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how to write command to run cron on hostinger - Printable Version

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how to write command to run cron on hostinger - lgedson - 08-03-2023

On hostinger I need to set up cron, for that I want to call controller function - my cron function located in public_html/admin/application/controller/cron.php, here send_birthmail() has code to execute for cron in php , so what will be my command to execute con on hostinger. only file inside public_html is getting call via cron my public_html/admin/application/controllers/cron.php should get called for send_birthmail() function action android games

RE: how to write command to run cron on hostinger - SubrataJ - 08-03-2023

I will assume it's CodeIgniter 3 since you have an application folder. Your cron path should be "public_html/admin/index.php send_birthmail" to trigger the cron job that sends emails

RE: how to write command to run cron on hostinger - InsiteFX - 08-03-2023

Maybe this will help.

CodeIgniter Task Scheduler

This is for Cron Jobs.