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Problem with $useTimestamp - Printable Version

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Problem with $useTimestamp - wdeda - 05-07-2020

I have a question about the protected "function" in Model.
I was watching a sequence of videos on YouTube about the "Create news items" tutorial and decided to follow the step-by-step instructions. At a certain point I was unable to proceed, just at the moment when I would update the table with the option $useTimestamps.
The first thing I noticed is that in the videos the version used was "beta 4". I made several attempts but couldn't, so I decided to go to the basics: list a field from the table:
foreach ($news as $row);
echo $row['title'];
I did not make it!
See attached image with the description of the error.
Only after removing this field with "false" and the others adding a comment sign did I get it.
According to the manual:
"This boolean value determines whether the current date is automatically added to all inserts and updates. If true, will set the current time in the format specified by $ dateFormat. This requires that the table have columns named 'created_at' and 'updated_at' in the appropriate data type. "

PHP Code:
<?php namespace App\Models;


NewsModel extends Model
    protected $table      'news';
    protected $primaryKey 'id';

    protected $returnType    'array';    

protected $allowedFields = ['id''title''body'];
protected $useSoftDeletes false;    

protected $useTimestamps false;
    //protected $createdField  = 'created_at';
    //protected $updatedField  = 'updated_at';
    //protected $deletedField  = 'deleted_at';    

    public function getNews($id null) {
if ($id === null)
                return $this->findAll();

        return $this->asArray()
                    ->where(['id' => $id])


PHP Code:
<?php namespace App\Controllers;
// 20200507
use CodeIgniter\Controller;
    use App\Models\NewsModel;

    class News extends Controller {

    public function index() {

        $model = new NewsModel();
= [
            'news'  => $model->getNews()
= array (
            'icon' => 'codeigniter',
            'css' => 'test',          
'title' => 'Teste - wdeda',
            'action' => '/ci4/search/allmedia/',
            'placeholder' => 'Search'

        echo view('templates/header'$header);
        echo view('content/teste/teste'$data);
        echo view('templates/footer');

In the video,, despite some confusion with coding, at 15:00, everything works perfectly.

In the attached image of the table, the only record was created manually.

[SOLVED] Problem with $useTimestamp - wdeda - 05-11-2020

I can't explain how or why, but the problem just disappeared, it's flawless.
In the image below, updates and deletions performed on the table.
I'm sorry, for the "false alarm".