El Forum - 04-01-2008

[quote author="jTaby" date="1207030546"]Heh, please, if you try this and find any bugs/annoyances, let me know Smile[/quote]

I am getting this in the header. Any guidance?

lang->line('codexadmin_logged_in_as'), $user_name).'
'.anchor("login/quit",$this->lang->line('codexadmin_logout')); ?>
