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Controller to show images from your writable/uploads folder - Printable Version

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Controller to show images from your writable/uploads folder - JanFromHamburg - 11-18-2023

Uploaded images that should only be shown to loggedin users could be added to a view with an url to this controller.
  • These images would usually be stored in 'app/writable/uploads'.
  • The url to your fotos you would use in an img-tag would be eg ''
  • You might should extend the shield authentification rule to your needs. 
  • Add a Route to 'config/routes': $routes->get('images/(: alphanum)/(: segment)/(: segment)', 'Images::index/$1/$2/$3');
If you have any comments, suggestions or questions please add them to this post.

PHP Code:
namespace App\Controllers;

Images extends Controller
 * index function
 * Renders an image specified by parameters, while keeping the original path hidden.
 * Images are usually uploaded to app/writable/uploads
 * I created an 404 image and saved it to 'writable/uploads/' in case the called image is not available.
 * The url to your fotos you would use in an img-tag would be eg ''
 * Add a Route to 'config/routes': $routes->get('images/(:alphanum)/(:segment)/(:segment)', 'Images::index/$1/$2/$3');
 * @param string|false $folder1 - The first subfolder.
 * @param string|false $folder2 - The second subfolder (optional).
 * @param string|false $filename - The name of the image file.
 * @return mixed - The image binary content and appropriate headers if successful; otherwise, a redirect or a 404 error message.

public function index($folder1=false$folder2=false$filename=false)
    // Ensure the user is logged in
    if (auth()->loggedIn()) {
// Construct the full path to the image file
        if ($filename == FALSE) {
            $filename  =  $folder2;
            $fullpath  =  WRITEPATH 'uploads/' $folder1 '/' $filename;
        } else {
            $fullpath  =  WRITEPATH 'uploads/' $folder1 '/' $folder2 '/' $filename;

        // Check if the image file exists and show a 404 image if not.
        if (! file_exists($fullpath)) { $fullpath WRITEPATH 'uploads/' '404image.png';} 

        // Load the filesystem helper

        // Create a file object
        $file = new \CodeIgniter\Files\File($fullpathtrue);

        // Read the file and stream its binary content to the response
        $binary readfile($fullpath);

        // Set appropriate headers and return the response
        return $this->response
            ->setHeader('Content-disposition''inline; filename="' $file->getBasename() . '"')
    } else {
        // If the user is not logged in, redirect to the homepage
        return redirect()->to('/');

RE: Controller to show images from your writable/uploads folder - zealous_millipede - 01-21-2025


I'm using this class to display uploaded files and it works in the development environment but it's not working once I move to production. Any ideas?