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Using the built-in pagination functions - Printable Version

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Using the built-in pagination functions - sjender - 01-20-2022

I would like to implement the pagination library for retrieving logs from the database.
This is one of my methods in a model:
PHP Code:
    public function getAllLogs(?string $searchString nullint $limit 50): array
        $getLogs $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM `logs` WHERE `string` = ? ORDER BY `insert_date` DESC LIMIT 0, ?", [$searchString$limit]);

        return $getLogs->getResultArray()?? [];

Please note that I have edited it a bit to be readable and safe here....
The manual tells me to do this:
PHP Code:
        $model = new \App\Models\UserModel();

        $data = [
            'users' => $model->paginate(10),
            'pager' => $model->pager,

        echo view('users/index'$data);
But how does this pagination knows  which method it should call (in my case getAllLogs).
And how can I pass my variable $searchString ?

RE: Using the built-in pagination functions - iRedds - 01-20-2022

The Model::paginate() method uses the Model and QueryBuilder methods to retrieve data.
PHP Code:
$model = new \App\Models\UserModel();
$model->paginate(10); // calls inside $model->findAll(10); 
To add selection criteria
PHP Code:

You can move the conditions to a separate method.
PHP Code:
public function myConditions($a)


Using $this->db->query() immediately executes the query and cannot be used with the Model::paginate() method.

RE: Using the built-in pagination functions - xenomorph1030 - 01-20-2022

To add to the response, if you want to use your method, you'll have to rely on manual pagination on the view.

Your current query also does not support pagination as it lacks a variable offset (currently set to 0).

RE: Using the built-in pagination functions - sjender - 01-21-2022

OK, I will use the query builder intead.
But that raises a new question....
In my controller I now have this:
PHP Code:
//used session to remember the searched value when browsing to another page in paginator
$logs $loggingModel->like('request'$this->session->get('loggingSearch') ?? '')->orderBy('insert_date''DESC')->paginate(20); 
But if I can (and should????) do this is the controller, do I need any queries at all in the Model? Or do I only specify the used table, etc.?
My Logging Model now only has a createLogging() and deleteLogging() method. These are easily converted to the query builder and put into the controller, but should I?
And what are the pro's of using the query builder over $this->db.->query?

RE: Using the built-in pagination functions - kenjis - 01-21-2022

See Important in

RE: Using the built-in pagination functions - sjender - 01-21-2022

Yes, I have read that.

But that's not really my question Smile

The paginator now works.
But that raised a new question.
Since the paginator is also kind of a query....
Which queries should I place in the controller, and which ones in the Model?

RE: Using the built-in pagination functions - InsiteFX - 01-21-2022

All queries should be placed in your model.
My Pagination uses my Bootstrap 5 Pagination Template.

PHP Code:
 * getLivePosts ()
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
 * @return PostModel
public function getLivePosts() : PostModel
$builder $this->builder();


        // for method chaining
return $this;

PHP Code:
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
 * posts ()
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Get all Blog live posts
public function posts()
    $pager Services::pager();

    $posts      = new PostModel();
    $categories = new CategoryModel();

    $data = [
        'featured'    => $posts->getFeaturedPost(),
        'posts'      => $posts->getLivePosts()->paginate(4'group1'),
        'pager'      => $posts->pager,
        'currentPage' => $posts->pager->getCurrentPage('group1'),
        'totalPages'  => $posts->pager->getPageCount('group1'),
        'categories'  => $categories->getTopCategories(),
        'title'      => 'Blog Home',
        'pageHeading' => 'Welcome to our Blog!',
        'subHeading'  => '',
        'typography'  => Services::typography(),

    $data $this->mergeGlobalData($data);

    echo view('Insitefx\Blog\Views\posts\index_posts'$data);

RE: Using the built-in pagination functions - sjender - 02-02-2022

Just a following question....

In my view I want to show how many results are displayed.
For example:

Users: 20 of 35

I know there is a $pager->getTotal().
But is there also a method for returning the number of results on that page?