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[Update] Tarichi V.0.3 ready to download - Printable Version

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[Update] Tarichi V.0.3 ready to download - El Forum - 07-30-2008

just installed on localhost, looks good

on .htaccess had to change one line to
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php/$1 [L]

and on admin access got blank page then after checking code realize had to enter admin/home

so, added this line at function index

[Update] Tarichi V.0.3 ready to download - El Forum - 07-30-2008

Ups, sorry for the link of Database.

Now the download link is on.

[Update] Tarichi V.0.3 ready to download - El Forum - 07-30-2008

Hi Srobet,
i think it would be nice if the .sql file is clean(truncated) on the log_access table or in any other table which doesn't content any necessary data.

[Update] Tarichi V.0.3 ready to download - El Forum - 07-31-2008

The db_tarichi.sql url now fixed.

Just upload the RC2 Big Grin, check it out at Sourceforge

@kompiebutut : Ups, sorry for garbage data Big Grin. I'll clean up in next release (8-8-08) . "Salam Hangat" Big Grin

[Update] Tarichi V.0.3 ready to download - El Forum - 08-02-2008

[eluser]Référencement Google[/eluser]
Cool to see again a new project based on CI !
That would be really cool to have a demo url.

[Update] Tarichi V.0.3 ready to download - El Forum - 08-08-2008

Hi all,

Thanks to read this post Smile

I've told that I would upload the Tarichi V.03 at 8-8-08, and I upload it Smile

The link of course at Tarichi has demo URL now at for main demo site, and with username : admin and password : admin for backpanel.

If you find many bugs there, let me know it Smile, and also about the English language on site or backpanel, please let me know if there's mistake. Big Grin

Download area is now on. Smile

[Update] Tarichi V.0.3 ready to download - El Forum - 08-08-2008

[eluser]Référencement Google[/eluser]
Cool man!
A kind of bug: when I upload a picture to a gallery, it resize my image. I may have some options on resizing or not (I uploaded my logo, it is very small sized and on public site it appears very big)

[Update] Tarichi V.0.3 ready to download - El Forum - 08-08-2008

[quote author="Too Pixel" date="1218224573"]Cool man!
A kind of bug: when I upload a picture to a gallery, it resize my image. I may have some options on resizing or not (I uploaded my logo, it is very small sized and on public site it appears very big)[/quote]

Ups, Thanks "Too Pixel", and I'll be set up the option for user to choose resizing or not. Thanks again Smile

[Update] Tarichi V.0.3 ready to download - El Forum - 08-08-2008

[eluser]Référencement Google[/eluser]
Some questions:

- Did you made some kind of plugin or component system so we can develop our own?
- Did you made a template system so we can easily change the look of the public website?
- Same question for the backend.
- Do you plan to make a SVN repository so anybody can contribute?
- What's your plans for the future of your CMS?

[Update] Tarichi V.0.3 ready to download - El Forum - 08-08-2008

Answer Smile
1. Yes, I made some kind of plugin / component system (i.e. Gallery/comment) are component. And I'll move it into HMVC for plugin/component so they'll be in their own folder.
2. Templating is fully supported and have auto installation (browse it from Template Chooser and Tarichi will install it). The feature I learn from WIKI Smile
3. Yups, CVS is in sourceforge. at
4. For future plans, Tarichi will be the publishing system with simplicity in blogging software and full featured in CMS System. Tarichi stands between them. Smile

I think Tarichi need to be repaired in coding logic. Cause, I build while I learn CI Smile