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Error when try to upload empty file - Printable Version

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Error when try to upload empty file - ngatcharius - 02-20-2023

Hi family this error since yesterday trying to upload empty file inside my form
I think the problem is here inside the controller. Need help please.

$img = $this->request->getFile('userfile');
Inside the model
PHP Code:
// Validation
    protected $validationRules      = [
        'libelle_tag' => ['label' => 'Formu.tags.libelle_tag''rules' => 'required'],
        'userfile' => ['label' => 'Formu.tags.logo_tag''rules' => [

Inside the controller
PHP Code:
$img $this->request->getFile('userfile');
            $fichier '';

            if (! $img->hasMoved() && $img->isValid()) {
                $newName $img->getRandomName();

                $filepath FCPATH 'uploads/tags/' .$img->getName();

                $data = new \CodeIgniter\Files\File($filepath);
                $fichier $data->getBasename();

Inside the view 
PHP Code:
<?php $attributes = array('class' => 'uk-form uk-form-stacked uk-grid-small''uk-grid' => TRUE); ?>
 <?= form_open_multipart(current_url(), $attributes);  ?>
 <div class="uk-width-1-1@m uk-width-1-1@s">
 <?= form_label(lang('Formu.tags.libelle_tag'), 'libelle_tag', array('class' => 'uk-form-label')); ?> 
 <?php if($validation->hasError('libelle_tag')) echo '<span class="uk-label uk-label-danger">'.$validation->getError('libelle_tag').'</span>'?>
 <div class="uk-form-controls">
 <?= form_input('libelle_tag'set_value('libelle_tag'), 'class="uk-input"'?>
 <?php if($validation->hasError('userfile')) echo '<span class="uk-label uk-label-danger">'.$validation->getError('userfile').'</span>'?>
 <input type="file" name="userfile" size="20">
 <div class="uk-width-1-1">
 <button type="submit" class="uk-button uk-button-primary uk-float-right">
 <?= lang('Interface.ajouter'?>
 <?= form_close() ?>

Here is the error I have after submit form. I have data in my database but still have this message

[Image: ci_error_2023.png]

RE: Error when try to upload empty file - mylastof - 03-29-2023

no option "permit_empty" for files validation

RE: Error when try to upload empty file - kenjis - 03-30-2023

It is a bug in Kint. Upgrade CodeIgniter.