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What could be causing the database retrieval error? - Printable Version

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What could be causing the database retrieval error? - RohanxSiriya - 05-15-2023

I'm using CodeIgniter 4, and I encountered an error (Call to a member function table() on null) when trying to retrieve records from the database using the following code:
$CI = & get_instance();
I then referred to the documentation and tried using the $db->table("tablename") method, but it also failed.

RE: What could be causing the database retrieval error? - - 05-15-2023

PHP Code:
$db db_connect();
$builder $db->table($table_name);
$query $builder->get();

foreach (
$query->getResult() as $row) {

RE: What could be causing the database retrieval error? - kilishan - 05-15-2023

What version of CodeIgniter are you using @RohanxSiriya ?

RE: What could be causing the database retrieval error? - InsiteFX - 05-15-2023

He say's he is use CodeIgniter 4.

You can not use that code with CodeIgniter 4, that's CodeIgniter 3 code.

RE: What could be causing the database retrieval error? - kilishan - 05-16-2023

Ah, I missed the version reference, I guess, when I saw the mix of 3 and 4 code I just wanted to make sure.

In that case has the right code, though there's more variables than necessary needed.