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what happen is error with redirect to codeigniter 4.3.3 - Printable Version

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what happen is error with redirect to codeigniter 4.3.3 - startup - 04-04-2023

i have function below, but redirect() ->to('auth/home'); dont work, can someone show me what is error?
Sorry! Cannot seem to find the page you were looking for.

PHP Code:
public function check(){

        $validation $this->validate([
            'email' => [
                'rules'  => 'required|valid_email|is_not_unique[]',
                'errors' => [
                    'required' => 'Email is required.',
                    'valid_email' => 'Please check the Email field. It does not appear to be valid.',
                    'is_not_unique' => 'Email not registered in our server.',
            'password' => [
                'rules'  => 'required|min_length[5]|max_length[20]',
                'errors' => [
                    'required' => 'Password is required.',
                    'min_length' => 'Password must have atleast 5 characters in length.',
                    'max_length' => 'Password must not have characters more thant 20 in length.',

            return  redirect()->to('auth/login')->with('validation'$this->validator)->withInput();
            $email $this->request->getPost('email');
            $password $this->request->getPost('password');
            $userModel = new UserModel();
            $user_info $userModel->where('email'$email)->first();

            $check_password Hash::check($password$user_info['password']);
            if( !$check_password ){
                return  redirect()->to('auth/login')->with('fail''Incorect password.')->withInput();
                $session_data = ['user' => $user_info];
                return  redirect


thank you for reading

RE: what happen is error with redirect to codeigniter 4.3.3 - Muzikant - 04-19-2023

Hi. Check if you have correctly set destination route auth/home in app/Config/Routes.php. It could be something like this:

PHP Code:

You could also check if you have correct variables $baseURL and $indexPage in app/Config/App (or in .env file if you are using it), because redirect()->to() is based on these values.

If it does not work, then try only redirection on a fresh CodeIgniter's installation.

PHP Code:
// ...
// change these variables
    public string $baseURL 'http://localhost:8080/'// change if you are not using "php spark serve" or if it started on a different port
    public string $indexPage ''// removing index.php proved to me in all cases
// ... 

PHP Code:
// ...
// add these routes

PHP Code:
// ...
// add these methods
    public function from()
        return redirect()->to('to');
    public function to()
        echo 'Successfully redirected to home/to.';
// ... 

Access this URL in a web browser (based on $baseURL): http://localhost:8080/from and watch if it is working. If it will work, then the problem is somewhere in your code or settings.

RE: what happen is error with redirect to codeigniter 4.3.3 - SubrataJ - 04-19-2023

if you are using validation,  it is pretty much sure you want to g back to the same page with the validation error in this case instead of using 
PHP Code:
return redirect()->to() 
  you can use
PHP Code:
, although the way you have done it should work, just check your routes in the console 
php spark routes
for more info check redirect-and-validation-errors

RE: what happen is error with redirect to codeigniter 4.3.3 - byoosdigital - 04-22-2023

thjs code under line  working  good

RE: what happen is error with redirect to codeigniter 4.3.3 - SubrataJ - 04-22-2023

(04-22-2023, 02:29 AM)byoosdigital Wrote:
thjs code under line  working  good

your code won't work until you use die or exit after header function.

RE: what happen is error with redirect to codeigniter 4.3.3 - byoosdigital - 04-24-2023

(04-22-2023, 02:29 AM)byoosdigital Wrote:
thjs code under line  working  good

It's  OK
//return redirect()->to('login');