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CI4 Best Practice for Echo Shortcut Tag - Printable Version

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CI4 Best Practice for Echo Shortcut Tag - objecttothis - 09-23-2021

Preface: According to PHP, as of version 5.4 `<?=` is always available regardless of the value of `short_open_tags`, so comments regarding compatibility are irrelevant.

Does CodeIgniter have a best practice for the use of the Echo Shortcut Tag (e.g., `<?= $foo ?>`) vs echo notation (e.g., `<?php echo $foo; ?>`)?

- PSR-1 just states that tags should be limited to `<?php` or `<?=`.
- PHP states that using a semi-colon in the short echo tag is redundant.
- PSR-2 and PSR-12 don't mention the tag.
- Ryan Seachrest's style guide says that the echo shortcut tag should be used when possible.
- Wordpress style guide says no.
- CakePHP style guide says yes.
- I can't find anything from CodeIgniter saying that one should be used over the other.

RE: CI4 Best Practice for Echo Shortcut Tag - kenjis - 09-23-2021

Don't worry. CodeIgniter loves your choice.

But the User Guide uses <?= $foo ?> style.


RE: CI4 Best Practice for Echo Shortcut Tag - paulbalandan - 09-23-2021

Our coding standard uses the short echo style whenever possible.