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Community Auth: Cannot make it work with CI 3.1.11 - Printable Version

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Community Auth: Cannot make it work with CI 3.1.11 - jfmateos - 10-13-2019

Dear skunkbad,

I have intalled Community Auth on a fresh CI 3.1.11 following the instruciones in

I can see the login form but notihing happens when I write legitime or wrong credentilals; the form simply reloads.

If I click on "Can't access your account?" I get the following PHP error
PHP Code:
A PHP Error was encountered


Cannot modify header information headers already sent by (output started at /home/app_iotopentech/


Line Number


File: /home/app_iotopentech/
Function: setcookie

: /home/app_iotopentech/
Function: save_tokens_cookie

: /home/app_iotopentech/
Function: generate_form_token

: /home/app_iotopentech/
Function: token

: /home/app_iotopentech/
Function: form_open

: /home/app_iotopentech/
Function: view

: /home/app_iotopentech/
Function: require_once 

Besides, I have configured log threshold to 2, but nothing appears in the log file related to the credentials.
PHP Code:
DEBUG 2019-10-12 17:42:25 --> UTF-8 Support Enabled
2019-10-12 17:42:25 --> Global POSTGET and COOKIE data sanitized
2019-10-12 17:42:25 --> Config file loaded: /home/app_iotopentech/
2019-10-12 17:42:25 --> Config file loaded: /home/app_iotopentech/
2019-10-12 17:42:25 --> Session"sess_save_path" is empty; using "session.save_path" value from php.ini.
DEBUG 2019-10-12 17:42:25 --> EncryptionAuto-configured driver 'openssl'.
DEBUG 2019-10-12 17:42:25 --> Total execution time0.0072 
Please could you help me?

Kind regards from Madrid.

RE: Community Auth: Cannot make it work with CI 3.1.11 - jreklund - 10-13-2019

You need to put exit; after all redirect(); functions in your Example.php file.

RE: Community Auth: Cannot make it work with CI 3.1.11 - jfmateos - 10-13-2019

Thank you very much.
There is only one redirect in the Examples.php. It is in the logout function.
defined('BASEPATH') or exit('No direct script access allowed');

* Community Auth - Examples Controller
* Community Auth is an open source authentication application for CodeIgniter 3
* @package     Community Auth
* @author      Robert B Gottier
* @copyright   Copyright (c) 2011 - 2018, Robert B Gottier. (
* @license     BSD -
* @link

class Examples extends MY_Controller
    public function __construct()

        // Force SSL

        // Form and URL helpers always loaded (just for convenience)

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Demonstrate being redirected to login.
     * If you are logged in and request this method,
     * you'll see the message, otherwise you will be
     * shown the login form. Once login is achieved,
     * you will be redirected back to this method.
    public function index()
        if( $this->require_role('admin') )
            echo $this->load->view('examples/page_header', '', TRUE);

            echo '<p>You are logged in!</p>';

            echo $this->load->view('examples/page_footer', '', TRUE);
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * A basic page that shows verification that the user is logged in or not.
     * If the user is logged in, a link to "Logout" will be in the menu.
     * If they are not logged in, a link to "Login" will be in the menu.
    public function home()
        echo $this->load->view('examples/page_header', '', TRUE);

        echo '<p>Welcome Home</p>';

        echo $this->load->view('examples/page_footer', '', TRUE);
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Demonstrate an optional login.
     * Remember to add "examples/optional_login_test" to the
     * allowed_pages_for_login array in config/authentication.php.
     * Notice that we are using verify_min_level to check if
     * a user is already logged in.
    public function optional_login_test()
        if( $this->verify_min_level(1) )
            $page_content = '<p>Although not required, you are logged in!</p>';
        elseif( $this->tokens->match && $this->optional_login() )
            // Let Community Auth handle the login attempt ...
            // Notice parameter set to TRUE, which designates this as an optional login

            $page_content = '<p>You are not logged in, but can still see this page.</p>';

            // Form helper needed

            $page_content .= $this->load->view('examples/login_form', '', TRUE);

        echo $this->load->view('examples/page_header', '', TRUE);

        echo $page_content;

        echo $this->load->view('examples/page_footer', '', TRUE);
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Here we simply verify if a user is logged in, but
     * not enforcing authentication. The presence of auth
     * related variables that are not empty indicates
     * that somebody is logged in. Also showing how to
     * get the contents of the HTTP user cookie.
    public function simple_verification()

        echo $this->load->view('examples/page_header', '', TRUE);

        echo '<p>';
        if( ! empty( $this->auth_role ) )
            echo $this->auth_role . ' logged in!<br />
                User ID is ' . $this->auth_user_id . '<br />
                Auth level is ' . $this->auth_level . '<br />
                Username is ' . $this->auth_username;

            if( $http_user_cookie_contents = $this->input->cookie( config_item('http_user_cookie_name') ) )
                $http_user_cookie_contents = unserialize( $http_user_cookie_contents );
                echo '<br />

                print_r( $http_user_cookie_contents );

                echo '</pre>';

            if( config_item('add_acl_query_to_auth_functions') && $this->acl )
                echo '<br />

                print_r( $this->acl );

                echo '</pre>';

             * ACL usage doesn't require ACL be added to auth vars.
             * If query not performed during authentication,
             * the acl_permits function will query the DB.
            if( $this->acl_permits('general.secret_action') )
                echo '<p>ACL permission grants action!</p>';
            echo 'Nobody logged in.';

        echo '</p>';

        echo $this->load->view('examples/page_footer', '', TRUE);
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * Most minimal user creation. You will of course make your
     * own interface for adding users, and you may even let users
     * register and create their own accounts.
     * The password used in the $user_data array needs to meet the
     * following default strength requirements:
     *   - Must be at least 8 characters long
     *   - Must be at less than 72 characters long
     *   - Must have at least one digit
     *   - Must have at least one lower case letter
     *   - Must have at least one upper case letter
     *   - Must not have any space, tab, or other whitespace characters
     *   - No backslash, apostrophe or quote chars are allowed
    public function create_user()
        // Customize this array for your user
        $user_data = [
            'username'   => 'juanfe',
            'passwd'     => 'Kk89.IO.',
            'email'      => '[email protected]',
            'auth_level' => '9', // 9 if you want to login @ examples/index.


        echo $this->load->view('examples/page_header', '', TRUE);

        // Load resources

        $this->form_validation->set_data( $user_data );

        $validation_rules = [
                'field' => 'username',
                'label' => 'username',
                'rules' => 'max_length[12]|is_unique[' . db_table('user_table') . '.username]',
                'errors' => [
                    'is_unique' => 'Username already in use.'
                'field' => 'passwd',
                'label' => 'passwd',
                'rules' => [
                        [ $this->validation_callables, '_check_password_strength' ]
                'errors' => [
                    'required' => 'The password field is required.'
                'field'  => 'email',
                'label'  => 'email',
                'rules'  => 'trim|required|valid_email|is_unique[' . db_table('user_table') . '.email]',
                'errors' => [
                    'is_unique' => 'Email address already in use.'
                'field' => 'auth_level',
                'label' => 'auth_level',
                'rules' => 'required|integer|in_list[1,6,9]'

        $this->form_validation->set_rules( $validation_rules );

        if( $this->form_validation->run() )
            $user_data['passwd']     = $this->authentication->hash_passwd($user_data['passwd']);
            $user_data['user_id']    = $this->examples_model->get_unused_id();
            $user_data['created_at'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');

            // If username is not used, it must be entered into the record as NULL
            if( empty( $user_data['username'] ) )
                $user_data['username'] = NULL;


            if( $this->db->affected_rows() == 1 )
                echo '<h1>Congratulations</h1>' . '<p>User ' . $user_data['username'] . ' was created.</p>';
            echo '<h1>User Creation Error(s)</h1>' . validation_errors();

        echo $this->load->view('examples/page_footer', '', TRUE);
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * This login method only serves to redirect a user to a
     * location once they have successfully logged in. It does
     * not attempt to confirm that the user has permission to
     * be on the page they are being redirected to.
    public function login()
        // Method should not be directly accessible
        if( $this->uri->uri_string() == 'examples/login')

        if( strtolower( $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] ) == 'post' )


        $html = $this->load->view('examples/page_header', '', TRUE);
        $html .= $this->load->view('examples/login_form', '', TRUE);
        $html .= $this->load->view('examples/page_footer', '', TRUE);

        echo $html;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------

     * Log out
    public function logout()

        // Set redirect protocol
        $redirect_protocol = USE_SSL ? 'https' : NULL;

        redirect( site_url( LOGIN_PAGE . '?' . AUTH_LOGOUT_PARAM . '=1', $redirect_protocol ) );

    // --------------------------------------------------------------

     * User recovery form
    public function recover()
        // Load resources

        /// If IP or posted email is on hold, display message
        if( $on_hold = $this->authentication->current_hold_status( TRUE ) )
            $view_data['disabled'] = 1;
            // If the form post looks good
            if( $this->tokens->match && $this->input->post('email') )
                if( $user_data = $this->examples_model->get_recovery_data( $this->input->post('email') ) )
                    // Check if user is banned
                    if( $user_data->banned == '1' )
                        // Log an error if banned
                        $this->authentication->log_error( $this->input->post('email', TRUE ) );

                        // Show special message for banned user
                        $view_data['banned'] = 1;
                         * Use the authentication libraries salt generator for a random string
                         * that will be hashed and stored as the password recovery key.
                         * Method is called 4 times for a 88 character string, and then
                         * trimmed to 72 characters
                        $recovery_code = substr( $this->authentication->random_salt()
                            . $this->authentication->random_salt()
                            . $this->authentication->random_salt()
                            . $this->authentication->random_salt(), 0, 72 );

                        // Update user record with recovery code and time
                                'passwd_recovery_code' => $this->authentication->hash_passwd($recovery_code),
                                'passwd_recovery_date' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s')

                        // Set the link protocol
                        $link_protocol = USE_SSL ? 'https' : NULL;

                        // Set URI of link
                        $link_uri = 'examples/recovery_verification/' . $user_data->user_id . '/' . $recovery_code;

                        $view_data['special_link'] = anchor(
                            site_url( $link_uri, $link_protocol ),
                            site_url( $link_uri, $link_protocol ),
                            'target ="_blank"'

                        $view_data['confirmation'] = 1;

                // There was no match, log an error, and display a message
                    // Log the error
                    $this->authentication->log_error( $this->input->post('email', TRUE ) );

                    $view_data['no_match'] = 1;

        echo $this->load->view('examples/page_header', '', TRUE);

        echo $this->load->view('examples/recover_form', ( isset( $view_data ) ) ? $view_data : '', TRUE );

        echo $this->load->view('examples/page_footer', '', TRUE);

    // --------------------------------------------------------------

     * Verification of a user by email for recovery
     * @param  int     the user ID
     * @param  string  the passwd recovery code
    public function recovery_verification( $user_id = '', $recovery_code = '' )
        /// If IP is on hold, display message
        if( $on_hold = $this->authentication->current_hold_status( TRUE ) )
            $view_data['disabled'] = 1;
            // Load resources

                 * Make sure that $user_id is a number and less
                 * than or equal to 10 characters long
                is_numeric( $user_id ) && strlen( $user_id ) <= 10 &&

                 * Make sure that $recovery code is exactly 72 characters long
                strlen( $recovery_code ) == 72 &&

                 * Try to get a hashed password recovery
                 * code and user salt for the user.
                $recovery_data = $this->examples_model->get_recovery_verification_data( $user_id ) )
                 * Check that the recovery code from the
                 * email matches the hashed recovery code.
                if( $recovery_data->passwd_recovery_code == $this->authentication->check_passwd( $recovery_data->passwd_recovery_code, $recovery_code ) )
                    $view_data['user_id']       = $user_id;
                    $view_data['username']     = $recovery_data->username;
                    $view_data['recovery_code'] = $recovery_data->passwd_recovery_code;

                // Link is bad so show message
                    $view_data['recovery_error'] = 1;

                    // Log an error

            // Link is bad so show message
                $view_data['recovery_error'] = 1;

                // Log an error

             * If form submission is attempting to change password
            if( $this->tokens->match )

        echo $this->load->view('examples/page_header', '', TRUE);

        echo $this->load->view( 'examples/choose_password_form', $view_data, TRUE );

        echo $this->load->view('examples/page_footer', '', TRUE);

    // --------------------------------------------------------------

     * Attempt to login via AJAX
    public function ajax_login()

        $this->tokens->name = config_item('login_token_name');

        $data['javascripts'] = [

        if( $this->authentication->on_hold === TRUE )
            $data['on_hold_message'] = 1;

        // This check for on hold is for normal login attempts
        else if( $on_hold = $this->authentication->current_hold_status() )
            $data['on_hold_message'] = 1;

        $link_protocol = USE_SSL ? 'https' : NULL;

        $data['final_head'] = "<script>
                $(document).on( 'submit', 'form', function(e){
                        type: 'post',
                        cache: false,
                        url: '" . site_url('examples/ajax_attempt_login', $link_protocol ) . "',
                        data: {
                            'login_string': $('#login_string').val(),
                            'login_pass': $('#login_pass').val(),
                            '" . config_item('login_token_name') . "': $('[name=\"" . config_item('login_token_name') . "\"]').val()
                        dataType: 'json',
                        success: function(response){
                            $('[name=\"" . config_item('login_token_name') . "\"]').val( response.token );
                            if(response.status == 1){
                                $('form').replaceWith('<p>You are now logged in.</p>');
                                $('#login-link').attr('href','" . site_url('examples/logout', $link_protocol ) . "').text('Logout');
                            }else if(response.status == 0 && response.on_hold){
                                alert('You have exceeded the maximum number of login attempts.');
                            }else if(response.status == 0 && response.count){
                                alert('Failed login attempt ' + response.count + ' of ' + $('#max_allowed_attempts').val());
                    return false;

        $html = $this->load->view('examples/page_header', $data, TRUE);
        $html .= $this->load->view('examples/ajax_login_form', $data, TRUE);
        $html .= $this->load->view('examples/page_footer', '', TRUE);

        echo $html;

    // --------------------------------------------------------------

     * Test for login via ajax
    public function ajax_attempt_login()
        if( $this->input->is_ajax_request() )
            // Allow this page to be an accepted login page
            $this->config->set_item('allowed_pages_for_login', ['examples/ajax_attempt_login'] );

            // Make sure we aren't redirecting after a successful login
            $this->authentication->redirect_after_login = FALSE;

            // Do the login attempt
            $this->auth_data = $this->authentication->user_status( 0 );

            // Set user variables if successful login
            if( $this->auth_data )

            // Call the post auth hook

            // Login attempt was successful
            if( $this->auth_data )
                echo json_encode([
                    'status'   => 1,
                    'user_id'  => $this->auth_user_id,
                    'username' => $this->auth_username,
                    'level'    => $this->auth_level,
                    'role'     => $this->auth_role,
                    'email'    => $this->auth_email

            // Login attempt not successful
                $this->tokens->name = config_item('login_token_name');

                $on_hold = (
                    $this->authentication->on_hold === TRUE OR
                ? 1 : 0;

                echo json_encode([
                    'status'  => 0,
                    'count'   => $this->authentication->login_errors_count,
                    'on_hold' => $on_hold,
                    'token'   => $this->tokens->token()

        // Show 404 if not AJAX
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

     * If you are using some other way to authenticate a created user,
     * such as Facebook, Twitter, etc., you will simply call the user's
     * record from the database, and pass it to the maintain_state method.
     * So, you must know either the user's username or email address to
     * log them in.
     * How you would safely implement this in your application is your choice.
     * Please keep in mind that such functionality bypasses all of the
     * checks that Community Auth does during a normal login.
    public function social_login()
        // Add the username or email address of the user you want logged in:
        $username_or_email_address = '';

        if( ! empty( $username_or_email_address ) )
            $auth_model = $this->authentication->auth_model;

            // Get normal authentication data using username or email address
            if( $auth_data = $this->{$auth_model}->get_auth_data( $username_or_email_address ) )
                 * If redirect param exists, user redirected there.
                 * This is entirely optional, and can be removed if
                 * no redirect is desired.

                // Set auth related session / cookies
                $this->authentication->maintain_state( $auth_data );
            echo 'Example requires that you set a username or email address.';
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

/* End of file Examples.php */
/* Location: /community_auth/controllers/Examples.php */

I have added an exit; but nothing changes.
Community Auth does not work.

RE: Community Auth: Cannot make it work with CI 3.1.11 - skunkbad - 10-13-2019

In a basic controller, can you use CI sessions successfully? Please check, and if you still have issues, show your session configuration.

RE: Community Auth: Cannot make it work with CI 3.1.11 - jreklund - 10-14-2019

My bad, I see that it's this file:
Filename: libraries/Tokens.php
Line Number: 242

I use a heavily modified version of Community Auth, so I don't use the Tokens library. Sorry for the wrong advice. But something are trying to send the header twice.