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login through Google integration into Codeigniter 4 with IonAuth - Printable Version

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login through Google integration into Codeigniter 4 with IonAuth - dgvirtual - 07-09-2022

I have successfully integrated Login through Google Oauth2 method into my app, where I am using IonAuth authentication library. I will share the steps, and hopefully, if someone notices anything insecure in my code, please let me know...
So, first of all, I needed to create an app on with Oauth consent screen. That is easy to do following a video tutorial here: so I will not go into details.
Then I installed google api client php library with dependencies, easiest done via Composer:

composer require google/apiclient:^2.12

It is advisable to then remove all the unnecessary stuff 100+ Google services, to thin the library. You will only need Oauth2 service, everything else can go (see the library page on packagist how that is done).

Then I needed to extend the IonAuth library.

Created an extended model and placed it in app/Models:

PHP Code:
namespace App\Models;

IonAuthModel extends \IonAuth\Models\IonAuthModel

  // admittedly, this will only work if $identity is email
  // it needs a little tweaking so that the query below searches not for identity (which could be email or username), but
  // for email proper, as Google will return email; will fix that in the future
  // function is a heavily modified version of the login() function
  public function login_google(string $identity): bool

    if (empty($identity)) {
      return false;

    $query $this->db->table($this->tables['users'])
      ->select($this->identityColumn ', email, id, password, active, last_login')

    $user $query->getRow();

    // if we foun the user by the email supplied by Google...
    if (isset($user)) {
      // and if the user is not inactive...
      if ($user->active == 0) {

        return false;
// we declare success!

// hardly needed, but why not



      return true;

    // could write a line here that is specific to this method

    return false;

Created an extended library and placed it in app/Libraries (only needed to extend the constructor to use the extended model, so perhaps I could have sourced the original function and only overwritten the $this->ionAuthModel property?):

PHP Code:
namespace App\Libraries;

IonAuth extends \IonAuth\Libraries\IonAuth

  public function __construct()
    // Check compat first

    $this->config config('IonAuth');

    $this->email = \Config\Services::email();

    $this->session session();

    $this->ionAuthModel model('IonAuthModel');

    $emailConfig $this->config->emailConfig;

    if ($this->config->useCiEmail && isset($emailConfig) && is_array($emailConfig))


Then I extended the Auth.php controller and placed it in app/Controllers (to be fair, the controller has long been extended, so you will see some of my own code there):

PHP Code:
namespace App\Controllers;

Auth extends \IonAuth\Controllers\Auth
//I need an extended constructor:
  public function __construct()
//this is my new extended IonAuth library
    $this->ionAuth  = new \App\Libraries\IonAuth();

    // some of my stuff was here...
//google client code
    $this->googleClient = new Google\Client();
    // I will only need email, since that is all I want Google to ascertain

public function login()
    // skipping everything, only wanted to show you the 
    // google login button that should be 
    // passed to the views along the data: 
    // so lots of commented out code here
    $this->data['google_button'] = '<a class="btn btn-info" href="'.$this->googleClient->createAuthUrl().'" >Prisijungti per &nbsp; <i class="bi bi-google"></i></a>';

      echo view('common/header_nologin_view'$this->data);
      echo view('auth/login_view'$this->data);
      echo view('common/footer_nologin_view');
// } commented out condition bracket
// our most important method here, which gets data from google, passes it through the library
  // to the model, where it gets verified and access is then granted
public function login_google()

    $token $this->googleClient->fetchAccessTokenWithAuthCode($this->request->getVar('code'));

      $googleService = new \Google_Service_Oauth2($this->googleClient);
      // here we get an email of the user that Google swears really belongs 
      // to the person trying to login
      $user_email $googleService->userinfo->get()->email;
    else {
      throw \CodeIgniter\Exceptions\PageNotFoundException::forPageNotFound($token['error']);

    // the controller method calls the library which directly calls the model here
    if ($this->ionAuth->login_google($user_email)) { 
      //if the login is successful
      //redirect them back to the home page
      return redirect()->to('/')->withCookies();
    } else {
      // if the login was un-successful
      // redirect them back to the login page
      return redirect()->back()->withInput();
// all the other controller methods here

Since my app functionality is not publically accesible, I also added the new route auth/login_google to the exceptions list of the filter that checks login in app/Config/Filters.php and to the list of filter that checks if someone is trying to access a route being logged in that is only available to non-logged in users. Here is the full file:

PHP Code:

namespace Config;


Filters extends BaseConfig
  * Configures aliases for Filter classes to
  * make reading things nicer and simpler.
  * @var array
  public $aliases = [
    'csrf'  => CSRF::class,
    'toolbar'  => DebugToolbar::class,
    'honeypot' => Honeypot::class,
    'checkLogin' => \App\Filters\CheckLogin::class,
    'checkNonLogin' => \App\Filters\CheckNonLogin::class,
    'checkMaintenanceMode' => \App\Filters\CheckMaintenanceMode::class,

  * List of filter aliases that are always
  * applied before and after every request.
  * @var array
  public $globals = [
    'before' => [
      'checkLogin' => [
        'except' => [
          //list all exceptions
          'cron/*'//cron needs access
        //just add like this
      // 'honeypot',
      // 'csrf',
    'after' => [
      // 'honeypot',

  * List of filter aliases that works on a
  * particular HTTP method (GET, POST, etc.).
  * Example:
  * 'post' => ['csrf', 'throttle']
  * @var array
  public $methods = [];

  * List of filter aliases that should run on any
  * before or after URI patterns.
  * Example:
  * 'isLoggedIn' => ['before' => ['account/*', 'profiles/*']]
  * @var array
  public $filters = [
    // should be moved to globals?
    'checkMaintenanceMode' => [
      'before' =>
    // should be moved to globals?
    'checkNonLogin' => [
      'before' =>

Finally I added the Google button line to the login view (hope it is clear enough, only posting that one line):

PHP Code:
<?= $google_button ?>

I think that was all. Now, when I open the login page at , besides the main login form I see a Google login button. When I press it I am redirected to Google Oauth screen where I authenticate and get redirected back into my app.

It was so easy that I am curious if it is all that secure... So, does my code look secure?

Hope it will be useful to someone.