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About multiples caches on same file - Printable Version

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About multiples caches on same file - douglaspr - 12-02-2020

How i can use A multiples times at same php file?
my code is that above, i need use 2 different cache system for same php but different queries, if not i'll need use another .php for the same purpose for use multiples caches.

PHP Code:
public function index()

$data['Inicial'] = "";

if (
$this->input->get('act') == "db")
if (
$this->load->database() == True)

// Routine db
elseif (
$this->input->get('act') == "db2")
if (
$this->load->database() == True)

// Routine db2


RE: About multiples caches on same file - douglaspr - 12-03-2020

Solved using:

$this->config->set_item('cache_path', 'application/cache/db2/');

for every case with a different folder.