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CodeIgniter 4.2.1 - Printable Version

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RE: CodeIgniter 4.2.1 - dase230 - 06-17-2022

I connected up to version 4.1.9 in the following way
public $local = [
'DSN' => '',
'hostname' => '\SQLEXPRESS',
'username' => '2323',
'password' => '234',
'database' => 'P',
'DBDriver' => 'sqlsrv',
'DBPrefix' => '',
'pConnect' => false,
'DBDebug' => (ENVIRONMENT !== 'production'),
'charset' => 'utf8',
'DBCollat' => 'utf8_general_ci',
'swapPre' => '',
'encrypt' => false,
'compress' => false,
'strictOn' => false,
'failover' => [],
'port' => 1433,

the data with user and password are changed for security but with the true data I connected like this and it worked now it tells me
what tcp connection error i reject this connection

RE: CodeIgniter 4.2.1 - betti1965 - 06-27-2022

Hello everyone!
I just signed up because I am looking for help for a product already made with Codeigniter v3
The goal is to upgrade to version 4

RE: CodeIgniter 4.2.1 - jameslakes428 - 07-20-2022

Latest version of CodeIgniter have some really good features website ux makeovers