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The 'matches' validation rule fails even though I'm sure its correct - Printable Version

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The 'matches' validation rule fails even though I'm sure its correct - Polymorphism - 06-09-2021

I'm building a simple signup form that has a password confirmation field and it uses the 'matches' validation rule. I can't get it to return true though even though I can var_dump the values and see that they are both the same.
Here is my UserModel:
PHP Code:
class UserModel extends Model
$DBGroup              'default';
$table                'users';
$primaryKey          'id';
$useAutoIncrement    true;
$insertID            0;
$returnType          'object';
$useSoftDelete        false;
$protectFields        true;
$allowedFields        = ['username''email''password'];

// Dates
protected $useTimestamps        false;
$dateFormat          'datetime';
$createdField        'created_at';
$updatedField        'updated_at';
$deletedField        'deleted_at';
// Validation
    protected $validationRules      = [
        'username' => 'required|min_length[2]|alpha_numeric',
        'email' => 'required|valid_email',
        'password' => 'required',
        'password-confirm' => 'required|matches[password]'

    protected $validationMessages  = [];
$skipValidation      false;
$cleanValidationRules true;

// Callbacks
protected $allowCallbacks      true;
$beforeInsert        = [];
$afterInsert          = [];
$beforeUpdate        = [];
$afterUpdate          = [];
$beforeFind          = [];
$afterFind            = [];
$beforeDelete        = [];
$afterDelete          = [];

Here is  the method that deals with signing up the user:

PHP Code:
 * Create a new resource object, from "posted" parameters
 * @return mixed
public function create()
        $user = new User();

        * Validation
        if (! $this->validate($user->validationRules))
            echo view('login/signup', [
                'validation' => $this->validation,
        } else
            $username $this->request->getVar('username');
            $email $this->request->getVar('email');
            $password $this->request->getVar('password');

            $userFound $user->where('username'$username)->first();
            $emailFound $user->where('email'$email)->first();

            * Check if username or email already exist.
            if ($userFound)
                $this->session->setFlashdata('message'"The username <strong>{$username}</strong> has already been taken. Please try another one.");
                return redirect()->to('signup');
            } else if($emailFound)
                $this->session->setFlashdata('message'"Another user is already using <strong>{$email}</strong>. Please try another one.");
                return redirect()->to('signup');

            } else
                $data = [
                    'username' => $username,
                    'email' => $email,
                    'password' => password_hash($passwordPASSWORD_DEFAULT),
                    'password-confirm' => $password




                $this->session->setFlashdata("message""An account for <strong>{$username}</strong> has been created. Now you can login!");
                return redirect()->to('/login');

What am I doing wrongI have used no quotesdouble quotes and single quotes in the validation rule and I still get the correct result.

Some help would be greatly appreciated

RE: The 'matches' validation rule fails even though I'm sure its correct - InsiteFX - 06-09-2021

I think it has to do with the hyphen - sign in the rule name.
PHP Code:
'password-confirm' => 'required|matches[password]'

// change to this in all your code and form _
'password_confirm' => 'required|matches[password]' 

RE: The 'matches' validation rule fails even though I'm sure its correct - Polymorphism - 06-09-2021

(06-09-2021, 03:34 AM)InsiteFX Wrote: I think it has to do with the hyphen - sign in the rule name.
PHP Code:
'password-confirm' => 'required|matches[password]'

// change to this in all your code and form _
'password_confirm' => 'required|matches[password]'

Thanks for helping me out with thisI ran a global find and replace for this and I'm still getting this error. Is there a very particular way to use the 'matches' rule?

I did also notice that I get an error saying that the '
password_confirm' field is missing from the $data array with I try to insert a new user, even though that its not a field in the database or on the $allowedFields array for the User class. I'm not sure that that is related though

RE: The 'matches' validation rule fails even though I'm sure its correct - paliz - 06-09-2021

[quote pid="387484" dateline="1623240301"]
donnot for got entity 

look at my code    model controler entity  and view 

PHP Code:
<?php namespace CoreCommon\Controllers;


Profile extends ApiController

    * index function
    * @method : GET
    public function index()

        $userModel = new UsersModel();
        $user $userModel->where('id'$this->userId)->get()->getResultObject();

        return $this->respond([
            'data' => $user
], ResponseInterface::HTTP_OKlang('Common.api.receive'));

    public function create()

        $userModel = new UsersModel();
        $userEntity = new UsersEntity();
        $usersMythAuth = new \Myth\Auth\Models\UserModel();
        $isPassword false;
        $customConfig = new \CoreCommon\Config\CoreAppConfig();
        $imageService = \CodeIgniter\Config\Services::image();
        $handyFunction = new CustomFileSystem();

        if ($this->request) {
            //get request from Vue Js

            $rules = [
                'first_name' => 'if_exist|required|max_length[255]',
                'last_name' => 'if_exist|required|max_length[255]',
                'address' => 'if_exist|required|max_length[255]',
                'phone' => 'if_exist|required|max_length[11]',
                'password' => 'if_exist|required',
                'pass_confirm' => 'if_exist|required|matches[password]',
                'gender' => 'if_exist|required',
                'country' => 'if_exist|required|max_length[255]',
                'city' => 'if_exist|required|max_length[255]',
                'image' => 'if_exist|uploaded[image]|max_size[image,4096]|ext_in[avatar,png,jpg,jpeg,webp]',


            if (!$this->validate($rules)) {

                return $this->respond([
                    'error' => $this->validator->getErrors(),
                    'success' => false
], ResponseInterface::HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLElang('Common.api.validation'));


            $user $usersMythAuth->where('id'$this->userId)
            if (isset($this->request->getJSON()->password)) {

                $user->password $this->request->getJSON()->password;
                $user->reset_hash null;
                $user->reset_at null;
                $user->reset_expires null;
                $user->force_pass_reset false;
                $isPassword true;

            } else if (isset($this->request->getJSON()->first_name)) {

                $userEntity->first_name $this->request->getJSON()->first_name;
                $userEntity->last_name $this->request->getJSON()->last_name;
                $userEntity->gender $this->request->getJSON()->gender;
            } else if (isset($this->request->getJSON()->address)) {
                $userEntity->address $this->request->getJSON()->address;
                $userEntity->country $this->request->getJSON()->country;
                $userEntity->city $this->request->getJSON()->city;


            if (isset($_FILES['image'])) {
                $path $userModel->where('id'$this->userId)
                $handyFunction->removeSingleFile(ROOTPATH $path->image);
                $avatar $this->request->getFile('image');
                $avatar->move($customConfig->uploadDirectory '/profile'time() . '.' $avatar->getClientExtension());
                $userEntity->image $avatar->getName();
                $imageService->withFile(ROOTPATH $userEntity->image)
                    ->save(ROOTPATH $userEntity->image90);

            if (is_null($user->phone) && isset($this->request->getJSON()->phone)) {
                $userEntity->phone $this->request->getJSON()->phone;

            } else if (is_null($user->email) && isset($this->request->getJSON()->email)) {
                $userEntity->email $this->request->getJSON()->email;

            if ($isPassword == true) {
                if (!$usersMythAuth->save($user)) {

                    return $this->respond([
                        'data' => $usersMythAuth->errors(),
                        'success' => false,
                    ], ResponseInterface::HTTP_BAD_REQUESTlang('Common.api.reject'));

            } else {
                if (!$userModel->update($this->userId$userEntity)) {

                    return $this->respond([
                        'data' => $userModel->errors(),
                        'success' => false,
                    ], ResponseInterface::HTTP_BAD_REQUESTlang('Common.api.reject'));


            return $this->respond([
                'success' => true,

            ], ResponseInterface::HTTP_CREATEDlang(''));



php namespace CoreCommon\Entities;

use \

class  UsersEntity extends Entity

    protected $id;
    protected $first_name;
    protected $last_name;
    protected $phone;
    protected $image;
    protected $address;
    protected $password_hash;
    protected $gender;
    protected $country;
    protected $city;
    protected $email;

    protected $attributes = [
        'id' => null,
        'first_name' => null,
        'last_name' => null,
        'phone' => null,
        'email' => null,
        'address' => null,
        'image' => null,
        'password_hash' => null,
        'gender' => null,
        'country' => null,
        'city' => null,
        'reset_hash' => null,
        'reset_at' => null,
        'reset_expires' => null,
        'force_pass_reset' => null,
    protected $datamap = [

    protected $dates = [];

    protected $casts = [];

    protected $permissions = [];

    protected $roles = [];

    public function setPassword()
        $config = new \Myth\Auth\Config\Auth();

        if (
            (defined('PASSWORD_ARGON2I') && $config->hashAlgorithm == PASSWORD_ARGON2I)
            (defined('PASSWORD_ARGON2ID') && $config->hashAlgorithm == PASSWORD_ARGON2ID)
        ) {
            $hashOptions = [
                'memory_cost' => $config->hashMemoryCost,
                'time_cost' => $config->hashTimeCost,
                'threads' => $config->hashThreads
        } else {
            $hashOptions = [
                'cost' => $config->hashCost

        $this->attributes['password_hash'] = password_hash(

            Set these vars to null in case a reset password was asked.
                user (a *dumb* one with short memory) requests a
                reset-token and then does nothing => asks the
                administrator to reset his password.
            User would have a new password but still anyone with the
            reset-token would be able to change the password.

        $this->attributes['reset_hash'] = null;
        $this->attributes['reset_at'] = null;
        $this->attributes['reset_expires'] = null;
        $this->attributes['force_pass_reset'] = false;


    public function editImage()

        $this->attributes['image'] = 'public/upload/profile/' $this->attributes['image'];

        return $this;

php namespace CoreCommon\Models;


class  UsersModel extends Model

    * table name
    protected $primaryKey "id";
    protected $table "users";

    * allowed Field
    protected $allowedFields = [

    protected $returnType UsersEntity::class;
    protected $validationRules = [
        'first_name' => 'if_exist|required|max_length[255]',
        'last_name' => 'if_exist|required|max_length[255]',
        'image' => 'if_exist|required|max_length[255]',
        'address' => 'if_exist|required|max_length[255]',
        'phone' => 'if_exist|required|max_length[11]',
        'email'  => 'if_exist|required|valid_email|is_unique[]',
        'password_hash' => 'if_exist|required',
        'gender' => 'if_exist|required',
        'country' => 'if_exist|required|max_length[255]',
        'city' => 'if_exist|required|max_length[255]',
    protected $validationMessages = [];
    protected $skipValidation false;

RE: The 'matches' validation rule fails even though I'm sure its correct - InsiteFX - 06-09-2021

Next time please use the code tags when posting code I fixed it for you this time. Makes it easier for users to read.

RE: The 'matches' validation rule fails even though I'm sure its correct - paliz - 06-09-2021

Yeap man

RE: The 'matches' validation rule fails even though I'm sure its correct - najdanovicivan - 06-16-2021

The issue here is that you have setPassword() which sets password_hash and then your rule in model is trying to match $attributes['password'] with $attributes['password-confirm'] the issue is that your entity contains $attributes['password_hash'] and not $attributes['password'] just note that validation in model class will be working with $attributes array which can be modified with setters so you should either hash the 'password-confirm' and match is with 'password_hash' or set the not hashed password in $attributes['password'] as well in the setter.