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How to use proper C_I 4 migrate (spark) - Printable Version

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How to use proper C_I 4 migrate (spark) - luckmoshy - 03-19-2022

Hi guys I am stuck with C_i 4 how to use exact migration spark
I see like there is an issue with safe in ci_4 migration if you do take no serious care you will lose your entire database record

PHP Code:
php spark migrate --all/*work*/
php spark migrate:rollback/*work*/
php spark migrate  testMigration /*I want to spark single but it runs all migration why?*/

php spark migrate:rollback  testMigration /*I want to rollback single but it rollback All migrations Why?*/
php spark migrate:refresh  testMigration /*I want to refresh single migration but it refreshes all Why?*/
php spark make:migrate  testMigration -n Admin/*work*/

php spark migrate  testMigration -n Admin/*not work*/

php spark make:migrate:refresh  testMigration -n Admin/*not work*/

php spark make:migrate:rollback  testMigration -n Admin/*not work*/ 

so which is a proper way to organize this?

i follow but !!!

in this scenario
Web Engineer@Yekrina MINGW64 /c/xampp/htdocs/allwebdevelopers/truelionkingsafars
$ php spark migrate testMigration

CodeIgniter v4.1.9 Command Line Tool - Server Time: 2022-03-20 07:53:43 UTC+03:0

Running all new migrations...
Done migrations.

Web Engineer@Yekrina MINGW64 /c/xampp/htdocs/allwebdevelopers/truelionkingsafars

it ends like that and in the database seems nothing was inserted

RE: How to use proper C_I 4 migrate (spark) - InsiteFX - 03-19-2022

Show us the migration file.

RE: How to use proper C_I 4 migrate (spark) - luckmoshy - 03-20-2022

(03-19-2022, 09:47 PM)luckmoshy Wrote: Hi guys I am stuck with C_i 4 how to use exact migration spark
I see like there is an issue with safe in ci_4 migration if you do take no serious care you will lose your entire database records

PHP Code:
php spark migrate --all/*work*/
php spark migrate:rollback/*work*/
php spark migrate  testMigration /*I want to spark single but it runs all migration why?*/

php spark migrate:rollback  testMigration /*I want to rollback single but it rollback All migrations Why?*/
php spark migrate:refresh  testMigration /*I want to refresh single migration but it refreshes all Why?*/
php spark make:migrate  testMigration -n Admin/*work*/

php spark migrate  testMigration -n Admin/*not work*/

php spark make:migrate:refresh  testMigration -n Admin/*not work*/

php spark make:migrate:rollback  testMigration -n Admin/*not work*/ 

so which is a proper way to organize this?

i follow but !!!

in this scenario
Web Engineer@Yekrina MINGW64 /c/xampp/htdocs/allwebdevelopers/truelionkingsafars
$ php spark migrate testMigration

CodeIgniter v4.1.9 Command Line Tool - Server Time: 2022-03-20 07:53:43 UTC+03:0

Running all new migrations...
Done migrations.

Web Engineer@Yekrina MINGW64 /c/xampp/htdocs/allwebdevelopers/truelionkingsafars

it ends like that and in the database seems nothing was inserted

This is an Admin  Migration  namespace

PHP Code:

namespace Admin\Database\Migrations;


testMigration extends Migration
 public function 
          'blog_id'=> [
'type'          => 'INT',
'constraint'    => 11,
'unsigned'      => true,
'auto_increment' => true,
                        'title'=> [
                                'type'      => 'VARCHAR',
                                'constraint' => '255',
'null' => false,
'not' => false,
'slug'=> [
                                'type'=> 'VARCHAR',
                                'constraint' => '255',
'null' => false,
'not' => false,
'label'=> [
                                'type'=> 'VARCHAR',
                                'constraint' => '255',
'null' => true,
'not' => true,
                        'description'=> [
                                'type' => 'MEDIUMTEXT',
                                'null' => false,
'discription_mage'=> [
                                'type'      => 'VARCHAR',
                                'constraint' => '255',
'null' => false,
'not' => false,
$attributes = ['ENGINE' => 'InnoDB'];

    public function down()

my PSR4
'Admin'=>ROOTPATH .'admin'

RE: How to use proper C_I 4 migrate (spark) - datamweb - 03-20-2022

Hi, try the following way.
php spark migrate -n Admin

RE: How to use proper C_I 4 migrate (spark) - kenjis - 03-20-2022

You misunderstand DB migrations.
You can't specify a migration file like:
$ php spark migrate  testMigration /*I want to spark single but it runs all migration why?*/

If you run migrations, all migration files (not yet executed at that time) are executed.

$ php spark help migrate

CodeIgniter v4.1.9 Command Line Tool - Server Time: 2022-03-20 06:27:01 UTC-05:00

  migrate [options]

  Locates and runs all new migrations against the database.

  -n    Set migration namespace
  -g    Set database group
  --all  Set for all namespaces, will ignore (-n) option