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Upgrading from 2 to 3 Form Issues - Printable Version

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Upgrading from 2 to 3 Form Issues - RmsGreig - 08-08-2019

I've been tasked with updating a codeigniter application from version 2 to 3 using the which had been going fine until I started testing the inputs.
I have never used codeigniter before so worried that if I keep tinkering I will break more of the application
The application is a booking diary where you have to log in to your account or create an account in order to book. The log in  to an existing account works but neither the create user form or the booking form send information to the database. They are not returning any errors on the page and in the log: Session: "sess_save_path" is empty; using "session.save_path" value from php.ini. Here is the Booking Controller:
PHP Code:
require_once(__DIR__ '/Id_Base.php');

Bookings extends Ice_diary_base
   function __construct()


   public function add()
       if (!$this->ion_auth->logged_in())
           redirect('auth/login/' $this->uri->uri_string(), 'refresh');

       //checking if were editing or creating
       //set up some default data
       if($this->uri->segment('2') == 'edit') {
           $booking_id $this->uri->segment(3);

           if(!$booking_id) {

           $booking $this->bookings_model->get_booking($booking_id);

           $data['year'] = date('Y'$booking->start_date);
           $data['month'] = date('m'$booking->start_date);
           $data['day'] = date('d'$booking->start_date);
           $data['session'] = explode('|'$booking->session);
           $data['sheet'] = $booking->sheet;

           $start_time explode(':'$booking->start_time);
           $data['start_time_hours'] = $start_time[0];
           $data['start_time_mins'] = $start_time[1];

           $end_time explode(':'$booking->end_time);
           $data['end_time_hours'] = $end_time[0];
           $data['end_time_mins'] = $end_time[1];

           //url for cancel, tries to redirect back to where the user came from
           $cancel_uri 'Diary/index/' $data['year'] . '/' $data['month'] . '/' $data['day'];
       else {
           require_once(__DIR__ '/../libraries/POCOs/Booking.php');
           $booking = new Booking();

           $data['year'] = $this->uri->segment(3TRUE);
           $data['month'] = $this->uri->segment(4TRUE);
           $data['day'] = $this->uri->segment(5TRUE);
           $data['session'] = $this->uri->segment(6TRUE);
           $data['sheet'] = $this->uri->segment(7TRUE);

           //url for cancel, tries to redirect back to where the user came from
           $cancel_uri 'diary/index/' $data['year'] . '/' $data['month'] . '/' $data['day'];

       $data['date'] = '';

       if($data['year'] && $data['month'] && $data['day']) {
           $data['date'] = date('d/m/Y'strtotime($data['year'] . '-' $data['month'] . '-' $data['day']));

       $session_to_get $data['session'];
       if(is_array($session_to_get)) {
           $session_to_get $session_to_get[0];

       $session_data $this->sessions_model->get_session_by_date(date_to_mysql($data['date']), $session_to_get);

       // if we dont have a start and end time, e.g. were not editing
       // load from the session data
       if(!isset($data['start_time_hours']) && !isset($data['start_time_mins'])) {
           $start_time explode(':'$session_data->start_time);
           $data['start_time_hours'] = $start_time[0];
           $data['start_time_mins'] = $start_time[1];

       if(!isset($data['end_time_hours']) && !isset($data['end_time_mins'])) {
           $end_time explode(':'$session_data->end_time);
           $data['end_time_hours'] = $end_time[0];
           $data['end_time_mins'] = $end_time[1];

       $data['is_admin'] = $this->is_admin;

       //if were posting back and cancel was clicked
       if(isset($_POST['cancel'])) {

       //validate form input
       $this->form_validation->set_rules('title'$this->lang->line('book_validation_title_label'), 'required');
       $this->form_validation->set_rules('start_date'$this->lang->line('book_validation_sdate_label'), 'required|callback_valid_date');
       $this->form_validation->set_rules('sheet'$this->lang->line('book_validation_sheet_label'), 'required');
       $this->form_validation->set_rules('session_id'$this->lang->line('book_validation_session_label'), 'required');
       $this->form_validation->set_rules('repeat_ends_after_occurences'$this->lang->line('book_validation_repeats_on_occurences_label'), 'xss_clean|is_natural_no_zero|callback_repeat_ends_occurences[repeat_ends]');
       $this->form_validation->set_rules('repeat_ends_on_date'$this->lang->line('book_validation_repeats_end_after_date_label'), 'xss_clean|callback_repeat_ends_date[repeat_ends]');

       $data['error'] = '';
       $data['message'] = '';

       if ($this->form_validation->run() == true) {
           $insert['user_id'] = $this->current_user->id;
           $insert['title'] = $this->input->post('title'TRUE);
           $insert['session_id'] = is_array($this->input->post('session_id')) ? implode('|'$this->input->post('session_id'TRUE)) . '|' $this->input->post('session_id'TRUE) . '|';
           $insert['sheet'] = $this->input->post('sheet'TRUE);
           $insert['start_time'] = $this->input->post('start_time_hours'TRUE) . ':' $this->input->post('start_time_mins');
           $insert['end_time'] = $this->input->post('end_time_hours'TRUE) . ':' $this->input->post('end_time_mins');
           $insert['team_name_1'] = $this->input->post('team1') != '' $this->input->post('team1'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['team_name_2'] = $this->input->post('team2') != '' $this->input->post('team2'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['score_1'] = $this->input->post('score1') != '' $this->input->post('score1'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['score_2'] = $this->input->post('score2') != '' $this->input->post('score2'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['provisional'] = $this->input->post('provisional') ? 0;
           $insert['paid'] = $this->input->post('paid') ? 0;
           $insert['invoiced'] = $this->input->post('invoiced') ? 0;
           $insert['repeat'] = $this->input->post('repeats') != '' $this->input->post('repeats'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['repeat_every'] = $this->input->post('repeats_every') != '' $this->input->post('repeats_every'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['repeat_by'] = $this->input->post('repeat_by') != '' $this->input->post('repeat_by'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['repeat_ends'] = $this->input->post('repeat_ends') != '' $this->input->post('repeat_ends'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['repeat_ends_after'] = $this->input->post('repeat_ends_after_occurences') != '' $this->input->post('repeat_ends_after_occurences'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['repeat_ends_on'] = $this->input->post('repeat_ends_on_date') != '' date_to_unix($this->input->post('repeat_ends_on_date'TRUE)) : NULL;
           $insert['booking_date'] = date_to_unix($this->input->post('start_date'), TRUE);

           // if the logged in user is not an admin, force provisional to true
           if(!$this->is_admin) {
               $insert['provisional'] = 1;

           $unix_startdate date_to_unix($this->input->post('start_date'), TRUE);

           if(!isset($booking_id)) {
               $booking_id NULL;

           $details = array(
               'start_date' => $unix_startdate,
               'session_id' => $insert['session_id'],
               'sheet' => $insert['sheet']
           //check for conflicts(duplicates) and throw error if appropriate
           $conflicts $this->bookings_model->check_for_conflicts($details$booking_id);
           if($conflicts 0) {
               $data['error'] = lang('book_duplicate_found');

       //if we have found no duplicates in the previous step
       if ($this->form_validation->run() == true && $data['error'] == '') {
           $repeat_ends $this->input->post('repeat_ends');
           $occurences $this->input->post('repeat_ends_after_occurences'TRUE);
           $repeats $this->input->post('repeats'TRUE);
           $repeats_every $this->input->post('repeats_every'TRUE);

           if($repeat_ends == 'after') {
               $repeat_end_date calculate_booking_end_after($unix_startdate$occurences$repeats$repeats_every);
               $insert['repeat_ends_time'] = $repeat_end_date;
           elseif($repeat_ends == 'on') {
               $repeat_end_date calculate_booking_end_on($this->input->post('repeat_ends_on_date'));
               $insert['repeat_ends_time'] = $repeat_end_date;

           switch($this->input->post('repeats')) {
               case '':
               case 'yearly':
                   $insert['repeat_year'] = $this->input->post('repeat_ends') == 'never' '*' calculate_years_for_repeat(date('Y'$unix_startdate), $this->input->post('repeats_every'), date('Y'$repeat_end_date));
                   $insert['repeat_month'] = date('n'$unix_startdate);
                   $insert['repeat_week_im'] = week_of_month($insert['booking_date']);
                   $insert['repeat_day_im'] = date('j'$unix_startdate);
               case 'monthly':
                   $insert['repeat_month_interval'] = $this->input->post('repeats_every'TRUE);

                   if($this->input->post('repeat_by') == 'week') {
                       $insert['repeat_week_im'] = week_of_month($insert['booking_date']);
                       $insert['repeat_weekday'] = date('N'$insert['booking_date']) . '|';
               case 'weekly':
                   $insert['repeat_interval'] = 604800 * (int)$this->input->post('repeats_every'TRUE);
               case 'daily':
                   $insert['repeat_interval'] = 86400 * (int)$this->input->post('repeats_every'TRUE);

           //if we are updating a pre-existing booking
           if($this->input->post('booking_id') != '') {
               $booking_id $this->input->post('booking_id');
               $message $this->bookings_model->edit($insert$booking_id);
           else {
               $message $this->bookings_model->add($insert);

               if($message['type'] != 'error' && $insert['provisional'] == 1) {
                   $email_data = array(
                       'date' => $unix_startdate,
                       'start_time' => $insert['start_time'],
                       'end_time' => $insert['end_time'],
                       'user' => $this->ion_auth->user($insert['user_id'])->row()

           $uri 'Diary/index/' $data['year'] . '/' $data['month'] . '/' $data['day'];

           if($message['type'] == 'error') {
               $uri $this->uri->uri_string();

           $this->session->set_flashdata($message['type'], $message['message']);
           $start_date $this->form_validation->set_value('start_date'$data['date']);
           $session $this->form_validation->set_value('session_id'$data['session']);
           $sheet $this->form_validation->set_value('sheet'$data['sheet']);

           //the user is not logging in so display the login page
           //set the flash data error message if there is one
           $data['message'] .= $this->session->flashdata('message');
           $data['error'] .= validation_errors() . $this->session->flashdata('error');

           $data['title'] = array(
               'name' => 'title',
               'id' => 'title',
               'type' => 'text',
               'data-provide' => 'typeahead',
               'data-field' => 'title',
               'autocomplete' => 'off',
               'class' => 'typeahead',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('title'$booking->title)
           $data['start_date'] = array(
               'name' => 'start_date',
               'id' => 'start_date',
               'type' => 'text',
               'value' => $start_date,
               'class' => 'datepicker'
           $data['session'] = array(
               'name' => 'session_id[]',
               'attr' => 'id="session" size="6"',
               'options' => array(
                   '1' => '1',
                   '2' => '2',
                   '3' => '3',
                   '4' => '4',
                   '5' => '5',
                   '6' => '6'
               'value' => $session
           $data['sheet'] = array(
               'name' => 'sheet',
               'attr' => 'id="sheet"',
               'options' => array(
                   '' => 'Select a sheet',
                   'A' => 'A',
                   'B' => 'B',
                   'C' => 'C',
                   'D' => 'D',
                   'E' => 'E'
               'value' => $sheet

           $hours create_hour_array();
           $minutes create_minute_array();

           $data['start_time_hours'] = array(
               'name' => 'start_time_hours',
               'attr' => 'id="start_time_hours" class="span2"',
               'options' => $hours,
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('start_time_hours'$data['start_time_hours'])
           $data['start_time_mins'] = array(
               'name' => 'start_time_mins',
               'attr' => 'id="start_time_mins" class="span2"',
               'options' => $minutes,
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('start_time_mins'$data['start_time_mins'])

           $data['end_time_hours'] = array(
               'name' => 'end_time_hours',
               'attr' => 'id="end_time_hours" class="span2"',
               'options' => $hours,
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('end_time_hours'$data['end_time_hours'])
           $data['end_time_mins'] = array(
               'name' => 'end_time_mins',
               'attr' => 'id="end_time_mins" class="span2"',
               'options' => $minutes,
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('end_time_mins'$data['end_time_mins'])

           $data['team1'] = array(
               'name' => 'team1',
               'id' => 'team1',
               'type' => 'text',
               'data-provide' => 'typeahead',
               'data-field' => 'team_name',
               'autocomplete' => 'off',
               'class' => 'typeahead',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('team1'$booking->team_name_1)
           $data['team2'] = array(
               'name' => 'team2',
               'id' => 'team2',
               'type' => 'text',
               'data-provide' => 'typeahead',
               'data-field' => 'team_name',
               'autocomplete' => 'off',
               'class' => 'typeahead',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('team2'$booking->team_name_2)
           $data['score1'] = array(
               'name' => 'score1',
               'id' => 'score1',
               'type' => 'text',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('score1'$booking->score_1)
           $data['score2'] = array(
               'name' => 'score2',
               'id' => 'score2',
               'type' => 'text',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('score2'$booking->score_2)
           $provisional $this->form_validation->set_value('provisional'$booking->provisional);
           $data['provisional'] = array(
               'name' => 'provisional',
               'id' => 'provisional',
               'value' => '1',
               'checked' => !is_null($provisional) && $provisional != '' && $provisional == '1'
           $paid $this->form_validation->set_value('paid'$booking->paid);
           $data['paid'] = array(
               'name' => 'paid',
               'id' => 'paid',
               'value' => '1',
               'checked' => !is_null($paid) && $paid != '' && $paid == '1'
           $invoiced $this->form_validation->set_value('invoiced'$booking->invoiced);
           $data['invoiced'] = array(
               'name' => 'invoiced',
               'id' => 'invoiced',
               'value' => '1',
               'checked' => !is_null($invoiced) && $invoiced != '' && $invoiced == '1'
           $data['repeats'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeats',
               'attr' => 'id="repeats"',
               'options' => array(
                   '' => 'Does not repeat',
                   'daily' => 'Daily',
                   'weekly' => 'Weekly',
                   'monthly' => 'Monthly',
                   'yearly' => 'Yearly',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeats'$booking->repeat)
           $data['repeats_every'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeats_every',
               'attr' => 'id="repeats_every"',
               'options' => array(
                   '1' => '1',
                   '2' => '2',
                   '3' => '3',
                   '4' => '4',
                   '5' => '5',
                   '6' => '6',
                   '7' => '7',
                   '8' => '8',
                   '9' => '9',
                   '10' => '10',
                   '11' => '11',
                   '12' => '12'),
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeats_every'explode('|'$booking->repeat_every))
           $data['repeat_by_month'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeat_by',
               'id' => 'repeat_by_month',
               'value' => 'month',
               'checked' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_by'$booking->repeat_by) == ''
                   || $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_by'$booking->repeat_by) == 'month'
           $data['repeat_by_week'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeat_by',
               'id' => 'repeat_by_week',
               'value' => 'week',
               'checked' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_by'$booking->repeat_by) != ''
                   && $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_by'$booking->repeat_by) == 'week'

           $data['repeat_ends_never'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeat_ends',
               'id' => 'repeat_ends_never',
               'value' => 'never',
               'checked' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_ends'$booking->repeat_ends) == ''
                   || $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_ends'$booking->repeat_ends) == 'never'
           $data['repeat_ends_on'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeat_ends',
               'id' => 'repeat_ends_on',
               'value' => 'on',
               'checked' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_ends'$booking->repeat_ends) == 'on'
           $repeat_ends_on_date $booking->repeat_ends_on != NULL date('d/m/Y'$booking->repeat_ends_on) : NULL;
           $data['repeat_ends_on_date'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeat_ends_on_date',
               'id' => 'repeat_ends_on_date',
               'type' => 'text',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_ends_on_date'$repeat_ends_on_date),
               'class' => 'datepicker input-small'
           $data['repeat_ends_after'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeat_ends',
               'id' => 'repeat_ends_after',
               'value' => 'after',
               'checked' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_ends'$booking->repeat_ends) == 'after'
           $data['repeat_ends_after_occurences'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeat_ends_after_occurences',
               'id' => 'repeat_ends_after_occurences',
               'type' => 'text',
               'class' => 'input-small',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_ends_after_occurences'$booking->repeat_ends_after)
           $data['booking_id'] = array(
               'booking_id' => $booking->id,
           $data['save'] = array(
               'name' => 'save',
               'content' => lang('book_save_button'),
               'class' => 'btn btn-primary',
               'type' => 'submit'
           $data['cancel'] = array(
               'name' => 'cancel',
               'content' => lang('book_cancel_button'),
               'class' => 'btn',
               'type' => 'submit'
           $data['delete'] = array(
               'name' => 'delete',
               'content' => lang('book_delete_button'),
               'class' => 'btn btn-danger',
               'type' => 'submit'


   public function approval()
       if (!$this->ion_auth->logged_in() || !$this->ion_auth->is_admin())
           redirect('auth/login/' $this->uri->uri_string(), 'refresh');

       if(isset($_POST['approve']) || isset($_POST['decline'])) {
           //if were posting back and cancel was clicked
           if(isset($_POST['approve'])) {
               $booking_id $this->input->post('approve'TRUE);
               $booking $this->bookings_model->get_booking($booking_id);

               $message $this->bookings_model->approve($booking_id);
               $method 'approve';

           //if were posting back and cancel was clicked
           if(isset($_POST['decline'])) {
               $booking_id $this->input->post('decline'TRUE);
               $booking $this->bookings_model->get_booking($booking_id);
               $message $this->cancel($booking);
               $method 'decline';

           if(is_null($booking_id) || $booking_id == '') {

           if(!empty($booking)) {

               $this->email->subject(lang('booking_' $method '_email_subject'));

               $message $this->parser->parse_string(
                   lang('booking_' $method '_email_message'),
                       'title' => $booking->title,
                       'date' => date('d/m/Y'$booking->start_date),
                       'time' => $booking->start_time



           $this->session->set_flashdata($message['type'], $message['message']);

           redirect($this->uri->uri_string(), 'refresh');

       //get unapproved bookings
       $data['bookings'] = $this->bookings_model->get_bookings_for_approval();
       $data['message'] = $this->session->flashdata('message');
       $data['error'] = $this->session->flashdata('error');


   public function auto_complete()
       $field $this->uri->segment(3true);
       $query $this->input->get('query');
       $available_fields = array('title''team_name');
       $double_fields = array('team_name');

       if($field == NULL || $field == '' || !in_array($field$available_fields)) {
           return array();

       $data $this->bookings_model->get_auto_complete($field$queryin_array($field$double_fields));


   public function cancel($booking)
       $message $this->bookings_model->delete($booking->id);

       if($message['type'] != 'error' && $booking->start_date time()) {

           $users $this->ion_auth_model->get_mailing_list();

           foreach($users as $user) {

               $email_message $this->parser->parse_string(
                       'first_name' => $user->first_name,
                       'date' => date('d/m/Y'$booking->start_date),
                       'start_time' => $booking->start_time,
                       'end_time' => $booking->end_time,
                       'unsubscribe' => site_url('auth/edit_user/' $user->id)



       return $message;

   public function delete($booking_id)
       if (!$this->ion_auth->logged_in() || !$this->ion_auth->is_admin())
           redirect('Auth/login/' $this->uri->uri_string(), 'refresh');

       if(is_null($booking_id)) {

       $booking $this->bookings_model->get_booking($booking_id);
       $message $this->cancel($booking);

       $this->session->set_flashdata($message['type'], $message['message']);


   public function edit()
       if (!$this->ion_auth->logged_in() || !$this->ion_auth->is_admin())
           redirect('auth/login/' $this->uri->uri_string(), 'refresh');

       //send to booking function for shard code

   private  function notify_admin($booking)
       if(!is_null($booking)) {

           $admins $this->ion_auth_model->get_admin_users();

           $email_message $this->parser->parse_string(
                   'user' => $booking['user']->first_name ' ' $booking['user']->last_name,
                   'date' => date('d/m/Y'$booking['date']),
                   'start_time' => $booking['start_time'],
                   'end_time' => $booking['end_time'],
                   'link' => site_url('bookings/approval')

           foreach($admins as $admin) {


       return TRUE;

Can someone tell me where i might be going wrong?
Many Thanks

RE: Upgrading from 2 to 3 Form Issues - InsiteFX - 08-09-2019

You need to change the database table from CI 2 to CI 3 for the Sessions.

You may also be required to update the Ion  Auth system.

CodeIgniter User Guide - Session Library

Read that, take it one step at a time.

RE: Upgrading from 2 to 3 Form Issues - RmsGreig - 08-19-2019

Hello, thanks for your reply.
I have been working through updating the sessions information as per the instructions, but think I may have gone wrong somewhere. Getting undefined and trying to get property of non-property in some of the controller and view files, examples of the code below - don't know if you would be able to see where I am going wrong? I have updated the table name in the database to ci_seesions, it has the table prefix id so don't know if this could be the problem? I've also added the start and end times to the new sessions table. Any guidance would be appreciated. Many thanks.  Currently my config is:

PHP Code:
$config['sess_driver'] = 'database';
$config['sess_cookie_name'] = 'ci_session';
$config['sess_expiration'] = 7200;
$config['sess_save_path'] = 'ci_sessions';
$config['sess_match_ip'] = FALSE;
$config['sess_time_to_update'] = 300;
$config['sess_regenerate_destroy'] = FALSE
My Sessions_Model.php
PHP Code:
<?php  if ( ! defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');

 * Class Sessions_model
class Sessions_model extends CI_Model
   public function __construct()

   public function add($data)
       $message = array(
           'type' => 'error',
           'message' => lang('add_session_failure')

       if($data == NULL)
           return $message;


       if($this->db->affected_rows() == 0) {
           return $message;

       $message = array(
           'type' => 'message',
           'message' => lang('add_session_success')

       return $message;

   public function check_for_conflicts($date$session$session_id NULL)

       if(!is_null($session_id)) {
           $this->db->where('id !='$session_id);

       $query $this->db->get('ci_sessions');

       return $query->num_rows();

   public function delete($session_id)
       //set default message as error
       $message = array(
           'type' => 'error',
           'message' => lang('delete_session_failure')

       if(!isset($session_id) || $session_id == '') {
           return $message;

       $this->db->delete('ci_sessions', array('id' => $session_id));

       $message = array(
           'type' => 'message',
           'message' => lang('delete_session_success')

       return $message;

   public function edit($data$session_id)
       $message = array(
           'type' => 'error',
           'message' => lang('edit_session_failure')

       if($session_id == NULL || $data == NULL)
           return $message;


       if($this->db->affected_rows() == 0) {
           return $message;

       $message = array(
           'type' => 'message',
           'message' => lang('edit_session_success')

       return $message;

   public function get_custom_sessions()
       $sessions = array();
       $date date_to_mysql();
       $date $this->db->escape($date);

       $this->db->where('session_start > ' $date);

       $query $this->db->get();

       if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
           $sessions $query->result();

       return $sessions;

   public function get_session($session_id)
       $session FALSE;

       if(is_null($session_id) || $session_id == '') {

       $query $this->db->get_where('ci_sessions', array('id' => $session_id));

       if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
           $session $this->poco_factory->create_session($query->row());

       return $session;

   public function get_session_defaults_by_day($day)
       $sessions = array();

       $query $this->db->query('
                SELECT *
                    FROM id_ci_sessions
                    WHERE session_start LIKE \'1970-01-0' 
$day '%\'
                    ORDER BY session_start

       if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
           foreach($query->result() as $row) {
               $sessions[] = $this->poco_factory->create_session($row);

       return $sessions;

   public function get_session_by_date($date$session_number)
       $session = array();

       if(is_null($date) || is_null($session_number)) {

       //get the day of the week for the selected date so if we are using defaults we get the correct set (each day is different)
       $day_of_week date('N'strtotime($date));

       //we just want to compare against the date not the date time so split and just grab the date
       $datetime explode(' '$date);
       $date $datetime[0];

       $query $this->db->query('
                SELECT s1.*
                    FROM id_ci_sessions s1
                    WHERE (s1.session_start LIKE \'' 
$date '%\' OR s1.session_start LIKE \'1970-01-0' $day_of_week '%\')
                        AND session_number = ' 
$session_number '

       if ($query->num_rows() > 0) {
           $session $query->row();

           // loop through and get the highest date result
           // if we have a default 1970 result, this will be replaced by the higher current date
           foreach($query->result() as $row) {
               if($row->session_start $session->session_start) {
                   $session $row;

           $session $this->poco_factory->create_session($session);

       return $session;

     * @param $wc
     * @return array
   public function get_sessions($wc)
       $sessions = array();

       for($i 0$i 7$i++) {
           $unix_date strtotime('+' $i ' days'strtotime($wc));
           $date date('Y-m-d'$unix_date);

           //get the day of the week for the selected date so if we are using defaults we get the correct set (each day is different)
           $day_of_week date('N'$unix_date);

           $sessions[$date] = array();

           $query $this->db->query('
                SELECT s1.*
                    FROM id_ci_sessions s1
                    WHERE (s1.session_start LIKE \'' 
$date '%\' OR s1.session_start LIKE \'1970-01-0' $day_of_week '%\')
                    ORDER BY session_number

           if ($query->num_rows() > 0)
               foreach ($query->result() as $row)
                   // if there is no element with that session number add it,
                   // or if the new date is higher than the session_start in there, update with the new details
                   if(!array_key_exists($row->session_number$sessions[$date]) || $row->session_start $sessions[$date][$row->session_number]->session_start) {
                       $sessions[$date][$row->session_number] = $row;

       return $sessions;

and my booking conrtroller:

PHP Code:
<?php defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');

__DIR__ '/Id_Base.php');

Bookings extends Ice_diary_base
   function __construct()


   public function add()
       if (!$this->ion_auth->logged_in())
           redirect('auth/login/' $this->uri->uri_string(), 'refresh');

       //checking if were editing or creating
       //set up some default data
       if($this->uri->segment('2') == 'edit') {
           $booking_id $this->uri->segment(3);

           if(!$booking_id) {

           $booking $this->bookings_model->get_booking($booking_id);

           $data['year'] = date('Y'$booking->start_date);
           $data['month'] = date('m'$booking->start_date);
           $data['day'] = date('d'$booking->start_date);
           $data['ci_session'] = explode('|'$booking->session);
           $data['sheet'] = $booking->sheet;

           $start_time explode(':'$booking->start_time);
           $data['start_time_hours'] = $start_time[0];
           $data['start_time_mins'] = $start_time[1];

           $end_time explode(':'$booking->end_time);
           $data['end_time_hours'] = $end_time[0];
           $data['end_time_mins'] = $end_time[1];

           //url for cancel, tries to redirect back to where the user came from
           $cancel_uri 'Diary/index/' $data['year'] . '/' $data['month'] . '/' $data['day'];
       else {
           require_once(__DIR__ '/../libraries/POCOs/Booking.php');
           $booking = new Booking();

           $data['year'] = $this->uri->segment(3TRUE);
           $data['month'] = $this->uri->segment(4TRUE);
           $data['day'] = $this->uri->segment(5TRUE);
           $data['ci_session'] = $this->uri->segment(6TRUE);
           $data['sheet'] = $this->uri->segment(7TRUE);

           //url for cancel, tries to redirect back to where the user came from
           $cancel_uri 'diary/index/' $data['year'] . '/' $data['month'] . '/' $data['day'];

       $data['date'] = '';

       if($data['year'] && $data['month'] && $data['day']) {
           $data['date'] = date('d/m/Y'strtotime($data['year'] . '-' $data['month'] . '-' $data['day']));

       $session_to_get $data['ci_session'];
       if(is_array($session_to_get)) {
           $session_to_get $session_to_get[0];

       $session_data $this->sessions_model->get_session_by_date(date_to_mysql($data['date']), $session_to_get);

       // if we dont have a start and end time, e.g. were not editing
       // load from the session data
       if(!isset($data['start_time_hours']) && !isset($data['start_time_mins'])) {
           $start_time explode(':'$session_data->start_time);
           $data['start_time_hours'] = $start_time[0];
           $data['start_time_mins'] = $start_time[1];

       if(!isset($data['end_time_hours']) && !isset($data['end_time_mins'])) {
           $end_time explode(':'$session_data->end_time);
           $data['end_time_hours'] = $end_time[0];
           $data['end_time_mins'] = $end_time[1];

       $data['is_admin'] = $this->is_admin;

       //if were posting back and cancel was clicked
       if(isset($_POST['cancel'])) {

       //validate form input
       $this->form_validation->set_rules('title'$this->lang->line('book_validation_title_label'), 'required');
       $this->form_validation->set_rules('start_date'$this->lang->line('book_validation_sdate_label'), 'required|callback_valid_date');
       $this->form_validation->set_rules('sheet'$this->lang->line('book_validation_sheet_label'), 'required');
       $this->form_validation->set_rules('id'$this->lang->line('book_validation_session_label'), 'required');
       $this->form_validation->set_rules('repeat_ends_after_occurences'$this->lang->line('book_validation_repeats_on_occurences_label'), 'xss_clean|is_natural_no_zero|callback_repeat_ends_occurences[repeat_ends]');
       $this->form_validation->set_rules('repeat_ends_on_date'$this->lang->line('book_validation_repeats_end_after_date_label'), 'xss_clean|callback_repeat_ends_date[repeat_ends]');

       $data['error'] = '';
       $data['message'] = '';

       if ($this->form_validation->run() == true) {
           $insert['user_id'] = $this->current_user->id;
           $insert['title'] = $this->input->post('title'TRUE);
           $insert['id'] = is_array($this->input->post('id')) ? implode('|'$this->input->post('id'TRUE)) . '|' $this->input->post('id'TRUE) . '|';
           $insert['sheet'] = $this->input->post('sheet'TRUE);
           $insert['start_time'] = $this->input->post('start_time_hours'TRUE) . ':' $this->input->post('start_time_mins');
           $insert['end_time'] = $this->input->post('end_time_hours'TRUE) . ':' $this->input->post('end_time_mins');
           $insert['team_name_1'] = $this->input->post('team1') != '' $this->input->post('team1'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['team_name_2'] = $this->input->post('team2') != '' $this->input->post('team2'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['score_1'] = $this->input->post('score1') != '' $this->input->post('score1'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['score_2'] = $this->input->post('score2') != '' $this->input->post('score2'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['provisional'] = $this->input->post('provisional') ? 0;
           $insert['paid'] = $this->input->post('paid') ? 0;
           $insert['invoiced'] = $this->input->post('invoiced') ? 0;
           $insert['repeat'] = $this->input->post('repeats') != '' $this->input->post('repeats'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['repeat_every'] = $this->input->post('repeats_every') != '' $this->input->post('repeats_every'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['repeat_by'] = $this->input->post('repeat_by') != '' $this->input->post('repeat_by'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['repeat_ends'] = $this->input->post('repeat_ends') != '' $this->input->post('repeat_ends'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['repeat_ends_after'] = $this->input->post('repeat_ends_after_occurences') != '' $this->input->post('repeat_ends_after_occurences'TRUE) : NULL;
           $insert['repeat_ends_on'] = $this->input->post('repeat_ends_on_date') != '' date_to_unix($this->input->post('repeat_ends_on_date'TRUE)) : NULL;
           $insert['booking_date'] = date_to_unix($this->input->post('start_date'), TRUE);

           // if the logged in user is not an admin, force provisional to true
           if(!$this->is_admin) {
               $insert['provisional'] = 1;

           $unix_startdate date_to_unix($this->input->post('start_date'), TRUE);

           if(!isset($booking_id)) {
               $booking_id NULL;

           $details = array(
               'start_date' => $unix_startdate,
               'id' => $insert['id'],
               'sheet' => $insert['sheet']
           //check for conflicts(duplicates) and throw error if appropriate
           $conflicts $this->bookings_model->check_for_conflicts($details$booking_id);
           if($conflicts 0) {
               $data['error'] = lang('book_duplicate_found');

       //if we have found no duplicates in the previous step
       if ($this->form_validation->run() == true && $data['error'] == '') {
           $repeat_ends $this->input->post('repeat_ends');
           $occurences $this->input->post('repeat_ends_after_occurences'TRUE);
           $repeats $this->input->post('repeats'TRUE);
           $repeats_every $this->input->post('repeats_every'TRUE);

           if($repeat_ends == 'after') {
               $repeat_end_date calculate_booking_end_after($unix_startdate$occurences$repeats$repeats_every);
               $insert['repeat_ends_time'] = $repeat_end_date;
           elseif($repeat_ends == 'on') {
               $repeat_end_date calculate_booking_end_on($this->input->post('repeat_ends_on_date'));
               $insert['repeat_ends_time'] = $repeat_end_date;

           switch($this->input->post('repeats')) {
               case '':
               case 'yearly':
                   $insert['repeat_year'] = $this->input->post('repeat_ends') == 'never' '*' calculate_years_for_repeat(date('Y'$unix_startdate), $this->input->post('repeats_every'), date('Y'$repeat_end_date));
                   $insert['repeat_month'] = date('n'$unix_startdate);
                   $insert['repeat_week_im'] = week_of_month($insert['booking_date']);
                   $insert['repeat_day_im'] = date('j'$unix_startdate);
               case 'monthly':
                   $insert['repeat_month_interval'] = $this->input->post('repeats_every'TRUE);

                   if($this->input->post('repeat_by') == 'week') {
                       $insert['repeat_week_im'] = week_of_month($insert['booking_date']);
                       $insert['repeat_weekday'] = date('N'$insert['booking_date']) . '|';
               case 'weekly':
                   $insert['repeat_interval'] = 604800 * (int)$this->input->post('repeats_every'TRUE);
               case 'daily':
                   $insert['repeat_interval'] = 86400 * (int)$this->input->post('repeats_every'TRUE);

           //if we are updating a pre-existing booking
           if($this->input->post('booking_id') != '') {
               $booking_id $this->input->post('booking_id');
               $message $this->bookings_model->edit($insert$booking_id);
           else {
               $message $this->bookings_model->add($insert);

               if($message['type'] != 'error' && $insert['provisional'] == 1) {
                   $email_data = array(
                       'date' => $unix_startdate,
                       'start_time' => $insert['start_time'],
                       'end_time' => $insert['end_time'],
                       'user' => $this->ion_auth->user($insert['user_id'])->row()

           $uri 'Diary/index/' $data['year'] . '/' $data['month'] . '/' $data['day'];

           if($message['type'] == 'error') {
               $uri $this->uri->uri_string();

           $this->session->set_flashdata($message['type'], $message['message']);
           $start_date $this->form_validation->set_value('start_date'$data['date']);
           $session $this->form_validation->set_value('id'$data['ci_session']);
           $sheet $this->form_validation->set_value('sheet'$data['sheet']);

           //the user is not logging in so display the login page
           //set the flash data error message if there is one
           $data['message'] .= $this->session->flashdata('message');
           $data['error'] .= validation_errors() . $this->session->flashdata('error');

           $data['title'] = array(
               'name' => 'title',
               'id' => 'title',
               'type' => 'text',
               'data-provide' => 'typeahead',
               'data-field' => 'title',
               'autocomplete' => 'off',
               'class' => 'typeahead',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('title'$booking->title)
           $data['start_date'] = array(
               'name' => 'start_date',
               'id' => 'start_date',
               'type' => 'text',
               'value' => $start_date,
               'class' => 'datepicker'
           $data['ci_session'] = array(
               'name' => 'id[]',
               'attr' => 'id="session" size="6"',
               'options' => array(
                   '1' => '1',
                   '2' => '2',
                   '3' => '3',
                   '4' => '4',
                   '5' => '5',
                   '6' => '6'
               'value' => $session
           $data['sheet'] = array(
               'name' => 'sheet',
               'attr' => 'id="sheet"',
               'options' => array(
                   '' => 'Select a sheet',
                   'A' => 'A',
                   'B' => 'B',
                   'C' => 'C',
                   'D' => 'D',
                   'E' => 'E'
               'value' => $sheet

           $hours create_hour_array();
           $minutes create_minute_array();

           $data['start_time_hours'] = array(
               'name' => 'start_time_hours',
               'attr' => 'id="start_time_hours" class="span2"',
               'options' => $hours,
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('start_time_hours'$data['start_time_hours'])
           $data['start_time_mins'] = array(
               'name' => 'start_time_mins',
               'attr' => 'id="start_time_mins" class="span2"',
               'options' => $minutes,
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('start_time_mins'$data['start_time_mins'])

           $data['end_time_hours'] = array(
               'name' => 'end_time_hours',
               'attr' => 'id="end_time_hours" class="span2"',
               'options' => $hours,
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('end_time_hours'$data['end_time_hours'])
           $data['end_time_mins'] = array(
               'name' => 'end_time_mins',
               'attr' => 'id="end_time_mins" class="span2"',
               'options' => $minutes,
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('end_time_mins'$data['end_time_mins'])

           $data['team1'] = array(
               'name' => 'team1',
               'id' => 'team1',
               'type' => 'text',
               'data-provide' => 'typeahead',
               'data-field' => 'team_name',
               'autocomplete' => 'off',
               'class' => 'typeahead',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('team1'$booking->team_name_1)
           $data['team2'] = array(
               'name' => 'team2',
               'id' => 'team2',
               'type' => 'text',
               'data-provide' => 'typeahead',
               'data-field' => 'team_name',
               'autocomplete' => 'off',
               'class' => 'typeahead',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('team2'$booking->team_name_2)
           $data['score1'] = array(
               'name' => 'score1',
               'id' => 'score1',
               'type' => 'text',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('score1'$booking->score_1)
           $data['score2'] = array(
               'name' => 'score2',
               'id' => 'score2',
               'type' => 'text',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('score2'$booking->score_2)
           $provisional $this->form_validation->set_value('provisional'$booking->provisional);
           $data['provisional'] = array(
               'name' => 'provisional',
               'id' => 'provisional',
               'value' => '1',
               'checked' => !is_null($provisional) && $provisional != '' && $provisional == '1'
           $paid $this->form_validation->set_value('paid'$booking->paid);
           $data['paid'] = array(
               'name' => 'paid',
               'id' => 'paid',
               'value' => '1',
               'checked' => !is_null($paid) && $paid != '' && $paid == '1'
           $invoiced $this->form_validation->set_value('invoiced'$booking->invoiced);
           $data['invoiced'] = array(
               'name' => 'invoiced',
               'id' => 'invoiced',
               'value' => '1',
               'checked' => !is_null($invoiced) && $invoiced != '' && $invoiced == '1'
           $data['repeats'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeats',
               'attr' => 'id="repeats"',
               'options' => array(
                   '' => 'Does not repeat',
                   'daily' => 'Daily',
                   'weekly' => 'Weekly',
                   'monthly' => 'Monthly',
                   'yearly' => 'Yearly',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeats'$booking->repeat)
           $data['repeats_every'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeats_every',
               'attr' => 'id="repeats_every"',
               'options' => array(
                   '1' => '1',
                   '2' => '2',
                   '3' => '3',
                   '4' => '4',
                   '5' => '5',
                   '6' => '6',
                   '7' => '7',
                   '8' => '8',
                   '9' => '9',
                   '10' => '10',
                   '11' => '11',
                   '12' => '12'),
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeats_every'explode('|'$booking->repeat_every))
           $data['repeat_by_month'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeat_by',
               'id' => 'repeat_by_month',
               'value' => 'month',
               'checked' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_by'$booking->repeat_by) == ''
                   || $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_by'$booking->repeat_by) == 'month'
           $data['repeat_by_week'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeat_by',
               'id' => 'repeat_by_week',
               'value' => 'week',
               'checked' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_by'$booking->repeat_by) != ''
                   && $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_by'$booking->repeat_by) == 'week'

           $data['repeat_ends_never'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeat_ends',
               'id' => 'repeat_ends_never',
               'value' => 'never',
               'checked' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_ends'$booking->repeat_ends) == ''
                   || $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_ends'$booking->repeat_ends) == 'never'
           $data['repeat_ends_on'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeat_ends',
               'id' => 'repeat_ends_on',
               'value' => 'on',
               'checked' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_ends'$booking->repeat_ends) == 'on'
           $repeat_ends_on_date $booking->repeat_ends_on != NULL date('d/m/Y'$booking->repeat_ends_on) : NULL;
           $data['repeat_ends_on_date'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeat_ends_on_date',
               'id' => 'repeat_ends_on_date',
               'type' => 'text',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_ends_on_date'$repeat_ends_on_date),
               'class' => 'datepicker input-small'
           $data['repeat_ends_after'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeat_ends',
               'id' => 'repeat_ends_after',
               'value' => 'after',
               'checked' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_ends'$booking->repeat_ends) == 'after'
           $data['repeat_ends_after_occurences'] = array(
               'name' => 'repeat_ends_after_occurences',
               'id' => 'repeat_ends_after_occurences',
               'type' => 'text',
               'class' => 'input-small',
               'value' => $this->form_validation->set_value('repeat_ends_after_occurences'$booking->repeat_ends_after)
           $data['booking_id'] = array(
               'booking_id' => $booking->id,
           $data['save'] = array(
               'name' => 'save',
               'content' => lang('book_save_button'),
               'class' => 'btn btn-primary',
               'type' => 'submit'
           $data['cancel'] = array(
               'name' => 'cancel',
               'content' => lang('book_cancel_button'),
               'class' => 'btn',
               'type' => 'submit'
           $data['delete'] = array(
               'name' => 'delete',
               'content' => lang('book_delete_button'),
               'class' => 'btn btn-danger',
               'type' => 'submit'


   public function approval()
       if (!$this->ion_auth->logged_in() || !$this->ion_auth->is_admin())
           redirect('auth/login/' $this->uri->uri_string(), 'refresh');

       if(isset($_POST['approve']) || isset($_POST['decline'])) {
           //if were posting back and cancel was clicked
           if(isset($_POST['approve'])) {
               $booking_id $this->input->post('approve'TRUE);
               $booking $this->bookings_model->get_booking($booking_id);

               $message $this->bookings_model->approve($booking_id);
               $method 'approve';

           //if were posting back and cancel was clicked
           if(isset($_POST['decline'])) {
               $booking_id $this->input->post('decline'TRUE);
               $booking $this->bookings_model->get_booking($booking_id);
               $message $this->cancel($booking);
               $method 'decline';

           if(is_null($booking_id) || $booking_id == '') {

           if(!empty($booking)) {

               $this->email->subject(lang('booking_' $method '_email_subject'));

               $message $this->parser->parse_string(
                   lang('booking_' $method '_email_message'),
                       'title' => $booking->title,
                       'date' => date('d/m/Y'$booking->start_date),
                       'time' => $booking->start_time



           $this->session->set_flashdata($message['type'], $message['message']);

           redirect($this->uri->uri_string(), 'refresh');

       //get unapproved bookings
       $data['bookings'] = $this->bookings_model->get_bookings_for_approval();
       $data['message'] = $this->session->flashdata('message');
       $data['error'] = $this->session->flashdata('error');


   public function auto_complete()
       $field $this->uri->segment(3true);
       $query $this->input->get('query');
       $available_fields = array('title''team_name');
       $double_fields = array('team_name');

       if($field == NULL || $field == '' || !in_array($field$available_fields)) {
           return array();

       $data $this->bookings_model->get_auto_complete($field$queryin_array($field$double_fields));


   public function cancel($booking)
       $message $this->bookings_model->delete($booking->id);

       if($message['type'] != 'error' && $booking->start_date time()) {

           $users $this->ion_auth_model->get_mailing_list();

           foreach($users as $user) {

               $email_message $this->parser->parse_string(
                       'first_name' => $user->first_name,
                       'date' => date('d/m/Y'$booking->start_date),
                       'start_time' => $booking->start_time,
                       'end_time' => $booking->end_time,
                       'unsubscribe' => site_url('auth/edit_user/' $user->id)



       return $message;

   public function delete($booking_id)
       if (!$this->ion_auth->logged_in() || !$this->ion_auth->is_admin())
           redirect('Auth/login/' $this->uri->uri_string(), 'refresh');

       if(is_null($booking_id)) {

       $booking $this->bookings_model->get_booking($booking_id);
       $message $this->cancel($booking);

       $this->session->set_flashdata($message['type'], $message['message']);


   public function edit()
       if (!$this->ion_auth->logged_in() || !$this->ion_auth->is_admin())
           redirect('auth/login/' $this->uri->uri_string(), 'refresh');

       //send to booking function for shard code

   private  function notify_admin($booking)
       if(!is_null($booking)) {

           $admins $this->ion_auth_model->get_admin_users();

           $email_message $this->parser->parse_string(
                   'user' => $booking['user']->first_name ' ' $booking['user']->last_name,
                   'date' => date('d/m/Y'$booking['date']),
                   'start_time' => $booking['start_time'],
                   'end_time' => $booking['end_time'],
                   'link' => site_url('bookings/approval')

           foreach($admins as $admin) {


       return TRUE;

RE: Upgrading from 2 to 3 Form Issues - Wouter60 - 08-19-2019

Where do you load the sessions library? You need that in order to get sessions working.
What's the use of a sessions model? All session operations are done by the sessions library.
E.g. to store a value in the session:
PHP Code:
$this->session->country $country

To retrieve a session value:
PHP Code:
$country $this->session->country

RE: Upgrading from 2 to 3 Form Issues - InsiteFX - 08-19-2019

delete your system folder and copy the whole CodeIgniter 3 system folder over.

There was a big change in the sessions for version 3.

You may also need to update the application/config folder there were some changes
there also.

RE: Upgrading from 2 to 3 Form Issues - RmsGreig - 08-20-2019

Hi, I did replace the whole systems folder with version 3, I didn't make the original application so I'm not 100% sure on the decision to use the sessions model. I have tried adding 'Sessions' to the autoload array in config in case it wasn't picking up the library but this didn't work. Should I declare it in each controller that will be using sessions?
Many Thanks

RE: Upgrading from 2 to 3 Form Issues - InsiteFX - 08-20-2019

If you autoload it it should work across your whole app.

You do need to also replace the ./application/config.php file because it was updated.

Make a back-up copy before you update it so that you can put the parameters back in it.

Did you update the database table for sessions?

RE: Upgrading from 2 to 3 Form Issues - Wouter60 - 08-20-2019

The library's name is "session", not "sessions".