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Extending existing user model - Printable Version

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Extending existing user model - krava - 03-26-2023

I have a problem with extending the method of existing model. 
Here is the example. The user model located in the file: /application/model/subscriptions_model.php :
class Subscriptions_model extends App_Model {
    public function __construct() {
    public function get_child_invoices($id) {
       return $child;
I'd like to extend method of the model in the new file `/application/model/my_subscriptions_model.php`.
class My_subscriptions_model extends Subscriptions_model {
    public function __construct() {
    public get_child_invoices($id) {
        return $child;
The goal is to rewrite existing method get_child_invoices  of  Subscriptions_model .
Is it possible to resolve this issue?
Or as a way to expand the subscription controller Subscriptions (/application/controllers/subscription.php) and call the another module.
Thank you.

RE: Extending existing user model - InsiteFX - 03-27-2023

If you want to extend the CodeIgniter model, it's CI_Model not app_model.